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KingDeiGaymer Dox <--------
│ KingDeiGaymer Dox aka Anis Benleulmi         │
│ Credits: Anonymous                           │
│--------------Owned By Anonymous------------- │

x                   Who is this retard?                                  x
x Nickname: KingDeiGaymer                                                x
x Real name: Anis Benleulmi                                              x
x Born in Firenze, Italy                                                 x
x Currently he live in Firenze, Italy                                    x
x His School Adress: Via di S. Bartolo a Cintoia, 19/a, 50142 Firenze FI x
x Number Phone: +39 371 327 8932                                         x
x Mother Number Phone: +39 329 482 4927                                  x       
x His Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzv8k35vUstTZ8gVY6_VyYA  x 
x His shitty face: https://imgur.com/a/hPmgyjF                           x
x His recent shitty face : https://imgur.com/a/z5l6rS5                   x

x                   Why he got doxed?                      x
x This person is a fat retard that hes racist and also a scammer, hes    x
x a kid so i dont want dox him that hard to make him kill his self.      x               