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###         ########   ######## ########### 5/17/2024

Hey Aniya, I think its time for you to leave the internet

= Reason for DOX: Bitch dissed me for existing and called me fat when she has a doordash histy of 1 order a day. Like get into a car a drive

----- About -----
Full Name: Aniya Wilson
Age: 22
DOB: June 7, 2002
Main Usernames: Onyx, slipknyx, Siren, NYX
Current Usernames: slipknyx, Siren
Home Address:2522 N 17th St, Philadelphia
Post Code: 19132
Phone Number: (267) 239-0483

----- Relatives -----
Mom: Alexis R Wilson
Phone Number: (267) 269-3231
Dad: Akeem L Wilson

----- Occupancy -----
Persons Job: Model In NYC and PA
Moms Job: None
Dads Job: Startup

----- Social Media -----
Tinder - https://tinder.com/@slipknyx
Snapchat - v4venndetta
Tiktok - slipknyx (I Matched The Voice In The Tiktoks With Her Voice And It Matches. That Is Her Tiktok)
Patreon - slipknyx
Pintrest - slipknyx (Has Pics Of Her if you want to see before i upload pictures)

----- Photos -----
Video / Photos of said person: Its late ill update this dox with pictures later i cba to ss then upload then ss then upload. But it will update it soon dont worry!
Photo of house: https://files.catbox.moe/qa90m1.png

----- End -----
Some few notes. She sits on her ass all day in a mika paradise vc
Thanks for reading!

----- Credits -----