Her socials: 

Facebook  -> https://www.facebook.com/kamillakira.botos.5/photos
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/kirabotos_/
Tiktok    -> kirabotos
Snapchat  -> botos_8

Her location(s):

Porcsalma, Lehel út 97,
Gödöllő, Gárdonyi Géza u. 25
Kapuvár, Fő tér. 5

Some pics: 

- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065251101047275611/1180138690908000376/IMG_0637.jpg?ex=657c54cd&is=6569dfcd&hm=7093f04cd74cf213863076ff9b3674b376502c18316d2851eeaacc6d3a13c5b1&
- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065251101047275611/1180138691352600636/IMG_0621.jpg?ex=657c54cd&is=6569dfcd&hm=0f83df8fcb8582b5ea5833d66d2474ed6f7c2601f1b02a8d5a1021900e78781c&
- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065251101047275611/1180138691763634236/8354F57C-7C69-459F-84FF-C55BE47DF1CA.jpg?ex=657c54ce&is=6569dfce&hm=3da302875711ddc0a4a0e93db7ffa5f6d2cc66220de203640de03aa28994f97a&

Dad's name: Botos Béla 

Her name   -> Botos Kamilla Kira
Her number -> 06205813167

Current boyfriend name: Nagy Máté
Her boyfriends location: Nagyecsed, Munkácsy Mihály u. 44

Potentional passwords: BotosKira20060320 
Potentional email that still exists: kirabotos23@gmail.com

Background story: 

We were a couple for half a year by now, she used to live with me also, but when she decided to go back to her family she wasn't give enough attention to her snapchat account, because my friend saw her
streak with her "new" boyfriend as they going home together. It's just too cringe because when I let her know about I know what she's doing, she just blocked me everywhere 💀


Vigyázni kell az ilyen retardált emberekkel, ha rá írsz elkezd téged nyomasztani téged a családi problémáival, majd megpróbál téged elérni, hogy hagyd költözhessen hozzád, miközben rajtad élősködik más
palik után rohan. :D