Megan Squires Reasons for Dox: Antifa prof. Attended charlottesville unite the right as Antifa with her husband Address: 703 Brookfield Dr Gibsonville, NC 27249 County: Alamance Voter Status: Active Voter Regisration Number: 000009079002 NCID: AA128220 Race: White Gender: Female NCDMV Customer: Yes party affiliation: Unaffiliated 03-03-2020: Voted in Dem primary In person 05-08-2018: Voted in Dem Primary In person 03-15-2016: Voted in Dem Primary In person 05-08-2012: Voted in primary elections as a nonpartisan in person 05-06-2006: Voted in Dem Primary absentee ballot ------------------------------------------------ Jurisdictions: Precinct: West Boone VTD: 03W Congressional District 13 Nc Senate: District 24 NC House: District 64 Superior Court: 15A Judicial: 15A prosicutoral: 17th Municipality: Gibsonville Polling location: Beth Schmidt Park Community Center 2150 Elon park Dr Elon, NC 27244 (336) 449-9255 Alamance County Board of Elections: 115 South Maple St, Graham, NC 27253 336-570-6755 336-570-6757 (fax) Office Hours: M-F (8:00-5:00) -------------------------------------------------- Other possibly active addresses: 2449 Hoskins Rd Burlington NC 27215-5495 529 Hillsborough St Apt C6 Chappel hill NC 27514-3114- Neighborhood: Mill Race -------------------------------------------------- Occupation: Professor Employer: Elon University 50 Campus Drive, Elon, NC 27244 (336) 278-2000 She applies data science techniques to the study of online communities, specializing in the creation of infrastructure to support collection, curation, and federation of large amounts of metadata, textual data, and image data to further understanding about how online communities work. Recieved a Distinguished Scholar Award (2016-2017): Supervisor: Duke Hutchings 336-278-2000 --------------------------------------------------- Education: Institution: Nova Southeastern University Degree: Ph.D. and M.S. Major: Computer Science Institution: The College of William and Mary Degree:B.A. Major: Art History and Public Policy --------------------------------------------------- Books: Clean Data (2015) mastering Data Mining with Python- Find Patterns Hidden in Your Data (2016) Coauthors: Kevin Crowston, James Howison, Walt Scacchi - Husbands doxx below _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Anthony Wayne Crider reason for Doxx: Attended charlottesville unite the right as Antifa with his wife Address: 703 Brookfield Dr Gibsonville, NC 27249 County: Alamance Voter Status: Active Voter Regisration Number: 000009078879 NCID: AA128097 Race: White Gender: Male NCDMV Customer: Yes party affiliation: Unaffiliated 03-03-2020: Voted in Dem primary In person 05-08-2018: Voted in Dem Primary In person 03-15-2016: Voted in Dem Primary absentee ballot 05-08-2012: Voted in Dem Primary In person 05-06-2006: Voted in Dem Primary transfer ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Jurisdictions: Precinct: West Boone VTD: 03W Congressional District 13 Nc Senate: District 24 NC House: District 64 Superior Court: 15A Judicial: 15A prosicutoral: 17th Municipality: Gibsonville Polling location: Beth Schmidt Park Community Center 2150 Elon park Dr Elon, NC 27244 (336) 449-9255 Alamance County Board of Elections: 115 South Maple St, Graham, NC 27253 336-570-6755 336-570-6757 (fax) Office Hours: M-F (8:00-5:00) -------------------------------------------------- Old Address: 2449 Hoskins Rd Burlington NC 27215-5495 11404 December Way Siver Spring MD 20904-3623 -------------------------------------------------- Occupation: Associate Professor of Physics/Astrophysicist Employer: Elon University 50 Campus Drive, Elon, NC 27244 (336) 278-2000 --------------------------------------------------- board chair at Reacting Consortium Drafted harassment policies. Directed organization in transition to non-profit corporation status. Oversaw the development and dissemination of Reacting to the Past education games. Created an online game library and managed other digital assets. tracks bitcoins in their spare time. -------------------------------------------------- Social media: linkedIn: profile: -------------------------------------------------- Education: Institution: Rice University Degree: Ph.D. and M.D. Major: Space Physics and Astronomy Institution: Bowling Green State University Degree:B.S. Major: Physics; Mathematics