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Reason: Being a classic ewhore on discord trying to be "harmful" She is a normal little pick me girl who says that she is black but really isnt
I think we all have a time where we get fed up with people aka "ewhores / ehoes / ethots / wanna be harmful" niggas this is getting really outta
hand and this time #demonz will have to dox another retard -- discord.gg/doxcord -- Enjoy the dox [ We Welcome You To capture#0001 dox ]
Harass this lil harmless fuck (problematic#0001)
// credits: https://doxbin.com/upload/capture0001 : Shifty#2965 : \\
Full name: Ayeisha Kandziorka
Age: 15 | BOD: 03.06.2007
Ethnicity: Egyptian
School: Leeds City Academy
Address: 13a Talbot Terrace Ls4 2rn Leeds,Burley
Emails: Prettygirlsauce@outlook.com | ayeisha91@icloud.com
Phone number: 07722840510 | louisemcconnell@hotmail.com | Owner Of The Phone: Louise A McConnell | Phone Carrier: Verizon | Registered in Fellsmere, FL
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2020 NE 23rd Ter
Jensen Beach FL 34957

2602 Sycamore Run Ct
La Grange KY 40031

712 Us Highway 1, Unit 400
North Palm Beach FL 33408

402 W Atlantic Ave
Delray Beach FL 33444

1300 NW 17th Ave, Unit 140
Delray Beach FL 33445

1046 NW Terrace Rd
Stuart FL 34994
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(772) 284-0510 (Active)
(772) 692-4029 (VOIP)
(954) 895-9494 (Not Active)
(561) 692-4029 (Deactived)
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 • Andrew Kandziorka
 • Carmen Kandziorka
 • Jack Kandziorka
 • Leonard Mc Connell
 • Leonard Mcconnell
 • Lillie Kandziorka
 • Melanie Kandziorka
 • Akeshia Kandziorka
 • Arthur Kandziorka
 • Audrey Kandziorka
 • Barbara Geralds
 • Barbara Kandziorka
 • Bianca Young
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Roblox: kwnifeplay Roblox ID: (1985162692)
Tiktok: whoseayeisha
Instagram: ayxisha
Snapchat: ayxisha
Discord: capture#0001 (694568438265544846) - nza#0001 (disabled)
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Her trying to act "scary" : https://streamable.com/w8kjm4
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