# Reason:
  # Acting harmful
  # Threatening my friends
  # Calling me harmless
  # Stealing accounts

# Information:
  # Alias: Azilian
  # Name: Ethan Robbert Cothern
  # Age: 15
  # Address: 29 Midland St, Highfield, Sheffield S1 4SZ
  # IRL: N/A

  # Emails:
    - ethancothern17@gmail.com
    - erc18691971@gmail.com
    - erainbow1345@gmail.com

  # Passwords:
    - EthanOnTop1!
    - jacket025179
    - ethanfootbal21

# Socials:
  # Discord: ! A#4831
  # Telegram: @Azilian
  # Twitter: https://twitter.com/Azilian (SUSPENDED)
  # YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Azilian1 (DELETED)
  # Snapchat: ethan.cothern

# Property:
  # Purchased: £26,500 
  # Bought: 30 Aug 1996
  # Type: Freehold
  # Picture: N/A

# Notes:
  # All information above is confirmed and detailed.
  # He might delete/change some of the socials above.
  # DOB is not currently confirmed.
  # He has told many people different ages however 15 is confirmed.
  # Parents information will be added soon.
  # We did not dedicate that much time to this, this should be enough for now. -
  # However if he does not quit we will continute to add/find information.

# Credits:
  # RetardSec #BEAMED
  # We will continue to work on this and make his life hell if he doesn't quit.