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A Muslim student at Glenside Middle School in Glendale Heights was attacked by a male student, who grabbed her by her hijab, put her in a headlock, and shoved her to the ground. 
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) suggested the attack may have been motivated by the victim's Muslim faith. 
While the school district denies evidence of religious or cultural motivation, investigations by the police and the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office are ongoing.

Name: Kevin G Hernandez
Moms Address: 503 Darlene On. Unit B Glendale Heights 60139
Dads Address: 651 N Swift Rd Unit 101
Parents Name: Unkown
Parents Numbers: 630-620-8211 630-483-7894
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/its_kevinbabyyyyy?igsh=MTIzamdqZnZtZGlkeQ==

School: Queen Bee Middle School
Address: 1560 Bloomingdale Rd Door #12, Glendale Heights, IL 60139
School Number: (630) 260-6100

Video of the Attack: https://x.com/ImranMuneerTMM/status/1752047382412267922?s=20

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