.    __    _   ___   __    _ _      _ __   __ .____  __    _ _ .___    ___   __    _
     /|    |\   |  .'   `. |\   |   `.   /  |    |  /      |\   |  | /   \ .'   `. |\   | 
    /  \   | \  |  |     | | \  |     `./   |\  /|  |__.   | \  |  | |__-' |     | | \  | 
   /---'\  |  \ |  |     | |  \ |     ,'    | \/ |  |      |  \ |  | |  \  |     | |  \ | 
 ,'      \ |   \|   `.__.' |   \|  _-'      /    /  /----/ |   \|  / /   \  `.__.' |   \| 


Language: DE/EN

-> Infos:

> Name: Elias Schuhmacher

> Straße/street: Leibnizstraße 9 

> Alter/Age: 16

> Nationalität/nationality: Deutsch/German

> Geburtstag/Birthday: 17.05.2004

> Postleitzahl & Ort/Postcode & City: 01187 Dresden 

> Land/country Deutschland 

> Nummer/number: 0172 1819462

> Google Maps: https://bit.ly/3nN1z3M

> Discord Name: AnonymeNiron#0001

> IP:

> https://check-host.net/ip-info?host=

-> Socialmedia:

> https://github.com/AnonymeNiron
> https://www.reddit.com/user/Wild_Philosophy_2574
> https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198873459320
> https://www.twitch.tv/anonymeniron
> https://twitter.com/AnonymeNiron
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAXT6a0H-ze-bnJVJwPT9-g
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9YturojIVTJMSDVSHEc5w
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmJcNm0y_3xQA65k_l4VhRA
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRBfB9FoIbCsGfl6Fkh6qQ
> https://instagram.com/AnonymeNiron
> https://www.instagram.com/theleakerde/ 
> (scamming instagram account fortnite accounts)
> https://www.tiktok.com/@anonymeniron/

-> Projects:

> VeifLayer (https://veiflayer.de) a copy website
> VeifCity (FiveM Server)
> VeifLayer Bot Hosting (https://ts3audiobot.veiflayer.de/) bot hosting can crashing by long names of your bot / or your name
> AnonLoader (https://niron.gq/) token grabber
> FiveM Germany (http://fivemgermany.de/) copy of a old project he buys the discord server for 20€

-> Files:

> Soundboards from AnonymeNiron: https://workupload.com/file/s8QVURkJBnq
> Haus/House: https://prnt.sc/vnz07h
> Download her Haus/House: https://workupload.com/file/Z2Nv7Mza3wx
> Fotos/Pictures of/von Elias Schuhmacher:
> PHOTO OF THE FACE FROM ANONYMENIRON: https://prnt.sc/vi858e
> DOWNLOAD: https://workupload.com/file/jQtffqCKpau

-> Other Stuff:

> more Pictures from AnonymeNiron <
     > https://bit.ly/2J2SBAD

> FiveM Germany Discord: https://prnt.sc/vnzz4h (he buy the discord)
> Token Grabber: https://prnt.sc/vnzzq0
> Token Grabber v2: https://prnt.sc/vo00nd
> IP Logger: https://bit.ly/3flUtQN
> Setup: https://bit.ly/35VuTyR
> Setup von seinem Vater/Setup from her dad: https://bit.ly/36WVpXX
-> Friends from AnonymeNiron:

> Bester Freund/Best Friend: https://bit.ly/3nRlRJ9

> https://bit.ly/337XaQK
> https://bit.ly/36YjDRE
> https://bit.ly/39aMkxl
> https://bit.ly/3lV4C9t
> https://bit.ly/3lWAVF5

      _                             _     _               _             
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  / _` |  / _ \  \ \/ /  / _ \  / _` |   | '_ \   / _` | | '_ \  | | | |
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      _                   _   _        __                  _                   _   _     _                     
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  \__,_|  \___/  |_| |_|      \__|   |_|    \__,_|  \___| |_|\_\     \_/\_/   |_|  \__| |_| |_|    \__,_| |___/

  /\/|    _                            
 |/\/    | |      _   _    ___    __ _ 
         | |     | | | |  / __|  / _` |
         | |___  | |_| | | (__  | (_| |
         |_____|  \__,_|  \___|  \___|

      _                             _             _        ___    _       ____    _     _   ____        _   ____        ____     ___    ____     ___  
   __| |   ___   __  __   ___    __| |     __ _  | |_     / _ \  / |  _  | ___|  / |   / | |___ \      / | |___ \      |___ \   / _ \  |___ \   / _ \ 
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