FULL NAME: Grishin Alexander Sergeevich
Date of birth: 25.03.2006
Educational institution: Secondary school "School of health" No. 384
Residential address (mb old): Address: Moscow, Belovezhskaya str., 39 bldg.1, sq.48
Number: +79801856838

FULL name:Grishina Tatiana Vladimirovna
Date of birth: 01.10.1974
Phone: +79035730945
Snils: 04132966941
Passport: 4502289170
TIN: 773110473055
Email: grihina110@yandex.ru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007016747260

Full name: Grishin Sergey Lvovich
Date of birth: 25.06.1973
Passport: 4503115975