***Public Announcement*** <>~Jazmine He's repeating,what I'm typing because he's just using Metasploit Framework Tool either Kali,Parrot,Windows. I once seen. Just a FUCKING TOY who talks to cops and has a lawyer to ask questions... Wants to ATO(Account-Take-Over)me By committing frauds that hes not capable of doing because he's stupid. ############################# Name:Paris LastName:Moore Age:Around:1975=2020:45 Street Address:3523 PETERKIN AVE APT #A City:ANCHORAGE, 99508-1101 State:AK Phone Number:907- ############################# J,L,Cm Account Number Information: Name:Paris MI: Lastname:Moore Age:40-45 Security Questions: Street Address:3523 PETERKIN AVE APT #A Paris touches his own children, I'm a mother of two children, I just can't lab test clothes of a dismissed case... And believes Pedophilia is a sexual orientation.. I'm worried he'll hack my children or something