██████╗░███████╗  ░██████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░██╗███████╗  ███████╗░██╗░░░░░░░██╗██╗░░██╗░█████╗░██████╗░███████╗
██╔══██╗██╔════╝  ██╔════╝░██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝  ██╔════╝░██║░░██╗░░██║██║░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝
██████╦╝█████╗░░  ██║░░██╗░██║░░██║██╔██╗██║█████╗░░  █████╗░░░╚██╗████╗██╔╝███████║██║░░██║██████╔╝█████╗░░
██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░  ██║░░╚██╗██║░░██║██║╚████║██╔══╝░░  ██╔══╝░░░░████╔═████║░██╔══██║██║░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░
██████╦╝███████╗  ╚██████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║███████╗  ███████╗░░╚██╔╝░╚██╔╝░██║░░██║╚█████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗
╚═════╝░╚══════╝  ░╚═════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝  ╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝

█▀▄ █▀█ ▀▄▀ █▀▀ █▀▄   █▄▄ █▄█   █░█ ▀█ █▀█ █▀ █▀▄▀█ █▀█ █▄▀ █▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▄▀█   ▄▀█ █▄░█ █▀▄   █░░ ▄▀█ █▀█ █▀█
█▄▀ █▄█ █░█ ██▄ █▄▀   █▄█ ░█░   ▀▀█ █▄ █▄█ ▄█ █░▀░█ █▄█ █░█ ██▄ █▄▀ ██▄ █░▀░█   █▀█ █░▀█ █▄▀   █▄▄ █▀█ █▀▄ █▀▀

                                            d888888b d8b   db d888888b d8888b.  .d88b.  d8888b. db    db  .o88b. d888888b d888888b  .d88b.  d8b   db 
                                              `88'   888o  88 `~~88~~' 88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88    88 d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   .8P  Y8. 888o  88 
                                               88    88V8o 88    88    88oobY' 88    88 88   88 88    88 8P         88       88    88    88 88V8o 88 
                                               88    88 V8o88    88    88`8b   88    88 88   88 88    88 8b         88       88    88    88 88 V8o88 
                                              .88.   88  V888    88    88 `88. `8b  d8' 88  .8D 88b  d88 Y8b  d8    88      .88.   `8b  d8' 88  V888 
                                            Y888888P VP   V8P    YP    88   YD  `Y88P'  Y8888D' ~Y8888P'  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'  VP   V8P
                                            ◤                                                                                                     ◥ 
					        ✗ → Ewhore
                                                ✗ → Beggs For BTC
					        ✗ → Does Not Own A Scale/Wont Show Her Weight 
                                                ✗ → Owns An Dick Pick Archive That She Uses Against People
						✗ → Roleplay's A Godess
                                                ✗ → Racist/ Says N*gger Even Though She White

					        Arielle Roney is your usually eslut/ewhore in com. she beggs for money, asks us to buy her closes, 
                                               tells you if you do those things she will be your "egirl" she also has this "Dick Pick Archive" that
                                                she uses against people that wont listen to her nor do what she says. she is also very racist and says n*gger 
                                               even though she is white, also she promotes in servers that if you pay her "$" she will make a cut sign for you
                                                https://hackerclub.online/???????????????? <- her saying she will never fold to (minors) welp she just did
                                                                ▄▀█ █▄░█ █▀▄   █▄░█ █▀█ █░█░█   █░█░█ █▀▀   █▄▄ █▀▀ █▀▀ █ █▄░█
                                                                █▀█ █░▀█ █▄▀   █░▀█ █▄█ ▀▄▀▄▀   ▀▄▀▄▀ ██▄   █▄█ ██▄ █▄█ █ █░▀█                             

                                             ◣                                                                                                     ◢ 

                                                                d888888b  .d8b.  d8888b. db      d88888b       .d88b.  d88888b 
                                                                `~~88~~' d8' `8b 88  `8D 88      88'          .8P  Y8. 88'     
                                                                   88    88ooo88 88oooY' 88      88ooooo      88    88 88ooo   
                                                                   88    88~~~88 88~~~b. 88      88~~~~~      88    88 88~~~   
                                                                   88    88   88 88   8D 88booo. 88.          `8b  d8' 88      
                                                                   YP    YP   YP Y8888P' Y88888P Y88888P       `Y88P'  YP      

                                                               .o88b.  .d88b.  d8b   db d888888b d88888b d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
                                                              d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'     888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
                                                              8P      88    88 88V8o 88    88    88ooooo 88V8o 88    88    `8bo.   
                                                              8b      88    88 88 V8o88    88    88~~~~~ 88 V8o88    88      `Y8b. 
                                                              Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88  V888    88    88.     88  V888    88    db   8D 
                                                               `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y'                
                                            ◤                                                                                                      ◥                                             
                                                                        0x01  Introduction.............................         
                                                                        0x02  Personal Information.....................          
                                                                        0x03  Previous Addresses.......................         
                                                                        0x04  School Information.......................         
                                                                        0x05  Family Members Information...............         
                                                                        0x06  House Information........................         
                                                                        0x07  IP Information...........................         
                                                                        0x08  Finances.................................         
                                                                        0x09  Criminal Records.........................         
                                                                        0x10  Social Media Accounts....................         
                                                                        0x11  Extras...................................         
                                                                        0x12  Credits..................................         
                                            ◣                          ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔        ◢                                                                

                 /  . -  \    "Life is neither good or evil,
                 \       /     but a place for good and evil."
           .-""-.,:.-_-.<                                              db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88. 
          /    _; , / ).|                                              88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   88'YbdP`88 
          \  ; / `  `"  '\                                             Y8    8P    88    8P         88       88    88  88  88
           '.-| ;-.____, |             .,                              `8b  d8'    88    8b         88       88    88  88  88
               \ `._~_/ /             /"/                               `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88
  ,.           /`-.__.-'\`-._     ,",' ;                                  YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP
  \"\         / /|   o   \._ `-._; /  ./-.                              ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
   ; ';,     / / |    `__ \ `-.,( /  //.-'
  :\  \\;_.-" ;  |.-"`    ``\    /-. /.-'                               ✗ Personal Information   
   :\  .\),.-'  /      }{    |   '..'                                   ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
     \ .-\     |          , /                                           NAME.................... -Arielle Roney 
               ( __ `;--;'__`)                                          AGE/D.O.B............... -08/26/2003 (18)
              `//'`    `||`                                             RACE.................... -White
             _//        || 						IRL..................... -https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910941956941705296/910958356359954482/c04e43889a49b802455855327678272a.mov
     .-"-._,(__)      .(__).-""-.				    	ID Picture.............. -https://hackerclub.online/???????????????? <- upload.systems thingy 
    /          \     /           \					ADDRESS................. -Lives Of Campus But Goes To "University Of Houston" 
    \          /     \           /					OCCUPATION.............. -(Fat Egirl) https://hackerclub.online/???????????????? <- Her calling us dumb saying she will khs if we find her address
     `'--=="--`       `--""==--'`                                       USERNAME(2)............. -puppy, ilovepuppies7871
							                EMAIL(S)................ -ariellear8@gmail.com
                                                                        TIKTOK.................. -https://www.tiktok.com/@888ari
                                                                    d8888b. d8888b. d88888b db    db d888888b  .d88b.  db    db .d8888. 
                                                                    88  `8D 88  `8D 88'     88    88   `88'   .8P  Y8. 88    88 88'  YP 
                                                                    88oodD' 88oobY' 88ooooo Y8    8P    88    88    88 88    88 `8bo.   
                                                                    88~~~   88`8b   88~~~~~ `8b  d8'    88    88    88 88    88   `Y8b.                                                        ]
                                                                    88      88 `88. 88.      `8bd8'    .88.   `8b  d8' 88b  d88 db   8D 
                                                                    88      88   YD Y88888P    YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' `8888Y' 
                                                                    .d8b.  d8888b. d8888b. d8888b. d88888b .d8888. .d8888. d88888b .d8888. 
                                                                   d8' `8b 88  `8D 88  `8D 88  `8D 88'     88'  YP 88'  YP 88'     88'  YP 
                                                                   88ooo88 88   88 88   88 88oobY' 88ooooo `8bo.   `8bo.   88ooooo `8bo.   
                                                                   88~~~88 88   88 88   88 88`8b   88~~~~~   `Y8b.   `Y8b. 88~~~~~   `Y8b. 
                                                                   88   88 88  .8D 88  .8D 88 `88. 88.     db   8D db   8D 88.     db   8D 
                                                                   YP   YP Y8888D' Y8888D' 88   YD Y88888P `8888Y' `8888Y' Y88888P `8888Y' 
                                                                        ✗ Previous Addresses      
                                                                        PREVIOUS ADDRESS....... 411 Elaine St La Marque, TX 77568
                                                                              .d8888.  .o88b. db   db  .d88b.   .d88b.  db      
                                                                              88'  YP d8P  Y8 88   88 .8P  Y8. .8P  Y8. 88      
                                                                              `8bo.   8P      88ooo88 88    88 88    88 88      
                                                                                `Y8b. 8b      88~~~88 88    88 88    88 88      
                                                                              db   8D Y8b  d8 88   88 `8b  d8' `8b  d8' 88booo. 
                                                                              `8888Y'  `Y88P' YP   YP  `Y88P'   `Y88P'  Y88888P 
                                                                                     d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                       `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                        88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                        88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                       .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8'                                                                     ]
                                                                                     Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'  
                                                                        ✗ School Info      
                                                                        SCHOOL NAME............. University Of Houston 
                                                                        SCHOOL DISTRICT......... HISD
                                                                        SCHOOL ADDRESS.......... 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77004
[                                                                       SCHOOL NUMBER........... (713) 743-2255
                                                                        DEAN.................... McPherson, Dr. Robert H., 
                                                                        SCHOOL WEBSITE.......... https://uh.edu/education/
                                                                             d88888b  .d8b.  .88b  d88. d888888b db      db    db 
                                                                             88'     d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88   `88'   88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                             88ooo   88ooo88 88  88  88    88    88       `8bd8'  
                                                                             88~~~   88~~~88 88  88  88    88    88         88                                                              ]
                                                                             88      88   88 88  88  88   .88.   88booo.    88    
                                                                             YP      YP   YP YP  YP  YP Y888888P Y88888P    YP    
                                                                                     d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                       `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                        88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                        88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                       .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                                     Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'                                                       

                                                                        ✗ Family Information      
                                                                        NAME.................... Thurman E Roney
                                                                        AGE/D.O.B............... 4/??/1973 (48)
                                                                        RACE.................... Mixed / N/A
                                                                        ADDRESS................. 1310 1st Ave S Texas City, TX 77590
                                                                        IRL..................... https://twitter.com/ThurmanRoney241
                                                                        OCCUPATION.............. RELIANCE FORD / R & G TIRE SHOP                                                   
                                                                        PHONE NUMBER............ (832) 893-2416
                                                                        EMAIL(S)................ - thurmanroney@hotmail.com / beccaroney@gmail.com / thurmanroney@earthlink.net / troney@excite.com / qtrqoney@excite.com / ptrone37y@excite.com
                                                                        NAME.................... Katrina Alissa Roney
                                                                        AGE/D.O.B............... 4/??/1983 (38)
                                                                        RACE.................... White
                                                                        IRL..................... https://twitter.com/katrinaroney
                                                                        ADDRESS................. 125 20th Ave N Texas City, TX 77590
                                                                        OCCUPATION.............. N/A
                                                                        EMAIL(S)................ katrina.roney@yahoo.com / spdrgrl420@aol.com / katrinanthurman@aol.com / hotredhead@swbell.net
                                                                        hotredhead2277@satx.rr.com / hotredhead2277@flash.net / katrinanthurman@yahoo.com / aaron.n.katrina@gmail.com
                                                                        hotredhead2277@ymail.com / katrinanthurman@hotmail.com / katrinanthurman@uswest.net / hotredhead2277@yahoo.com
                                                                        hotredhead2277@swbell.net / katrinanthurman@netscape.net / katrina.roney@yahoo.com / kroney@earthlink.net
                                                                               db   db  .d88b.  db    db .d8888. d88888b 
                                                                               88   88 .8P  Y8. 88    88 88'  YP 88'     
                                                                               88ooo88 88    88 88    88 `8bo.   88ooooo 
                                                                               88~~~88 88    88 88    88   `Y8b. 88~~~~~ 
                                                                               88   88 `8b  d8' 88b  d88 db   8D 88.     
[                                                                              YP   YP  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' `8888Y' Y88888P                                                               ]
                                                                                   d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                     `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                      88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                      88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                     .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                                   Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'   
                                                                        ✗ House Information      
                                                                        DIRECT ADDRESS.......... Lives Off Campus 
                                                                        STATE................... Texas
                                                                        ZIP..................... 77590
                                                                        TYPE.................... N/A
                                                                        YEAR BUILT.............. N/A
                                                                        BEDROOMS................ N/A
                                                                        BATHROOMS............... N/A
                                                                        GARAGE SPACES........... N/A                                                                                   ]
                                                                        LOT SQFT................ N/A
                                                                        ESTIMATED VALUE......... N/A
[                                                                       MONTHLY PAYMENT......... N/A
                                                                        PRINCIPAL & INTEREST.... N/A
                                                                        HOME INSURANCE.......... N/A
                                                                        PROPERTY TAX............ N/A

                                                                                         d888888b d8888b. 
                                                                                           `88'   88  `8D 
                                                                                            88    88oodD' 
                                                                                            88    88~~~   
                                                                                           .88.   88      
                                                                                         Y888888P 88
                                                                               d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                 `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                  88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                  88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
[                                                                                .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                               Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'        
                                                                 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄                                           ]
                                                                        ✗ IP Information      (OLD ASF)
                                                                        IP ADDRESS.............. (Old) (Dec 2020)
                                                                        HOSTNAME................ c-98-199-241-147.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
                                                                        TYPE.................... N/A
                                                                        ASSIGNMENT.............. Likely Static IP 
                                                                        ISP..................... Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
                                                                        CONTINENT............... N/A
                                                                        COUNTRY................. United States of America (US)
                                                                        STATE/REGION............ Texas
                                                                        CITY.................... Wallisville

                                                                     d88888b d888888b d8b   db  .d8b.  d8b   db  .o88b. d88888b .d8888. 
                                                                     88'       `88'   888o  88 d8' `8b 888o  88 d8P  Y8 88'     88'  YP 
                                                                     88ooo      88    88V8o 88 88ooo88 88V8o 88 8P      88ooooo `8bo.   
                                                                     88~~~      88    88 V8o88 88~~~88 88 V8o88 8b      88~~~~~   `Y8b. 
[                                                                    88        .88.   88  V888 88   88 88  V888 Y8b  d8 88.     db   8D 
                                                                     YP      Y888888P VP   V8P YP   YP VP   V8P  `Y88P' Y88888P `8888Y' 
                                                                        ✗ Finances      
                                                                        ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔                                                                                       ]

                                                                      .o88b. d8888b. d888888b .88b  d88. d888888b d8b   db  .d8b.  db      
                                                                     d8P  Y8 88  `8D   `88'   88'YbdP`88   `88'   888o  88 d8' `8b 88      
                                                                     8P      88oobY'    88    88  88  88    88    88V8o 88 88ooo88 88      
                                                                     8b      88`8b      88    88  88  88    88    88 V8o88 88~~~88 88      
                                                                     Y8b  d8 88 `88.   .88.   88  88  88   .88.   88  V888 88   88 88booo. 
                                                                      `Y88P' 88   YD Y888888P YP  YP  YP Y888888P VP   V8P YP   YP Y88888P 
                                                                          d8888b. d88888b  .o88b.  .d88b.  d8888b. d8888b. .d8888. 
                                                                          88  `8D 88'     d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88  `8D 88'  YP 
                                                                          88oobY' 88ooooo 8P      88    88 88oobY' 88   88 `8bo.   
                                                                          88`8b   88~~~~~ 8b      88    88 88`8b   88   88   `Y8b. 
                                                                          88 `88. 88.     Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88 `88. 88  .8D db   8D 
                                                                          88   YD Y88888P  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  88   YD Y8888D' `8888Y' 
                                                                        ✗ Criminal Records      
                                                                        (For Her Mom) (Nothing Found On DAD)
                                                                        court cases 
                                                                        6 counts of possession 
                                                                        Date of Offense 10/05/2016
                                                                        Court Case Number 16-CR-2662
                                                                        Court Case Description TX084025J - 56TH DISTRICT COURT GALVESTON
                                                                        Court Disposition DEFERRED Status: COURT PHASE
                                                                        Court Offense NOT SPECIFIED
                                                                        Court Costs $33,100
                                                                        Court Fines - N/A
                                                                           .d8888.  .d88b.   .o88b. d888888b  .d8b.  db      
                                                                           88'  YP .8P  Y8. d8P  Y8   `88'   d8' `8b 88      
                                                                           `8bo.   88    88 8P         88    88ooo88 88      
                                                                             `Y8b. 88    88 8b         88    88~~~88 88      
                                                                           db   8D `8b  d8' Y8b  d8   .88.   88   88 88booo. 
                                                                           `8888Y'  `Y88P'   `Y88P' Y888888P YP   YP Y88888P 
                                                                              .88b  d88. d88888b d8888b. d888888b  .d8b.  
                                                                              88'YbdP`88 88'     88  `8D   `88'   d8' `8b 
                                                                              88  88  88 88ooooo 88   88    88    88ooo88 
                                                                              88  88  88 88~~~~~ 88   88    88    88~~~88 
[                                                                             88  88  88 88.     88  .8D   .88.   88   88 
                                                                              YP  YP  YP Y88888P Y8888D' Y888888P YP   YP 
                                                                     .d8b.   .o88b.  .o88b.  .d88b.  db    db d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
                                                                    d8' `8b d8P  Y8 d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88    88 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
                                                                    88ooo88 8P      8P      88    88 88    88 88V8o 88    88    `8bo.   
                                                                    88~~~88 8b      8b      88    88 88    88 88 V8o88    88      `Y8b. 
                                                                    88   88 Y8b  d8 Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88b  d88 88  V888    88    db   8D 
                                                                    YP   YP  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 
                                                                        ✗ Social Media Accounts     
                                                                        -Arielle's SOCIALS-
                                                                        DISCORD................ -puppy#1337 (DISCORD ID 849871029270872075)
                                                                        TWITTER................ -https://twitter.com/puppyarii
                                                                        NAMEMC................. -https://namemc.com/profile/ilovepuppies7871 <- old af
                                                                        -DAD'S SOCIALS-
                                                                        FACEBOOK................ -N/A
                                                                        INSTAGRAM............... -N/A
                                                                        TWITTER................. -https://twitter.com/ThurmanRoney241

                                                                        -MOM'S SOCIALS-
                                                                        TWITTER................. -https://twitter.com/katrinaroney

                                                                              d88888b db    db d888888b d8888b.  .d8b.  .d8888. 
                                                                              88'     `8b  d8' `~~88~~' 88  `8D d8' `8b 88'  YP 
[                                                                             88ooooo  `8bd8'     88    88oobY' 88ooo88 `8bo.   
                                                                              88~~~~~  .dPYb.     88    88`8b   88~~~88   `Y8b. 
                                                                              88.     .8P  Y8.    88    88 `88. 88   88 db   8D 
                                                                              Y88888P YP    YP    YP    88   YD YP   YP `8888Y' 
                                                                        ✗ Extras     

                                                                          .o88b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. d888888b d888888b .d8888.
                                                                         d8P  Y8 88  `8D 88'     88  `8D   `88'   `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
                                                                         8P      88oobY' 88ooooo 88   88    88       88    `8bo.   
                                                                         8b      88`8b   88~~~~~ 88   88    88       88      `Y8b. 
                                                                         Y8b  d8 88 `88. 88.     88  .8D   .88.      88    db   8D 
                                                                          `Y88P' 88   YD Y88888P Y8888D' Y888888P    YP    `8888Y' 
[                                                                ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
                                                                        ✗ Credits     
                                                                        larp#0001/lizard#0001 <- Found Basic Info / Imputed All The Info On The Dox 
                                                                        420SmokedEm#4051 <- Found Most Of The Info
                                                                        https://doxbin.com/user/fags <- Made This Layout
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