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                                           .""--..__                     |    [+] Name: Anthony Lepera Brady
                     _                     []       ``-.._               |    
                  .'` `'.                  ||__           `-._           |    [+] Age: 16
                 /    ,-.\                 ||_ ```---..__     `-.        |
                /    /:::\\               /|//}          ``--._  `.      |    [+] State: Philadelphia (PA) 
                |    |:::||              |////}                `-. \     |
                |    |:::||             //'///                    `.\    |    [+] School: Abington Senior High School (ASHS)
                |    |:::||            //  ||'                      `|   |
                /    |:::|/        _,-//\  ||                            |    [+] Grade: Sophomore (10th) 
               /`    |:::|`-,__,-'`  |/  \ ||                            |
             /`  |   |'' ||           \   |||                            |    [+] City: Abington / Willow Grove (Geo-Location)
           /`    \   |   ||            |  /||                            |
         |`       |  |   |)            \ | ||                            |    [+] ZIP Code(s): Abington - 19001, 19006, 19027,  19038, 19046, 19090. Willow Grove - 19090
        |          \ |   /      ,.__    \| ||                            |
        /           `         /`    `\   | ||                            |    [+] IP Address: N/A 
       |                     /        \  / ||                            |
       |                     |        | /  ||                            |    [+] Address: N/A
       /         /           |        `(   ||                            |
      /          .           /          )  ||                            |    [+] Family Members: N/A
     |            \          |     ________||                            |
    /             |          /     `-------.|                            |    [+] Relatives: N/A  
   |\            /          |              ||                            |
   \/`-._       |           /              ||                            |    [+] TikTok: @AnthonyLeperaBrady
    //   `.    /`           |              ||                            |
   //`.    `. |             \              ||                            |    [+] Former Address(‘s): N/A
  ///\ `-._  )/             |              ||                            |
 //// )   .(/               |              ||                            |    [+] Instagram: @AnthonyLeperaBrady
 ||||   ,'` )               /              //                            |
 ||||  /                    /             ||                             |    [+] Reason: Acting like an Internet Gangster. In reality he is a skid. Threatening teachers with Cyber Attacks.
 `\\` /`                    |             //                             |
     |`                     \            ||                              |    [+] As of now the dox is not complete this is a work in progress. ~ Lzsrs
    /                        |           //                              |
  /`                          \         //                               |    [+] I've received many reports already that his school got swatted. As of right now it could be a myth.
/`                            |        ||                                |
`-.___,-.      .-.        ___,'        (/                                |    [+] Feel free to do what you want with the current information and any other information that is found in the future.
         `---'`   `'----'`

[+] Nothing malicious was used to gather this information.
[+] Contact Us!
[+] Instagram: @lzsrs
[+] Credits: DigitalTerroistSquad | Lzsrs