Name: Geoffrey
Last Name: Truman
Born: 25/05/2001
Street: 4 Bader Avenue
Municipality: City of Whitehorse
City: Melbourne
State: Victoria
Zip/Postcode: 3131
Country: Australia


Crimatica, CrimaticaAudios, Cricrimarc, gamerfighting, Seqnos


This nonce likes to sit in vc's with 13-15 year old girls. He likes to manipulate these girls into being his "E-girlfriend" which is fucking disgusting.
The (manipulation has gone so far he has threatened to actually self harm if one of the girls would reject him.

---- FACE PICS ----

(1) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1057333064293961788/1069266262603079761/2Q.png
(2) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1057333064293961788/1069266218948767844/image.png