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[+] Personal Info [+]
First Name: Rezsonya
Last Name: Attila
Age: 15
Skin Color: White
Gender: Male
[+]Picture of Attila [+]
[+] Social Media [+]
@Atesz, @DrPerform, @MrDireX
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDnOc6nXFFlz4bqNaKLZbwg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rezsonya.attila.92
[+] Email [+]
Phone Number: +36-30-216-8862
Number Type: Mobile
Network: Telekom Magyarország Zrt.
Country: Hungary
Country Code: 36
Area: Somogy
[+] Internet Protocol [+] 
IP address: -
Host name: -
IP range: -
ISP: Vidanet Zrt.
Organization: Bell Canada
Country: Hungary (HU)
Region: Zala
City: Kiskorpád
Postal Code: 7524
[+] Location [+]
Hungary, Somogy, Kiskorpád, Vörösmarty utca 75.
[+] Picture of Street [+]
[+] Family Members [+]
Rezsonya Attila (Dad)
Rezsonya Barbara (Sister) 
Heléna Steinbacher (Mom)
Dont fuck with my Family next time idiot kido.