@deadtooI id:6547173996 Numbers: 79932930983, 79614661749 Full details of Ant gart, and about his mom: Mother's data: FULL name: Gart Inna Igorevna 02.10.1986 Passport: IIIV649238 Job (for 2021): Physical education instructor • MKDOU Kindergarten No. 3 "Zvezdochka INN: 741805179822 Car: Peugeot, state number: K342HK26 Snils number: 14775009074 VK: https://vk.com/id67120388 Number: 79614661749 FULL NAME: Gart Leonid Aleksandrovich Date of birth: 02/01/2008 Postal addresses: grapegirl@mail.ru Name of the educational institution: Secondary school No. 1' Levokumsky municipal district of Stavropol Territory Address: (Past) Russia. Troitsk g, Energetikov 5-10, Russia. Levokumskoye s, Partizanskaya str., 19 Current address: 106 PUSHKIN STREET, STAVROPOL LEVOKUMSKY, 357960 "Paper data": Snils number: 199-662-423 35 Passport: IIIV649238 Girlfriend (They share an account) @deadtooI id:6547173996 Number: 79932930983 Mail: mashalike653@mail.ru VK: https://vk.com/id853714490 Name: Masha Tihonova | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Our telegram channel: https://t.me/AntiKvdSquad The search was carried out: @HydraJack | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The reason: he is a quadrober, Wanted to scare a group of anti-quadrobers by leaking data, but did not take into account that he could only scare children with this, Steals tags of popular channels, or simply creates similar ones, and then writes that he destroyed the channel, which of course is not true