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We are zesty asf, kt my sista purrr (no gay shit)
this nigga pulls no bitches, larps about being harmful 
nigga only listens to his daddy kyrie and spade
credits: Chain, kyrie, yzn and top
doxxer: Soviet/murder, yzn/kevin durant, chain/draculas cosuin.
All his friends went against him.
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______ | (   '    /_/    Kaskar    (__/     /   |_______
\      |   (_(_ ( /~   got  Doxxed     \___/_/'    |      /
 \     |      Murder/soviet runs kaskar/archi    |     /
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│                                                        │
│                                                        │               
│                                                        │  
│        Our Discords accounts:                          │
│         fearful#0001                                   │
│        atomwaffen#5029                                 │
│         kyrie §#1210                                   │ 
│         vile#1220                                      │
│          end.rip                                       │
│         nerv.lol                                       │


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Monkey ass nigga tries to flex his 6 packs for his "gf"
Lightskin ass nigga lookin zesty
Nigga no girl fw a small dick like that kaskar :skull:


Kaskar phone number: +46734667256
Kaskar email: kaskar@fbi.ac and kaskar@crimin.al and archi@fbi.ac
you can get emails like this on courvix.com
kaskar is from germany he lives in USA
Current home address: 812 Carro Dr, Unit 4 Sacramento CA 95825 
Family members Family: Ahmad Grimes in Sacramento, CA. Gabrielle Grimes • Anthony Grimes • Ashley Grimes • Adoness Teter • April Grimes • Aretha Peters • Artimus Holmes
 • Ashley Grant • Barbara Smith • Barbara Smith • Bianca Smith • Charles Grimes • Cole Peterson • Deadrick Grant
__Dm vil#1220__

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