originally doxxed by rootkali. uploaded by anonymous hater of TGI isn't a member of 9hitler and a member of NOTAREFUGEES
יא חולת סרטן, את חושבת שלא נמצא אותך? L.
Doxxed by rootkali, with the help of 'Hitler'. <- Thank you.
Telegram: @dw0rd13
Moderator TeGriAi -> Get fucking rekt.
'KMFDM - R.U.OK' - 'This is my control... MYYYY CONTROLLL!!'
'KMFDM - No Meat No Man' 'Now you slip and slide, watch my perfect stride'.
Time is gonna wash away-away.
She thought we can't find her, kekw. L.
Full Name: July Dveyrin | יולי דביירין | MAYBE AGAM. -> Low chance.
DOB: Unknown.
Face Picture: https://prnt.sc/13cygdl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/july.dveyrin
Instagram: Old, a lot of pics, https://www.instagram.com/agam_507/
Discord: Angel.:black_heart:#0108 | 781126288500195368
City: Haifa.
Old Address: Herzeliya, Ha'Baal Shem Tov 16, Apartment 29 
New Address: Haifa, Haviva 24, Apatment 17 -> Possible updated address.
Aliases: Malahit, Angel, and more, will be updated.
Phone Number: +972535227541 <- Also active phone number, was connected to Whatsapp today, (24/05/2021, 19:00 PM)
School : -> Not confirmed information, taken from sister's FB.
First School: בית ספר רוממה ניגונים‏
High School: ב-‏בית ספר תיכון עירוני "אליאנס- כל ישראל חברים", חיפה‏
Full Name: Irian Dveyrin | אירינה דברין
Age: 49.2
National Issued ID: 310127212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irina.dveyrin.1, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008030957047 - Old.
DOB: 23/3/1973
Face Picture: https://prnt.sc/13cyuxw
City: Probably Haifa, maybe Herzelia.
Address: Haifa, will update.
Old Address: Herzeliya, Ha'Baal Shem Tov 16, Apartment 29
Phone number, connected to FB : +972523649628 <- Was connected on Whatsapp, 24/05/2021, 18:08 PM. Active Phone Number.
Workplace is unknown.
Came to Israel in 1992.
Full Name: Shani Zlamina Dveyrin | שני דביירין
Age: 22, released from the IDF.
DOB: 30/5/1999
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003272845909 (Ugly pictures alert!)
Face Picture: https://prnt.sc/13czao4 (Also proof that she is released)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shani_305/ <- A lot of pictures.
Phone Number: +972-54-632-3448 -> Active phone number, was online today.
National Issued ID: 209157353
Address: Haifa, Haviva 24, Apatment 17.
First School: Romama Nigunim. From 27 August, 2012.
High School: בית ספר תיכון עירוני "אליאנס- כל ישראל חברים", חיפה‏
Currently in: לומדת ‏בית ספר גורן לתקשורת חזותית‏ ב-‏מכללת עמק יזרעאל‏, From 18 October, 2020
In relationship.
Dad: Dmitry.
Full Name: Noa Plisia Dveyrin.
Age: 23.4
DOB: 15/1/1998
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noa.dveyrin 
Face Picture: https://prnt.sc/13czope, Old Picture: kekw, 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noa5006/, OLD-OLD-OLD-OLD: https://www.instagram.com/noadveyrin/ (A lot of pics.)
Phone Number: +972543273555, Active phone number, she was connected to whatsapp in, 24/05/2021, 21:42 PM.
National ID: 209403104
Address: Haifa, Haviva 24. -> Probably outdated.
New Address: MAYBE outside of Israel, MAYBE in Haifa, Herzylia, Will check it out later.
Was learning in: הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל (Haifa, 3200003, 077-887-5555, Founded April 11, 1912, President Uri Sivan.) | Technion‏, Leo Baeck Education Center‎‏ (Tzorfat Rd 90, Haifa, Number:  04-830-0500, Founded in 1938.)
Dad: Dmitry.
Dad: (Intresting btw.)
Full Name: Dmitry Dveyrin \ Zeev (JULI)
Age: 58.4
DOB: 15/1/1963
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.dveyrin
Linked In: https://il.linkedin.com/in/dveyrin-dmitry-8933ba6 (A lot of info.)
Face Picture: https://prnt.sc/13d01nd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmitrydveyrin/, https://www.instagram.com/motek001/ (lol)
Phone Number: +972544823449 -> Active phone number, was active on 24/05/2021
National ID: 305854382
Address: Haifa, Haviva 24. -> Probably outdated, will check out.
New Address, Haifa, Herzelyia, Unknown.
DB Record: Dmitry,Dveyrin,male,2010-09-02.
Founder & CEO at DDL Consulting & PM Ltd, From August 2009 - Now.
Co-founder & CEO, Alternative Enegry Sources (H.M.D.) Ltd, February 2008 - August 2009.
PM, Tahal Group, October 2004 - February 2004.
Founder & CEO, Soil Environental Ltd, March 1995 - February 2000.
Research Engineer, CAMERI - Coastal & Marine Engineering Research Institute, March 1995 - December 1999.
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 1991 - 1996
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, PhD Petroleum Engineering, 1986 - 1989
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, MScPetroleum Engineering, 1979 – 1984.
Dad's side:
Name: Leonid, DOB Unknown, Age Unknown, Maybe deceased.
Name: Asia, DOB Unknown, Age Unknown, Maybe deceased.
Mom side:
Name: Valerie, DOB Unknown, Age Unknown, Maybe deceased.
Name: Aleksandra, DOB Unknown, Age Unknown, Maybe deceased.
Probably has a step-dad, named Zeev Dveyrin <- Not confirmed information.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zeevdv.
צוחק מי שצוחק אחרון.
Doxxed by rootkali.
'KMFDM - No Meat No Man' 'Now you slip and slide, watch my perfect stride'.
Time is gonna wash away-away.