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[+] Last Name: Martins
[+] First Name: Anthony
[+] Age: 32 ans
[+] Height: 1m86
[+] Weight: 84kg
[+] Relationship: En couple 
[+] Date Of Birth: 16 Mai
[+] Parent Name: Martins Tomas & Lucia
[+] Nationality: Français / Portugais
[+] Phone Number: +330678642067
[+] Phone Carrier: Orange
[+] Region: Palaiseau
[+] Country: France
[+] Adresse (France): 11 Bd Joseph Bara, 91120 Palaiseau, France
[+] Country of parents: Portugal
[+] City of Parents: Vila Real
[+] Adresse of parents: (Portugal): 26 R. do Paço, Vila Real, District de Vila Real

[+] Profil chatchat: https://www.chaat.fr/profil/Grenatellin
[+] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Ptigrenat/       
[+] Photo: https://snipboard.io/X16u9R.jpg