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	                         by: 			 ________  __      __                            __     __  __                         
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                                                                                 ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? 
                                                                           No mercy, no turning back. Harvest what you have sown
                                                                                         Regards EtherView <3

						[  1  ]				         ????????????????????????
						[  2  ]		                    ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
						[  3  ]		               ????-???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????

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						                    $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 

                                                      She  screwed others and pretends to love them in order to get money and products. 
                                                  She leaves everyone as soon as he no longer has enough money and looks for another victim. 
                                                                She backstabs her friends and insults them when they are not around. 


		                                         ______             ______                                               __      __                     
		                                        /      |           /      \                                             /  |    /  |                    
		                                        $$$$$$/  _______  /$$$$$$  |______    ______   _____  ____    ______   _$$ |_   $$/   ______   _______  
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		                                          $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$ | $$ | $$ | /    $$ |  $$ | __ $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
		                                         _$$ |_ $$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$ \__$$ |$$ |      $$ | $$ | $$ |/$$$$$$$ |  $$ |/  |$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |
		                                        / $$   |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$    $$/ $$ |      $$ | $$ | $$ |$$    $$ |  $$  $$/ $$ |$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |
		                                        $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/      $$$$$$/  $$/       $$/  $$/  $$/  $$$$$$$/    $$$$/  $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 


										  【Real-Life Data】
						[  ✕  ] 	    First Name: Anita Vanda	
						[  ✕  ]            Last Name: Klepács
						[  ✕  ]	 Date of birth: 26.12.2003
						[  ✕  ]	 Mobile Number: [+36] 202598125 
						[  ✕  ]	       Country: Hungary
						[  ✕  ]	 	  City: Tököl
						[  ✕  ]	   Postal-Code: 2316
						[  ✕  ]	 	Adress: Táncsics Mihály utca 
						[  ✕  ]	  House Number: 16
						[  ✕  ]	   Coordinates: 47.32082530560237, 18.970330979741195
						[  ✕  ]	       Picture: http://oju4yn237c6hjh42qothvpreqecnqjhtvh4sgn3fqmsdvhu5d5tyspid.onion/i/1fvvrbqf1.jpg
						[  ✕  ]	        Mother: Julianna Klepács
						[  ✕  ]	        Father: Imre Klepács

										   【Social Media】

						[  ✕  ] 	         Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199048192599
						[  ✕  ] 	      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anita.klepacs.37
						[  ✕  ] 	     Instagram: https://instagram.com/anita_vanda?utm_medium=copy_link
						[  ✕  ] 	        VRChat: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_67c939ab-fa17-4440-9735-d21451d459f8
						[  ✕  ] 	        Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/anita_vanda
						[  ✕  ] 	       Discord: Anita Vanda#8473 | 507279727447375884

									          ______   __  __                     
									         /      \ /  |/  |                    
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									        $$/   $$/ $$/ $$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  



						[  ✕  ] 		    ???????????????? ???????????????? /
										└── Anita_Vanda


						[  ✕  ] 		???????????????? ???????????????? /
									       ├── ancasika.klepacs@gmail.com
									       └──⸺ Password: Bogyó2003
