|                                                                                                                                            |
|								                                ___ 					     |
|								                             .-'   `'. 					     |
|						                                            /         \                                      |
|  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\	                    |         ;                                      |
|$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ $$  _____|	                    |         |           ___.--,                    |
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|\$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$  |$$$$$\    $$ |        $$ |   $$$$$$$  |$$$$$\    	    __.--'`_.. '.__.\    '--. \_.-' ,.--'`     `""`                  |
| \____$$\ $$  ____/ $$  __|   $$ |        $$ |   $$  __$$< $$  __|  	   ( ,.--'`   ',__ /./;   ;, '.__.'`    __                           |
|$$\   $$ |$$ |      $$ |      $$ |  $$\   $$ |   $$ |  $$ |$$ |      	   _`) )  .---.__.' / |   |\   \__..--""  """--.,_                   |
|\$$$$$$  |$$ |      $$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$  |  $$ |   $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$\ 	  `---' .'.''-._.-'`_./  /\ '.  \ _.-~~~````~~~-._`-.__.'            |
| \______/ \__|      \________| \______/   \__|   \__|  \__|\________|	        | |  .' _.-' |  |  \  \  '.               `~---`             |
|							                         \ \/ .'     \  \   '. '-._)                                 |
|						     -> @SpectreHQ                \/ /        \  \    `=.__`~-.                              |
|	            K N O W   Y O U R   E N E M Y	@thejanicexxx	          / /\         `) )    / / `"".`\                            |
|							@madison420ivy      , _.-'.'\ \        / /    ( (     / /                            |
|							#anonymous  	     `--~`   ) )    .-'.'      '.'.  | (                             |
|							#spectre	            (/`    ( (`          ) )  '-;                            |
|							#angelhuffine	                    '-;         (-'                                  |
|																	     |
| Presents...															             |
|						    Good Luck Copying This Format Kiddies!						     |
|  ########################################################################################################################################  |
|  #    °         °           °          °         °            °                 °               °                °             °        #  |
|  #  $$$$$$\           °                    $$\       $$\   $$\            $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$\          °                             #  |
|  # $$  __$$\                     °         $$ |      $$ |  $$ |          $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \__|                     °  Also Known As: #  |
|  # $$ /  $$ |$$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$\   $$\ $$ /  \__|$$ /  \__|$$\ $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\                     #  |
|  # $$$$$$$$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ |      $$$$$$$$ |$$ |° $$ |$$$$\     $$$$\  °  $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\     ° The DNS      #  |
|  # $$  __$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |      $$  __$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  _|    $$  _|    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |    ° Sinister     #  |
|  # $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |   °  $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |     °$$ |      $$ |$$ |° $$ |$$   ____|    ° Lust         #  |
|  # $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |      $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$  |$$ | °    $$ |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\     ° LXI        ° #  |
|  # \__|  \__|\__|  \__| \____$$ | \_______|\__|      \__|  \__| \______/ \__|      \__|  °   \__|\__|  \__| \_______|°                  #  |
|  #     °               $$\   $$ |                     °      °                                                                          #  |
|  #             °       \$$$$$$  |      °                                  // SPECIAL EDITION //         °          °                    #  |
|  #                      \______/              °            °                                      °                                     #  |
|  #   °      °          °               °            °              °          °                              °            °          °  #  |
|  ########################################################################################################################################  |
|▬   °                   °        °                    °       °            °         °        °                   °         °           °  ▬|
|▬                °                        °                 TABLE OF DISCONTENTS                °            °                    °        ▬|
|▬          °                                     °     °            °      °       °      °         °                                      ▬|
|▬                   °       °     °   1   INTRODUCTION LETTER.................................LINE°  65               °                    ▬|
|▬   °                                 2   WHO IS ANGEL HUFFINE?...............................LINE  103                        °      °    ▬|
|▬          ,'""`.                     3   VALIDATION..........................................LINE  133      °                             ▬|
|▬ °       / _  _ \   °      °         4   ANGEL'S ACCOUNTS....................................LINE  151                   °                ▬|
|▬         |(@)(@)|               °    5   ANGEL'S HOUSE.......................................LINE  219                                    ▬|
|▬       ° )  __  (                    6   ANGEL'S COMPUTER SHIT...............................LINE  305            °             °         ▬|
|▬        /,'))((`.\    °              7   DATABASE STRINGS....................................LINE  335   °              °             °   ▬|
|▬       (( ((  )) ))         °        8   PAYPAL TRANSACTION HISTORY..........................LINE  348                                    ▬|
|▬  °     `\ `)(' /'°                  9   PLAYSTATION NETWORK TRANSACTION HISTORY.............LINE  377          °      °                  ▬|
|▬                                     10  DADDY...............................................LINE  395                       °    °       ▬|
|▬             °          °         °  11  DADDY'S SOCIAL SECURITY STATEMENT...................LINE  419   °                             °  ▬|
|▬                             °       12 °DADDY'S CREDIT REPORT...............................LINE  488        °     °                     ▬|
|▬     °        °     °              ° 13  DADDY'S IRS TRANSCRIPTS.............................LINE  742                                    ▬|
|▬                                     14  OH NO, NOT MY GRANDPA!..............................LINE  770°     °               °     °     ° ▬|
|▬  °                  °      °        15  GRANDAD'S CREDIT REPORT.............................LINE  799             °                      ▬|
|▬                                     16  GRANDPA'S IRS TRANSCRIPTS...........................LINE 1136                  °                 ▬|
|▬        °       °                °   17  GRANDMA TOO? WTF!?!.................................LINE 1163         °                          ▬|
|▬                       °             18  GRANNIE'S CREDIT REPORT.............................LINE 1189                  °       °     °   ▬|
|▬                                     19  GRANDMA'S IRS TRANSCRIPTS...........................LINE 1341    °                               ▬|
|▬  °          °                 °     20  BONUS LEVEL.........................................LINE 1366            °                       ▬|
|▬                      °             °     °         °       °         °           °           °          °             °         °      ° ▬|
|  1 :: Introduction Letter 														     |
|																	     |
|Greetings Angel Huffine,														     |
|																	     |
|If you are reading this, it means that you're feeling the SPECTRE hand or are moments away from seeing the face of god.                     |
|																	     |
|It's no surprise that you have been targeted and doxed poorly before. Initially, it was questioned on what you did to get your outdated     |
|and shitty dox reposted numorous times, but now it is clear. You have been given many opportunities to stop, but your continued actions     |
|on the internet have earned you a swift and emotionless bitchslap, in the form of this very message. 					     |
|																	     |
|Below is complete documentation of your whereabouts on the internet. Don't fret, we thoroughly went through each small bit of information   |
|and we did not hesitate to put sensitive information on record. Including sensitive information of familiy members may be considered        |
|distasteful on our part, but it is well deserved to bring awareness to our point. They will have to share your misfortune for your          |
|stubbornness regardless of the countless warnings you have been given. Only Section 6 contains information borrowed (an IP address)         |
|from previous ill-conceived versions of your documentation. Everything else was carefully constructed from the beginning process.           |
|																	     |
|But what would you know about process? A majority of your script kiddie career you have been copying others in order to compensate for your |
|lack of originality, taking advantage of the ignorant and innocent, and attempting to construct an alter ego to fill the emptiness you feel |
|in real life. Even at this very moment, your current twitter page, website, and alias is alarmingly similar to other script kiddies you look|
|up to. 																     |
|																	     |
|Preying on the innocent awarded you zero points of respect, and should be considered one of the reasons supporting our actions towards      |
|you. Your comments towards Robyn Sadler on YouTube is utterly discusting and distasteful. It gives the public some insight as to what       |
|you really are. Being in a "security group" is nothing to brag about to a harmless and very young girl on the internet, nor should it       |
|be used as fuel to bully and gain satisfaction from it.										     |
|																	     |
|Your enthusiasm to be apart of our cyber world was not carefully thought out. Your bullshit attempts to achieve notoriety are over.         |
|You have no clear goal as to do what you want to do other than being internet famous.                                                       |
|																	     |
|We have taken your Vampire Freaks account away, so going back to whoring yourself with sexy photos to gain followers is not an option.	     |
|We think it's time for you to consider taking your own advice you give to others. Your existence is not needed nor wanted, and therefore    |
|must be removed. You're "hacker" persona is over and you will not continue to gain satisfaction and pleasure by being remotely affiliated   |
|with one.                                                                                                                                   |
|																	     |
|We hear everything.															     |
|Expect us - always.															     |
|																	     |
|  2 :: Who Is Angel Huffine?														     |
|																	     |
|Angel Huffine, born 23 January 1999, is a self-proclaimed hacker and an unoriginal cyberbully. He also claims to be R.I.U.(@@@)  (@@)       |
|(Resting In Undoxability) as shown in this imgur album: (http://imgur.com/a/PLa2C#0).        _______________________     (@@@@@@@@@@@)      |
|Angel Currently resides at 312 Hardy Hill Rd, Dunbar, PA 15431. You can contact him by      /                       \   (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)    |
|cell-phone: 1-724-396-3721. During Angel's lifespan on the world wide web,		    |Oh gawd, You're so sexy!|  (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)   |
|he has gone under many aliases.				    			    \_______________________ |  (@@         (@@@@@@) |
|						       				                                    \/ (@@@ ~~  ~~  (@@@@@@) |
|Voiceprint: http://www.mp3upload.info/files/HimpQs1421223434.html						       (@@@   (     (@@@@@@@)|
|														       (@@@     _    (@@@@@@)|
|Angel's complete list of Aliases:        									      (@@@@     _)   (@@@@@@)|
|- The DNS            - NullzLulz      - Angel Hoe          - Angel Bro           - Logic Ex			     (@@@@@__________(@@@@@@)|
|- MuRKiCiDaL         - snapbackz      - Angel Alexandria   - OGear               - LXI	                                        /        \   |
|- OMGitsMuRKiCiDaL   - SyberGhos_     - Angel Damien       - MuRKiCiDaL Damien				                       /         |   |
|- TheSinister        - Lust           - cum2me             - L2752773   						       |      |  |   |
|- Sinister           - SKuLL-HacKeR   - Angel666           - Logic-X					                       |      |__|   |
|															       |       | |   |
|															       |       | |   |
|No matter how many times you change you're alias Angel, we will still find you.     					       |       | |   |
|											                                       |       | |   |
|Angel created about 4 other YouTube accounts to support his comments and videos (http://prntscr.com/5j6kl4). He also used his |_______| |   |
|supplemental accounts to bully YouTube user Chattime: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJk8GO5Oup97I7q0o0wzsYA).Angel loves    |[[[[[(__)  |
|telling her to kill herself. His comments on her channel can be found on his google plus page, but I have compiled each seperate|[[[[[[[[   |
|hate post in an imgur album: (http://imgur.com/a/UIFkR). Other than telling people to kill themselves, Angel takes suggestive photos of     |
|himself that can be found all over VampireFreaks.com and Facebook, but I have compiled them into an imgur album for you:		     |
|(http://imgur.com/a/jpQ0o). Also, forgot to mention that he paints his nails: (http://prntscr.com/5j78gy).   				     |
|																	     |
|Oh, and his Social Security Number is: 183-78-2687											     |
|																	     |
|  3 :: Validation															     |
|																	     |
|If you look at his main google+: (https://www.youtube.com/user/3LiT3Gamerz) you will see that he mentions himself being different aliases   |
|of his and even his real identity. A couple videos on his youtube channel also validated that he was Angel, but they have been removed.     |
|																	     |
|We got into one of his paypal accounts which was connected to angelhoe74@yahoo.com, and the password was monsterenergy123. The information  |
|in his paypal confirms his addresss and cell phone number: (http://prntscr.com/5p4ifp).						     |
|																	     |
|We also got into one of his playstation accounts which was connected to the email angel.christofer@yahoo.com, and the password was also     |
|monsterenergy123. This is also secondary proof that he resides at that address: (http://prntscr.com/5j7f9b).                                |
|																	     |
|We happened to get into his VampireFreaks page: (http://vampirefreaks.com/CxxiAngel666) which is also connected to                          |
|angel.christofer@yahoo.com and you guessed it, password was monsterenergy123. On his Vampire Freaks page there are links to his facebook,   |
|twitter (which we also jacked), and they also contain suggestive pictures of him. 							     |
|																	     |
|In his grandfathers IRS Tax Return transcript of 2012, Angel is listed as a dependent in this section: (http://prntscr.com/5pgyc5).         |
| 																	     |
|  4 :: Angel's Accounts														     |
|																	     |
|			CONSOLECRUNCH..........................: https://consolecrunch.com/members/sinister.3991/			     |
|			CORRUPTSECURITY........................: http://corruptsecurity.net/member.php?260-Sinister			     |
|                   	.......................................: https://corruptsecurity.net/member.php?20-TheDNS		             |
|			EMAIL..................................: angel.christofer@yahoo.com 						     |
|                   	.......................................: angelhoe74@yahoo.com 							     |
|                   	.......................................: lust@nigge.rs 								     |
|			FACEBOOK...............................: https://www.facebook.com/angel.hoe.71 // Removed 			     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/CorruptSec?fref=tl_fr_box 			     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/CxxiAngel666					     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006101985104&fref;=ts 	     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/TrippinOnDmtAngel // Removed 			     |
|			FACEBOOK PAGE..........................: https://www.facebook.com/cxxiemogirls 				             |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/Murkicide?fref=nf 				     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Emo/557155880990234 			     |
|			GOLDFIRE...............................: https://goldfire.me/murkicidal 					     |
|			GOOGLE+................................: https://plus.google.com/100377966265937981522/posts 		             |
|                   	.......................................: https://plus.google.com/101887001032209267069/about 			     |
|                   	.......................................: https://plus.google.com/109066145392751275239/posts?banner=pwa              |
|                   	.......................................: https://plus.google.com/109105378616944213179/posts 			     |
|                   	.......................................: https://plus.google.com/+3LiT3Gamerz/ 					     |
|			INSTAGRAM..............................: http://instagram.com/dmt_sinister // removed               	             |
|			KIK....................................: angeldamienlel   							     |
|			MINECRAFT..............................: Murkicidal   				           			     |
|			MINECRAFTFORUM.........................: http://www.minecraftforum.net/members/OGear/posts 			     |
|			Motherless.............................: http://motherless.com/m/Lxi 						     |
|			NEXTGENUPDATE..........................: http://www.nextgenupdate.com/forums/members/833463-murkicidal.html          |
|			PASTEBIN...............................: http://pastebin.com/u/6_6_6 					             |
|			PAYPAL LOGIN...........................: angelhoe74@yahoo.com // Seized 				             |
|			PAGELOUS...............................: http://pagelous.com/en/pages/534d3bce421aa913ff04fe28 			     |
|			PSN....................................: Toxicmonster99 							     |
|                   	.......................................: X_ClUtChIn_MoDzZ // Seized 				                     |
|			ROBLOX.................................: http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=9621409 				     |
|			RUNE-SERVER............................: http://www.rune-server.org/members/murkicidal/ 			     |
|			SKYPE..................................: angelbro69 // Seized							     |
|                   	.......................................: corruptsec_sinister	                      				     |
|                   	.......................................: corruptsec_thedns					         	     |
|                   	.......................................: root.ugnazi								     |
|                   	.......................................: n.u.l.l.b.y.t.e 							     |
|                   	.......................................: pklover2562 								     |
|                   	.......................................: murkicidal 								     |
|                   	.......................................: live:L2752773 								     |
|                   	.......................................: angelsmurkicidal 							     |
|                   	.......................................: s.i.n.i.s.t.e.r.6.6.6 							     |
|                   	.......................................: pre_cumming             						     |
|                   	.......................................: moanmyip								     |
|                   	.......................................: databutt 								     |
|			THEMAFIABOSS...........................: http://www.themafiaboss.com/tools/forums/member.php?12786-Murkicidal        |
|			TWITTER................................: https://twitter.com/Angelbroo69 // Seized 				     |
|                   	.......................................: https://twitter.com/moanmyip 						     |
|                   	.......................................: https://twitter.com/DMT_Sinister // Removed 				     |
|			VAMPIREFREAKS..........................: http://vampirefreaks.com/CxxiAngel666 // Seized                   	     |
|		        WEBSITES...............................: Crimebox.org 								     |
|                   	.......................................: Crimebox.net 								     |
|		        XAT....................................: http://xat.com/murkicidal 						     |
|			XBOX GAMERTAG..........................: MuRKiciDaL 								     |
|                   	.......................................: Oblivious Gear // Old 							     |
|                   	.......................................: TrickedMite4610 							     |
|			XMPP...................................: fbi@exploit.im              						     |
|			YOURLISTEN.............................: http://yourlisten.com/angel.hoe.71 					     |
|			YOUTUBE................................: https://www.youtube.com/user/3LiT3Gamerz 				     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.youtube.com/user/TehDigitalsource 				     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGj8mqxzA9pKHMgp3TKCkmA 		     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZoZDtoRnJH8kmbFu_-gyA 		     |
|                   	.......................................: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZMEMyKDi-JTe-JhXJk3sA 		     |
|																	     |
|  5 :: Angel's House                                                                                                                        |
|   							   GUESS WHO RUNS ME                                                                 |
|   							 (HINT: NOT MEL GIBSON)              						     |
|  /* Every Family Member Listed                   _._._                       _._._        					             |
|     In This Document Lives		          _|   |_                     _|   |_       						     |
|   	At This Address. */			  | ... |_._._._._._._._._._._| ... |       						     |
|   		                                  | ||| |  o    Huffine    o  | ||| |       						     |
|                                                 | """ |  """    """    """  | """ |       						     |
|   					     ())  |[-|-]| [-|-]  [-|-]  [-|-] |[-|-]|  ())  						     |
|   					    (())) |     |---------------------|     | (())) 						     |
|   					   (())())| """ |  """    """    """  | """ |(())())						     |
|   					   (()))()|[-|-]|  :::   .-"-.   :::  |[-|-]|(()))()						     |
|   					   ()))(()|     | |~|~|  |_|_|  |~|~| |     |()))(()						     |
|   		                              ||  |_____|_|_|_|__|_|_|__|_|_|_|_____|  ||   						     |
|   					   ~ ~^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@/=======\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^^~ ~						     |
|   					       ^~^~                                ~^~^                     				     |
|																       	     |
|   :: OWNER ::																     |
|                       Ownership........................................................: HUFFINE RAYMOND J AND RITA M	312 HARDY HILL RD    |
|			PARID............................................................: 0933014204					     |
|   			Owner Name(s)....................................................: HUFFINE RAYMOND J & RITA M 			     |
|   			c/o Mailing Address..............................................: 312 HARDY HILL RD 				     |
|   			City,State,Zip Code..............................................: DUNBAR PA 15431 				     |
|   :: PARCEL ::															     |
|   			Property Location................................................: 312 HARDY HILL RD 				     |
|   			Parcel ID........................................................: 09-33-0142-04 				     |
|   			Municipality.....................................................: DUNBAR TWP 					     |
|   			School District..................................................: CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DIST 		     |
|   			Classification...................................................: RESIDENTIAL 					     |
|   			Land Use Code....................................................: SINGLE FAMILY 				     |
|   			Zoning	  													     |
|   			Valuation Neighborhood...........................................: 09R01000 					     |
|   			Land Area (acres)................................................: 1 						     |
|   			Topography.......................................................: LEVEL 					     |
|   			Street/Road......................................................: PAVED 					     |
|   			Utilities........................................................: WELL/SEPTIC 					     |
|   			Validation.......................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6nd3 			     |
|   :: RESIDENTIAL :: 															     |
|   			Number of Stories................................................: 1 						     |
|   			Parcel Dwelling Units............................................: 1 						     |
|   			Building Style...................................................: BUNGALOW 					     |
|   			Exterior Wall Materia............................................: ALUM/VINYL 					     |
|   			Year Built.......................................................: 1945 					     |
|   			Total Rms/Bedrms/Baths/Half Baths................................: 3/2/1/0 					     |
|   			Square Feet of Living Area.......................................: 1948 Sq.Ft. 					     |
|   			Attached Garage..................................................: FRAME GARAGE 				     |
|   			Basement.........................................................: FULL 					     |
|   			Heating Distribution.............................................: CENTRAL 					     |
|   			Heating System type..............................................: FORCED AIR 					     |
|   			Heating Fuel type................................................: OIL 						     |
|   			Condo............................................................: Level	  				     |
|   			Condo/Townhouse..................................................: Type	 					     |
|   			Number of Fireplaces (Masonry)...................................: 0 						     |
|   			Number of Fireplaces (Prefab)....................................: 0 						     |
|   			Validation.......................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6nov			     |
|   :: VALUES ::															     |
|   			Base Year of Valuation...........................................: 01/01/2003 					     |
|   			Current Land.....................................................: 24,000 					     |
|   			Current Building.................................................: 68,650 				     	     |
|   			Current Total....................................................: 92,650 					     |
|   			Exemption/Exclusion Type	 										     |
|   			Validation.......................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6oae 			     |
|   :: SALES ::				 										   		     |
|   				+---------------------------------------------------------+ 				     		     |
|   				|    Date   |      Type     |Sale Price|Deed Book and Page| 				     		     |
|   				|---------------------------------------------------------| 				     		     |
|   				|07-AUG-2001|	            | $35,000  |   RB2791 - 1342  | 				     		     |
|   				|07-AUG-2001|LAND & BUILDING| $35,000  |    2791 - 1342   | 				     		     |
|   				+---------------------------------------------------------+ 				     		     |
| 																	     |
|   			Validation.......................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6oof 			     |
|   			Picture Of House.................................................: http://imgur.com/MjlXNpP 			     |
|   			Sketch/Blueprint.................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6mm2 			     |
|   			Map..............................................................: http://prntscr.com/5k6mz6 			     |
|   			Landlines........................................................: 724-277-0158 				     |
|			.................................................................: 724-277-0150 				     |
|																	     |
|   :: TAXES ::																     |
|				     													     |
|		Township tax		DUNBAR TOWNSHIP		0933014204	Ocwen		$462.38		May 2015*		     |
|		School Tax		CONNELLSVILLE AREA SD	0933014204	Ocwen		$996.71		Oct 2015*     		     |
|		Hazard Insurance	ROCKINGHAM MUTUAL	HM00011070	Borrower	$1,460.70	11/06/2015		     |
|																	     |
|	/* FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS STARTED */: http://prntscr.com/5s7o27								     |
|																	     |
|  6 :: Angel's Computer Shit 														     |
|																	     |
|			Computer.........................................................: Alienware 17 Gaming Laptop			     |
| 			Microphone.......................................................: Blue Yeti 				   	     |
| 			Keyboard.........................................................: Razor Black Widow 				     |
| 			OS...............................................................: Windows 8 				 	     |
| 			.................................................................: Kali Linux (Ran in VM) 			     |
|																	     |
|			IP...............................................................: 				     |
|			Decimal..........................................................: 418378537 					     |
| 			Hostname.........................................................: dynamic-acs-24-239-243-41.zoominternet.net 	     |
|  			ISP..............................................................: Armstrong Cable Services			     |
|			Organization.....................................................: Armstrong Cable Services 			     |
|			Services.........................................................: None detected 				     |
| 			Type.............................................................: Broadband 					     |
| 			Assignment.......................................................: Dynamic IP 					     |
| 			Blacklist	 												     |
| 			Geolocation Information 											     |
| 			Country..........................................................: United States 				     |
| 			State/Region.....................................................: Pennsylvania 				     |
| 			City.............................................................: Dunbar 					     |
| 			Latitude.........................................................: 39.9377  (39° 56′ 15.72″ N) 			     |
| 			Longitude........................................................: -79.5944  (79° 35′ 39.84″ W) 			     |
| 			Area Code........................................................: 724 						     |
| 			Postal Code......................................................: 15431 					     |
| 			Account Number...................................................: 027401302 					     |
|																	     |
| 			Phone Provider...................................................: AT&T; 				   	     |
|															  	             |
|  7 :: Database Entries 														     |
|																	     |
| 970920 Angel angelhoe74@yahoo.com ff9d937514d7bc24108cbcd90bb98ee918b90799 monsterenergy123                          			     |
|																	     |
| (16429,'Cum2me','d775cca5feb5b8b1605f0741f0e6e5e0','r7ToGIcu','t7cjk42lLzmC8F52fweIhoVnqtpNKbwwMZ6c5l3acmZmvxwYmC',			     |
| 'angelhoe74@yahoo.com',0,0,'','','',7,'',0,'',1381442096,1381442697,1381442697,1381442574,'','0','','','','9-6-1990','all','',1,0,0,0,1,0,1|
| 0,'linear',1,1,1,1,0,0,0,'','','-7',0,2,'','',60,0,0,'0','','1**$%%$2**$%%$3**$%%$4**','',0,0,0,'','',1597601968,|
| 1597601968,'',620,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,'','',NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,'{\"rep\":1,\"pm\":1,\"buddylist\":1,\"quoted\":1,\"		     |
| post_threadauthor\":1}','100.00','',0,0,0,0), 										             |
| 																	     |
| 5412 Angel666 angel.christofer@yahoo.com ff9d937514d7bc24108cbcd90bb98ee918b90799 monsterenergy123 					     |
| 																	     |
|  8 :: Paypal Transaction History 													     |
|																	     |
|			+------------------------------------------------------------------------+					     |
|			:    Date      :         Description          :   Status   :    Amount   :					     |
|			+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 					     |
|			: Feb 28, 2014 :    Payment To Dan Brooke     : Completed  : -$10.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Feb 28, 2014 :   Payment To Albin Tissot    : Completed  : -€24.99 EUR : 					     |
|			: Feb 24, 2014 :  Payment To MTN Dew Gaming   : Completed  : -$18.99 USD : 					     |
|			: Feb 24, 2014 :    Payment From Green Dot    : Completed  : +$55.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 : Transaction To British Pound : Completed  : +£08.92 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 : Transaction From U.S. Dollar : Completed  : -$14.69 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 : Transaction To British Pound : Completed  : +£00.19 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 : Transaction From U.S. Dollar : Completed  : -$00.32 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 :   Reversal To Darren Garcia  : Completed  : -£09.11 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 12, 2014 :    Pending Balance Payment   :  Removed   : -£09.11 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 10, 2014 :    Payment To Albin Tissot   : Completed  : -€14.99 EUR : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :  Refund From Jacob Zaworski  : Completed  : +$16.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :  Payment To Alexander Ojbro  : Completed  : -$10.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :  Payment From Darren Garcia  : Completed  : +£00.40 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :  Payment From Darren Garcia  :  Reversed  : +£09.11 GBP : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :  Purchase From KontrolFreek  :     N/A    : -$22.85 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 9, 2014  :   Payment From Ovaere Ronny  : Completed  : +$20.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 8, 2014  :     Payment To DB Digital    : Completed  : -$07.99 USD :  					     |
|			: Jan 7, 2014  :   Payment To Jacob Zaqorski  :  Refunded  : -$16.00 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 7, 2014  : Payment From Josie Karaitiana: Completed  : +$03.89 USD : 					     |
|			: Jan 7, 2014  : Payment From Josie Karaitiana: Completed  : +$20.00 NZD :  					     |
| 			+------------------------------------------------------------------------+					     |
|																	     |
|  9 :: PlayStation Network Transaction History 											     |
|																	     |
|			+---------------------------------------------------------------------+  					     |
|			:    Date    :    Description   :           Account          : Amount : 					     |
| 			+---------------------------------------------------------------------+						     |
|			: 08/01/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $0.00  :						     |
|			: 07/08/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $9.99  :						     |
|			: 07/05/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $3.98  : 					     |
|			: 07/05/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $1.99  :	  					     |
|		 	: 07/05/2013 :  Wallet Funding  : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $20.00 : 					     |
|			: 07/01/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $0.00  :						     |
|			: 07/01/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $0.00  :						     |
|			: 07/01/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $49.99 :						     |
|			: 07/01/2013 :  Wallet Funding  : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $50.00 :						     |
|			: 06/06/2013 : Product Purchase : angel.christofer@yahoo.com : $0.00  :						     |
|			+---------------------------------------------------------------------+						     |
|																  	     |
|  10 :: Daddy 																     |
| 																	     |
|			Name...............................................................: Tony Ray Huffine 				     |
|			Picture............................................................: http://i.imgur.com/ZnNndVN.jpg 		     |
|			DOB................................................................: July 6th, 1981 				     |
|			Previous Addresses.................................................: PO Box 198 Dawson, PA 15428 		     |
|			...................................................................: 68 CANAL ST SOUTH BOUND BROOK, NJ 08880         |
|			Employers..........................................................: J&J; Paving 				     |
|          		...................................................................: RH Demo Excavut 				     |
|          		...................................................................: RH Construction 				     |
|			Last Four Digits Of Credit Card....................................: 0363 					     |
|			School.............................................................: Connellsville Area Senior High School 	     |
|			Email..............................................................: r_m_250@yahoo.com 				     |
|			Skype..............................................................: myspace:tonyhuffyamaha 		 	     |
|			MySpace............................................................: https://myspace.com/302878633  		     |
|			Facebook...........................................................: https://www.facebook.com/tony.huffine.14 	     |
| 																	     |
|			Voter Info.........................................................: TONY RAY HUFFINE (Date of Birth: 07/06/1981)    |
|			Status.............................................................: ACTIVE 					     |
|			Party..............................................................: DEMOCRATIC 				     |
| 																	     |
|			Social Security Number.............................................: 165-62-0821 				     |
| 																	     |
|  11 :: Daddy's Social Security Statement 												     |
| 																	     |
| 																	     |
|Your Estimated Benefits----------------------------------------------------------------- 						     |
|																	     |
|*Retirement 	You have earned enough credits to qualify for benefits. At your current earnings rate, if you continue 			     |
|               working until... 													     |
|		your full retirement age (67 years), your payment would be about ...............................................$ 216 a month|
|		age 70, your payment would be about ........................................................................... $ 267 a month|
|		age 62, your payment would be about ........................................................................... $ 152 a month|
| 																	     |
|*Disability    You have earned enough credits to qualify for benefits. If you became disabled right now 				     |
|		your payment would be about.................................................................................... $ 679 a month|
| 																	     |
|*Family        If you get retirement or disability benefits, your spouse and children also may qualify for benefits. 			     |
| 																	     |
|*Survivors     You have earned enough credits for your family to receive survivors benefits. If you die this year, 			     |
|		certain members of your family may qualify for the following benefits: 							     |
|		Your child..................................................................................................... $ 563 a month|
|		Your spouse who is caring for your child....................................................................... $ 563 a month|
|		Your spouse, if benefits start at full retirement age ......................................................... $ 751 a month|
|		Total family benefits cannot be more than.................................................................... $ 1,127 a month|
|		Your spouse or minor child may be eligible for a special one-time death benefit of $255. 				     |
| 																	     |
|Medicare 	You have enough credits to qualify for Medicare at age 65. Even if you do not retire at age 65, be 			     |
|		sure to contact Social Security three months before your 65th birthday to enroll in Medicare. 				     |
| 																	     |
|		* Your estimated benefits are based on current law. Congress has made changes to the law in the past and 		     |
|		can do so at any time. The law governing benefit amounts may change because, by 2033, the payroll taxes 		     |
|		collected will be enough to pay only about 77 percent of scheduled benefits. 						     |
|			    														     |
|		We based your benefit estimates on these facts: 									     |
|		Your date of birth (please verify your name on page 1 and this date of birth) .................................. July 6, 1981|
|		Your estimated taxable earnings per year after 2015 .................................................................... NONE|
|		Your Social Security number (only the last four digits are shown to help prevent identity theft) ......... XXX-XX-0821       |
|																             |
|Your Earnings Record -------------------------------------------------------------- 							     |
| 																	     |
|		 Your Taxed    	        Your Taxed 											     |
|Years You 	Social Security 	 Medicare 											     |
| Worked            Earnings             Earnings 											     |
|------------------------------------------------ 											     |
|  1998 		301 		      301  											     |
|  1999			  0  			0 											     |
| 																	     |
|  2000		      2,169 		    2,169 										             |
|  2001 	      5,217 		    5,217 											     |
|  2002 	      7,623 	 	    7,623 											     |
|  2003 	      8,044 		    8,044 											     |
|  2004 	      7,034 		    7,034 											     |
|  2005 	      7,185 	  	    7,185 										             |
|  2006 	      9,557 		    9,557 											     |
|  2007 	      9,722 		    9,722 											     |
|  2008 	     10,308	 	   10,308 											     |
|  2009 	      5,547 		    5,547 											     |
| 																	     |
|  2010 	      5,473 		    5,473 											     |
|  2011 	      3,994 		    3,994 											     |
|  2013 	          0 			0 											     |
| 																	     |
|Estimated taxes paid for Social Security: 												     |
|	You paid: 							$9,719 								     |
|	Your employers paid:						  $657 								     |
|																	     |
|Estimated taxes paid for Medicare: 											                     |
|	You paid:							$2,298 								     |
|	Your employers paid:						  $153 				                                     |
| 																	     |
|  12 :: Daddy's Credit Report 													     	     |
|																	     |
|						---------------------- 									     |
|						+Personal Information+ 									     |
|						----------------------                                                                       |
|SSN: XXX-XX-0821 															     |
|Your SSN has been masked for your protection. 												     |
|Date of Birth: 07/06/1981 	  													     |
|Names Reported: TONY HUFFLINE and TONY R. HUFFINE  											     |
|Addresses Reported: 															     |
|Address Date Reported 															     |
|312 HARDY HILL RD, DUNBAR, PA 15431-2426 03/01/2000 											     |
|321 HARDY HILL RD, DUNBAR, PA 15431-2427 10/02/2010 											     |
|Telephone Numbers Reported: 														     |
|(724) 277-0158 (724) 493-7032 (724) 323-4740 (724) 984-9512 (724) 277-0150 								     |
|Employment Data Reported: 														     |
|Employer Name Position Date Hired Date Verified 											     |
|J J PAVING CO OWNER OPERATOR 05/01/2000 05/02/2013 											     |
|J J PAVING PAVER 10/27/2007 														     |
|MINOR R H CONSTR 10/06/2006 														     |
|R H 04/18/2006 															     |
|RPH EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 08/09/2005 													     |
|						 ------------------ 									     |
|						 +Adverse Accounts+ 									     |
|						 ------------------ 									     |
|CAPITAL ONE / YAMAHA #17663110131**** 													     |
|P O BOX 30253 																     |
|SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130-0253 														     |
|(800) 695-6950 															     |
|Date Opened: 04/19/2006 														     |
|Responsibility: Undesignated 														     |
|Account 																     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account 													     |
|Loan Type: CHARGE 															     |
|Balance: $12,478 														  	     |
|Date Updated: 05/12/2008 														     |
|Last Payment Made: 02/14/2008 														     |
|High Balance: $12,671 															     |
|Original ChargeOff: $12,478 														     |
|Pay Status: >Charged Off< 														     |
|Terms: Paid Monthly 															     |
|Date Closed: 05/12/2008 													  	     |
|>Maximum Delinquency of 60 days in 04/2008 for 											     |
|$423< 																	     |
|ACCOUNT Credit Limit: $12,500 														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 12/2014 									     |
| 																	     |
|CAPITAL ONE BANK USA NA #517805725457**** 												     |
|PO BOX 30281 																     |
|SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130 														     |
|(800) 955-7070  															     |
|Date Opened: 12/12/2006 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account  													     |
|Loan Type: CREDIT CARD 														     |
|Date Updated: 12/07/2014 														     |
|Last Payment Made: 11/27/2014 														     |
|Original ChargeOff: $1,719 														     |
|Pay Status: >Charged Off< 														     |
|Terms: Paid Monthly 															     |
|Date Closed: 09/06/2009 														     |
|>Maximum Delinquency of 120 days in 06/2009 and in 											     |
|07/2009< 																     |
|High Balance: High balance of $1,719 from 06/2012 to 12/2014 										     |
|Credit Limit: Credit limit of $750 from 06/2012 to 12/2014 										     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 01/2016 									     |
| 																	     |
|SYNCB/WAL-MART #603220141204**** 													     |
|PO BOX 965024 																     |
|ORLANDO, FL 32896-5024                                                									     |
|(877) 294-7880 															     |
|Date Opened: 06/03/2007 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account 													     |
|Loan Type: CHARGE 															     |
|ACCOUNT 																     |
|Balance: $0 																     |
|Date Updated: 06/07/2010 														     |
|Payment Received: $75 															     |
|Last Payment Made: 07/27/2009 														     |
|High Balance: $85 															     |
|Original ChargeOff: $85 														     |
|Credit Limit: $125 															     |
|Pay Status: >Charged Off< 														     |
|Terms: Paid Monthly 															     |
|Date Closed: 02/26/2009 														     |
|>Maximum Delinquency of 120 days in 12/2009 and in 											     |
|02/2010 for $90< 															     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 08/2016 									     |
| 																	     |
|VERIZON WIRELESS #7205669380**** 													     |
|PO BOX 26055 																     |
|MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426 															     |
|(800) 852-1922 															     |
|Date Opened: 08/17/2006 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Open Account 														     |
|Loan Type: TELECOMMUNICATIONS/CELLULAR 												     |
|Balance: $2,248       															     |
|Date Updated: 11/30/2014 														     |
|Payment Received: $0 															     |
|High Balance: $2,248 															     |
|Past Due: >$2,248< 															     |
|Pay Status: >In Collection< 														     |
|Date Closed: 10/02/2010 														     |
|Remarks: >PLACED FOR COLLECTION< 													     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 03/2017 									     |
| 																  	     |
|WELLS FARGO DLRSVC/WACHO #51785007**** 												     |
|PO BOX 1697 																     |
|WINTERVILLE, NC 28590 															     |
|(800) 289-8004 															     |
|Date Opened: 10/27/2007														     |
|Responsibility: Joint Account														     |
|Account Type: Installment Account													     |
|Loan Type: AUTOMOBILE															     |
|Date Updated: 11/30/2014														     |
|Payment Received: $0 															     |
|Last Payment Made: 04/30/2010 														     |
|Original ChargeOff: $17,047 														     |
|Pay Status: >Charged Off< 														     |
|Terms: $742 per month, paid 														     |
|Monthly for 75 months 															     |
|Date Closed: 07/31/2010 														     |
|>Maximum Delinquency of 120 days in 08/2010< 												     |
|High Balance: High balance of $42,275 from 06/2012 to 11/2014 										     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 12/2016 									     |
| 																	     |
|ENHANCED RECOVERY COMPAN #5556**** 													     |
|P O Box 57547 																     |
|JACKSONVILLE, FL 32241 														     |
|(904) 680-2591 															     |
|Placed for 																     |
|collection: 																     |
|09/22/2011 																     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Open Account 														     |
|Loan Type: COLLECTION 															     |
|AGENCY/ATTORNEY 															     |
|Balance: $1,000 															     |
|Date Updated: 11/09/2014 														     |
|Original Amount: $1,000 														     |
|Original Creditor: SPRINT 														     |
|(Cable/Cellular) 															     |
|Past Due: >$1,000< 															     |
|Pay Status: >In Collection<														     |
|Remarks: >PLACED FOR COLLECTION<													     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 06/2016 									     |
| 																	     |
|						----------------------- 								     |
|						+Satisfactory Accounts+ 								     |
|						----------------------- 								     |
|1ST NATIONAL BANK #42522900**** 													     |
|4140 E STATE ST 															     |
|HERMITAGE, PA 16148 															     |
|(800) 555-5455 															     |
|Date Opened: 04/11/2001 														     |
|Responsibility: Joint Account														     |
|Account Type: Installment Account 													     |
|Loan Type: AUTOMOBILE 															     |
|Balance: $0 																     |
|Date Updated: 04/03/2006														     |
|Last Payment Made: 04/03/2006  													     |
|High Balance: $5,387 															     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as 												     |
|Agreed 																     |
|Terms: $126 per month, paid 														     |
|Monthly for 60 months 															     |
|Date Closed: 04/03/2006 														     |
|Remarks: CLOSED 															     |
| 																	     |
|CAPITAL ONE / YAMAHA #17664110013**** 													     |
|P O BOX 30253																     |
|SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130-0253														     |
|(800) 695-6950 															     |
|Date Opened: 05/05/2004 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account 													     |
|Loan Type: CHARGE 															     |
|ACCOUNT 																     |
|Balance: $0 																     |
|Date Updated: 07/28/2009 														     |
|Last Payment Made: 04/04/2005 														     |
|High Balance: $6,539 															     |
|Credit Limit: $7,500 															     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as 												     |
|Agreed																	     |
|Terms: Paid Monthly 															     |
|Date Closed: 04/04/2005 														     |
|Date Paid: 04/04/2005  														     |
|Remarks: CLOSED BY CREDIT GRANTOR; CLOSED 												     |
| 																	     |
|CENTURY HERITAGE FCU #9091**** 													     |
|700 REGIS AVE 																     |
|WEST MIFFLIN, PA 15236 														     |
|(412) 650-2600 															     |
|Date Opened: 08/08/2005 														     |
|Responsibility: Participant on 													     |
|Account 																     |
|Account Type: Installment Account 													     |
|Loan Type: AUTOMOBILE 															     |
|Balance: $0 																     |
|Date Updated: 01/31/2007 														     |
|Payment Received: $7,974 														     |
|Last Payment Made: 01/31/2007 														     |
|High Balance: $33,646 															     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as 												     |
|Agreed 																     |
|Terms: $599 per month, paid 														     |
|Monthly for 72 months 															     |
|Date Closed: 01/31/2007 														     |
|Remarks: CLOSED 															     |
| 																	     |
|CREDIT ONE BANK #444796226158**** 													     |
|PO BOX 98872 																     |
|LAS VEGAS, NV 89193-8872 														     |
|(877) 825-3242  															     |
|Date Opened: 09/11/2014 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account 													     |
|Loan Type: CREDIT CARD 														     |
|Date Updated: 12/16/2014 														     |
|Payment Received: $52 															     |
|Last Payment Made: 11/28/2014 														     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as  												     |
|Agreed 																     |
|Terms: $25 per month, paid 														     |
|Monthly 																     |
|High Balance: High balance of $223 from 10/2014 to 10/2014; $274 from 11/2014 to 12/2014 						     |
|Credit Limit: Credit limit of $400 from 10/2014 to 12/2014 										     |
| 																	     |
|NUVELL CREDIT #7598045**** 														     |
|PO BOX 380901 																     |
|BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 															     |
|(888) 688-3559 															     |
|Date Opened: 01/20/2007 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account 													     |
|Account Type: Installment Account 													     |
|Loan Type: AUTOMOBILE 															     |
|Balance: $0 																     |
|Date Updated: 11/13/2007 														     |
|Payment Received: $0 															     |
|Last Payment Made: 11/13/2007 														     |
|High Balance: $24,634 															     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as 												     |
|Agreed 																     |
|Terms: $514 per month, paid 														     |
|Monthly for 72 months 															     |
|Date Closed: 11/13/2007 														     |
|Remarks: CLOSED				   											     |
|             																     |
|  13 :: Daddy's IRS Transcripts 													     |
| 																	     |
|				Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!eZ1nDaZS!c2kePmiZew_IpSVM0EmaRdPxyOK1PHh4yE24LXao9XI			     |
|      																	     |
|	Contents: 															     |
|   Accounts_2006.pdf 														    	     |
|   Accounts_2007.pdf 														             |
|   Accounts_2008.pdf 							               CHECK ME OUT I'M                                      |
|   Accounts_2009.pdf 						    (       "     )  APPLYING WHAT I LEARNED   				     |
|   Accounts_2010.pdf  						     ( _  *         FROM THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS 			     |
|   Accounts_2010.pdf     						* (     /      \    ___                 			     |
|   Accounts_2011.pdf        					           "     "        _/ /                  			     |
|   Accounts_2012.pdf       					  	  (   *  )    ___/   |                  			     |
|   Accounts_2013.pdf         					      	    )   "     __o)'-./__                			     |
|   Record_Of_Account_2011.pdf				       		   *  _ )    (_, . $$$                  			     |
|   Record_Of_Account_2012.pdf 				                   (  )   __ __ 7_ $$$$                 			     |
|   Tax_Return_2011.pdf						             ( :  { _)  '---  $\                 			     |
|   Tax_Return_2012.pdf						        ______'___//__\   ____, \                			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2006.pdf				                 )           ( \_/ _____\_                			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2007.pdf				               .'             \   \------''.             			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2008.pdf				               |='           '=|  |         )            			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2009.pdf				               |               |  |  .    _/             			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2010.pdf				                \    (. ) ,   /  /__I_____\              			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2011.pdf				                 '._/_)_(\__.'   (__,(__,_]              			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2012.pdf				                @---()_.'---@                            			     |
|   Wages_And_Income_2013.pdf														     |
| 																	     |
|  14 :: Oh No ____________________                      										     |
|              |                   |_____    __          										     |
|              |  nOt My Grandpa!  |     |__|  |_________ 										     |
|              |___________________|     |::|  |        / 									  	     |
| /\**/\       |                   \.____|::|__|      <   										     |
|( o_o  )_     |                         \::/  \._______\ 										     |
| (u--u   \_)  |                                          										     |
|  (||___   )==\        Name...............................................................: Raymond Jay Huffine                             |
|,dP"/b/=( /P"/b\       DOB................................................................: March 15, 1953                                  |
||8 || 8\=== || 8       Previous Addresses.................................................: PO Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431                      |
|`b,  ,P  `b,  ,P       ...................................................................: RR 2 Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431                    |
|  """`     """`        ...................................................................: PO Box 115ER Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: PO Box 198 Dawson, PA 15428 		     |
|			...................................................................: PO Box 115E Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: PO Box 115 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: RR 1 Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: 204 Galley St Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			Employers..........................................................: J & J Paving 				     |
|			...................................................................: RH Construction 				     |
|			Email..............................................................: joehuffine7@zoominternet.net 		     |
|			Paypal.............................................................: joehuffine7@zoominternet.net 		     |
|			 														     |
|			Voter Info.........................................................: RAYMOND J HUFFINE (Date of Birth: 03/15/1953)   |
|			Status.............................................................: ACTIVE 					     |
|			Party..............................................................: DEMOCRATIC 				     |
| 																	     |
|			Social Security Number.............................................: 170-42-8170 				     |
| 																	     |
|  15 :: Grandpa's Credit Report    													     |
| 																	     |
| 						 ----------------									     |
|						 +Public Records+									     |
|						 ---------------- 									     |
|US BKPT CT PA PITTSBURGH 														     |
|Address: US BANKRUPTCY COURT PITTSBURGH, PA 15200 									                     |
|Identification Number: 1325056 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition 												     |
|Status Details: This term is scheduled to continue on record until Dec 2020 								     |
|Date Filed: 12/02/2013 														     |
|Claim Amount: NA 															     |
|Date Resolved: NA 															     |
|Liability Amount: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE CO PROTHONOTARY 														     |
|Address: 61 E MAIN ST UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 												     |
|Identification Number: 201002621 													     |
|Judgment in favor of: STERLING JEWWLERS INC 												     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 											             |
|Status: Civil claim judgment 														     |
|Status Details: This item is scheduled to continue on record until Dec 2017. 								     |
|Date Filed: 12/13/2010 														     |
|Claim Amount: $3,605 															     |
|Date Resolved: NA 															     |
|Liability Amount: NA 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY PROTHONOT 														     |
|Address: 61 E MAIN ST UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 												     |
|Identification Number: 20102415 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: State tax lien filed. 														     |
|Date Filed: 09/24/2010 														     |
|Claim Amount: $803 															     |
|Date Resolved: NA 															     |
|Liability Amount: NA 															     |
|Responsibility: Joint 															     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY PROTHONOT 														     |
|Address: 61 E MAIN ST UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 												     |
|Identification Number: 20112755 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: State tax lien filed. 														     |
|Date Filed: 12/05/2011 														     |
|Claim Amount: $1,071 															     |
|Date Resolved: NA  															     |
|Liability Amount: NA 															     |
|Responsibility: Joint 															     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY PROTHONOT 														     |
|Address: 61 E MAIN ST UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 												     |
|Identification Number: 20122734 												  	     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: State tax lien filed. 													 	     |
|Date Filed: 12/10/2012 														     |
|Claim Amount: $975 															     |
|Date Resolved: NA 															     |
|Liability Amount: NA 															     |
|Responsibility: Joint 															     |
| 																	     |
|						 -------------- 									     |
|						 +Credit Items+ 									     |
|						 -------------- 									     |
|																	     |
|AAS DEBT RECOVERY INC 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 129 MONROEVILLE, PA 15146 												     |
|Account Number: 109398 														     |
|Original Creditor: COURTESY OIL INC. 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Collection account. $3,715 past due as of Feb 2013. 										     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Apr 2016. 							     |
|Date Opened: 08/2011 															     |
|Reported Since: 10/2011 														     |
|Date of Status: 10/2011 														     |
|Last Reported: 02/2013 														     |
|Type: Collection 															     |
|Terms: 1 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Joint with RITA HUFFINE 												     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $5,920 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: $3,715 as of 02/2013 													     |
|Recent Payment: $1,857 														     |
| 																	     |
|ALLY FINANCIAL 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 380901 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (888) 925-2559 										     |
|Account Number: 00491292.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528  												     |
|Status: Petition for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. $8,552 written off, $8,552 past due as of Jan 2015. 					     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until May 2018. 							     |
|Date Opened: 02/2008 															     |
|Reported Since: 03/2008 														     |
|Date of Status: 01/2014 														     |
|Last Reported: 01/2015 														     |
|Type: Auto Loan 															     |
|Terms: 72 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $34,901 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: $8,552 as of 01/2015 													     |
|Recent Payment: $0 															     |
| 																	     |
|ALLY FINANCIAL 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 380901 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (888) 925-2559 										     |
|Account Number: 0240890.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Paid in settlement. $1,354 written off. 											     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Oct 2017. 							     |
|Date Opened: 08/2005 															     |
|Reported Since: 10/2005 														     |
|Date of Status: 03/2012 														     |
|Last Reported: 03/2012 														     |
|Type: Auto Loan 															     |
|Terms: 60 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $31,999 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
| 																	     |
|CAP ONE 																     |
|Address: PO BOX 30253 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130 (800) 477-6000 										     |
|Account Number: 520118016531.... 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Petition for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. $2,785 written off. 									     |
|Date Opened: 10/2008 															     |
|Reported Since: 10/2008 														     |
|Date of Status: 12/2013 														     |
|Last Reported: 03/2014 														     |
|Type: Credit Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $1,600 													     |
|High Balance: $2,785 															     |
|Recent Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
| 																	     |
|ESCALLATE 																     |
|Address: 5200 STONEHAM RD NORTH CANTON, OH 44720 (877) 237-7787 									     |
|Account Number: 38018496 														     |
|Original Creditor: EMP OF FAYETTE COUNTY LTD 												     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Collection account. $802 past due as of Jul 2014 										     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Nov 2020. 							     |
|Date Opened: 05/2014 															     |
|Reported Since: 07/2014 														     |
|Date of Status: 07/2014 														     |
|Last Reported: 07/2014 														     |
|Type: Collection 															     |
|Terms: 1 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $802													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: $802 as of 07/2014 													     |
|Recent Payment: $0 															     |
| 																	     |
|KAY JEWELERS 																     |
|Address: 375 GHENT RD FAIRLAWN, OH 44333 												     |
|Account Number: 600046.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Petition for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. $3,605 written off. $125 past due as of Dec 2014. 						     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Jun 2017. 							     |
|Date Opened: 02/2009 															     |
|Reported Since: 02/2009 														     |
|Date of Status: 12/2013 														     |
|Last Reported: 12/2015 														     |
|Type: Charge Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $4,541 												             |
|High Balance: $3,605 															     |
|Recent Balance: $125 as of 12/2014 													     |
|Recent Payment: $0 															     |
| 																	     |
|NUVELL CREDIT CO 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 380901 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (888)  925-2559 										     |
|Account Number: 22091504.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Petition for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. $4,432 written off. $4,432 past due as of Jan 2015. 					     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Nov 2017. 							     |
|Date Opened: 09/2005 															     |
|Reported Since: 10/2005 														     |
|Date of Status: 01/2014 														     |
|Last Reported: 01/2015 														     |
|Type: Auto Loan 															     |
|Terms: 72 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $33,773 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: $4,432 as of 01/2015 													     |
|Recent Payment: $0 															     |
| 																	     |
|OCWEN LOAN SERVICING: 															     |
|Address: 1661 WORTHINGTON RD STE 100 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33409 (800) 746-2936 								     |
|Account Number: 10214.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Foreclosure proceedings started $19,930 past due as of Nov 2014.  								     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Jul 2020. 							     |
|Date Opened: 04/2005 															     |
|Reported Since: 05/2005 														     |
|Date of Status: 12/2013 														     |
|Last Reported: 11/2014 														     |
|Type: Mortgage 															     |
|Terms: 15 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $1,194 														     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $93,500 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: $50,535 as of 11/2014 													     |
|Recent Payment: $1,272 														     |
| 																	     |
|SYNCB/SAMS CLUB 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 965005 ORLANDO, FL 32896 (800) 964-1917 										     |
|Account Number: 771410049037.... 	                          							 		     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Closed. $768 written off. 													     |
|Date Opened: 02/2009 															     |
|Reported Since: 02/2009 														     |
|Date of Status: 12/2011 														     |
|Last Reported: 12/2011 														     |
|Type: Charge Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $600 													     |
|High Balance: $768 															     |
|Recent Balance: $0 as of 12/2011 													     |
|Recent Payment: $25 															     |
| 																	     |
|SYNCHHRONY BANK/WALMART 														     |
|Address: PO BOX 965024 ORLANDO, FL 32896 (877) 294-7880 										     |
|Account Number: 60322014071.... 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Closed. $1,226 														     |
|Date Opened: 02/2009 															     |
|Reported Since: 02/2009 														     |
|Date of Status: 12/2011 														     |
|Last Reported: 01/2012 														     |
|Type: Charge Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $800 													     |
|High Balance: $1,226 															     |
|Recent Balance: $0 as of 01/2012													     |
|Recent Payment: $34 															     |
| 																	     |
|						 --------------------------- 								     |
|						 +Accounts in Good Standing+ 								     |
|						 --------------------------- 								     |
| 																	     |
|CAPITAL ONE 																     |
|Address: PO BOX 30281 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130 (800) 955-7070 										     |
|Account Number: 517805261101.... 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Paid,Closed/Never late. 													     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until May 2016. 							     |
|Date Opened: 11/2005 															     |
|Reported Since: 11/2005 														     |
|Date of Status: 05/2006 														     |
|Last Reported: 05/2006 														     |
|Type: Credit Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: NA 													     |
|High Balance: $96 															     |
|Recent Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
| 																	     |
|FORD MOTOR CREDIT 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 542000 OMAHA, NE 68154 												     |
|Account Number: 3490.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Paid,Closed/Never Late 													     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Sep 2015 							     |
|Date Opened: 07/2003 															     |
|Reported Since: 07/2003 														     |
|Date of Status: 09/2005 														     |
|Last Reported: 09/2005 														     |
|Type: Auto Loan 															     |
|Terms: 60 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $23,354 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
| 																	     |
|G M A C 																     |
|Address: PO BOX 380901 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (800) 200-4622 										     |
|Account Number: 00491000.... 														     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Paid,Close/Never Late 														     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Apr 2018 							     |
|Date Opened: 04/2006 															     |
|Reported Since: 06/2006 														     |
|Date of Status: 04/2008 														     |
|Last Reported: 04/2008 														     |
|Type: Auto Loan 															     |
|Terms: 60 Months 															     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $23,941 													     |
|High Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Blanace: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
|																	     |
|HOME DEPOT/CITIBANK 															     |
|Address: PO BOX 6497 SIOUX FALLS, SD 57117 (800) 677-0232 										     |
|Account Number: 603532017349.... 													     |
|Address Identification Number: 0360031528 												     |
|Status: Paid,Closed/Never Late 												 	     |
|Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Oct 2017. 							     |
|Date Opened: 07/2005                             											     |
|Reported Since: 07/2005 														     |
|Date of Status: 10/2007 														     |
|Last Reported: 10/2007 														     |
|Type: Charge Card 															     |
|Terms: NA 																     |
|Monthly Payment: $0 															     |
|Responsibility: Individual 														     |
|Credit Limit/Original Amount: $1,000 													     |
|High Balance: $1,100 															     |
|Recent Balance: NA 															     |
|Recent Payment: NA 															     |
|                                   													     |
|  16 :: Grandpa's IRS Transcripts  													     |
| 																	     |
|				Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!iN8R3ByR!lL0LFdwhQnnu9jUoMdMnVlAggQByAPFILK-0sWf1XxU 			     |
| 																	     |
|	    Contents: 															     |
|	Account_2006.pdf	 													     |
|	Account_2008.pdf	                      _            _.,----,     WHAT CAN I SAY 						     |
|	Account_2009.pdf	           __  _.-._ / '-.        -  ,._  \)     							     |
|	Account_2010.pdf	          |  `-)_   '-.   \       / < _ )/" }                                   			     |
|	Account_2011.pdf	          /___   '-.   \   '-, ___(c-(6)=(6)         							     |
|	Account_2012.pdf	           ,  '.    -._ '.  _,'   >\    "  )         WIZARD POWERS ACTIVATED. 				     |
|	Account_2013.pdf	           :;;,,'-._   '---' (  ( "/`. -='/        							     |
|	Record_Of_Account_2011.pdf	  ;:;;:;;,   \._     .`-.)Y'- '--'    								     |
|	Record_Of_Account_2012.pdf       ;';:;;;;;'-._ /'._|   |//  _/' \                                     				     |
|	Tax_Return_2011.pdf	              '''"._ F    |  _/ _.'._   `\                                    				     |
|	Tax_Return_2012.pdf	                     L    \   \/     '._  \                                   				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2005.pdf              .-,-,_ |     `.  `'---,  \_ _|                                  				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2006.pdf              //    '|    /  \,   ("--',=`)7                                  				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2007.pdf             | `._       : _,  \  /'`-._\,_'-._                               				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2008.pdf             '--' '-.\__/ _L   .`'         './/                               				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2009.pdf                         [ (  /                                               				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2010.pdf                         ) `{                                                				     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2011.pdf                         \__) 										     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2012.pdf 													     |
|	Wage_And_Income_2013.pdf 													     |
| 																	     |
|  17 :: Grandma Too? WTF!?!														     |
|					     .-"-.            .-"-.            .-"-.           .-"-.     				     |
|					   _/_-.-_\_        _/.-.-.\_        _/.-.-.\_       _/.-.-.\_    				     |
|					  / __} {__ \      /|( o o )|\      ( ( o o ) )     ( ( o o ) )   				     |
|				       	 / //  "  \\ \    | //  "  \\ |      |/  "  \|       |/  "  \|    				     |
|					/ / \'---'/ \ \  / / \'---'/ \ \      \'/^\'/         \ .O. /     				     |
|					\ \_/`"""`\_/ /  \ \_/`"""`\_/ /      /`\ /`\         /`"""`\     				     |
|					 \           /    \           /      /  /|\  \       /       \    				     |
| 																	     |
|			Name...............................................................: Rita M Huffine 				     |
|			DOB................................................................: 09/07/1956 				     |
|			Previous Addresses.................................................: PO Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: RR 2 Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: PO Box 115E Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: PO Box 115 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			...................................................................: RR 1 Box 99 Dunbar, PA 15431 		     |
|			Employer...........................................................: HW 					     |
| 																	     |
|			Voter Info.........................................................: RITA M HUFFINE (Date of Birth: 09/07/1956)      |
|			Status.............................................................: ACTIVE 		    			     |
|			Party..............................................................: DEMOCRATIC 				     |
|	 																     |
|			Social Security Number.............................................: 170-48-7063 				     |
|																	     |
|  18 :: Grannie's Credit Report													     |
| 																	     |
|						 ----------------------									     |
|						 +Personal Information+ 								     |
|						 ---------------------- 								     |
|SSN: XXX-XX-7063 															     |
|Your SSN has been masked for your protection. 												     |
|Date of Birth: 09/07/1956 														     |
|Names Reported: RITA M. HUFFINE 													     |
|Addresses Reported: 															     |
|Address Date Reported 															     |
|312 HARDY HILL RD, DUNBAR, PA 15431-2426 02/01/2000 											     |
|RR 2 BOX 99, DUNBAR, PA 15431-9712 03/01/1997 												     |
|RR 1 BOX 99, DUNBAR, PA 15431-9524 													     |
|Telephone Numbers Reported: 														     |
|(724) 277-0158																     |
|Employment Data Reported:														     |
|Employer Name Date Verified 														     |
|HW 09/01/1993 																     |
|																	     |
|						 ----------------									     |
|						 +Public Records+ 									     |
|						 ---------------- 									     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY COURT OF Docket# 20122734 												     |
|61 EAST MAIN ST 															     |
|UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 															     |
|(412) 430-1272 															     |
|Date Filed: 12/10/2012 														     |
|Date Updated: 12/12/2012 														     |
|Type: STATE TAX LIEN 															     |
|Responsibility: Contractually Liable Debt 												     |
|Amount: $975 																     |
|Court Type: Recorder of Deeds														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 11/2022 									     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY COURT OF Docket# 20112755 												     |
|61 EAST MAIN ST 															     |
|UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 															     |
|(412) 430-1272 															     |
|Date Filed: 12/05/2011 														     |
|Date Updated: 12/30/2011 														     |
|Type: STATE TAX LIEN 															     |
|Responsibility: Contractually Liable Debt												     |
|Amount: $1,071 															     |
|Court Type: Recorder of Deeds 														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 11/2021 									     |
| 																	     |
|FAYETTE COUNTY COURT OF Docket# 20102415 												     |
|61 EAST MAIN ST 															     |
|UNIONTOWN, PA 15401															     |
|(412) 430-1272																     |
|Date Filed: 09/24/2010															     |
|Date Updated: 09/29/2010 														     |
|Type: STATE TAX LIEN 															     |
|Responsibility: Contractually Liable Debt 												     |
|Amount: $803 																     |
|Court Type: Recorder of Deeds 														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 08/2020 									     |
| 																	     |
|						 ------------------ 									     |
|						 +Adverse Accounts+ 									     |
|						 ------------------ 									     |
|CAPITAL ONE #520118016531**** 														     |
|P O BOX 30253 																     |
|SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84130-0253 														     |
|(800) 477-6000 															     |
|Date Opened: 10/04/2008 														     |
|Responsibility: Authorized Account 													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account 													     |
|Loan Type: CREDIT CARD 														     |
|Balance: $2,785 															     |
|Date Updated: 10/30/2010 														     |
|Last Payment Made: 05/15/2010 														     |
|High Balance: $2,785	   														     |
|Original ChargeOff: $2,785														     |
|Credit Limit: $1,600															     |
|Past Due: >$96<															     |
|Pay Status: >Charged Off<														     |
|Date Closed: 05/14/2010														     |
|>Maximum Delinquency of 120 days in 08/2010 for											     |
|$91 and in 09/2010 for $91<														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 03/2017									     |
| 																	     |
|AAS DEBT RECOVERY INC #1093**														     |
|PO BOX 129																     |
|MONROEVILLE, PA 15146															     |
|(412) 829-0624																     |
|Placed for																     |
|collection:																     |
|08/25/2011																     |
|Responsibility: Joint Account														     |
|Account Type: Open Account														     |
|Loan Type: COLLECTION															     |
|AGENCY/ATTORNEY															     |
|Balance: $0																     |
|Date Updated: 05/02/2013														     |
|Last Payment Made: 04/23/2013														     |
|Original Amount: $5,920														     |
|Original Creditor: COURTESY OIL INC													     |
|(Oil Company)																     |
|Pay Status: >Account Paid in Full; was													     |
|a Collection<																     |
|Date Closed: 04/23/2013														     |
|Date Paid: 04/23/2013															     |
|Remarks: >PAID COLLECTION<														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 06/2018									     |
|																	     |
|AAS DEBT RECOVERY INC #10939**														     |
|PO BOX 129																     |
|MONROEVILLE, PA 15146 															     |
|(412) 829-0624																     |
|Placed for 																     |
|collection: 																     |
|11/08/2011 																     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account													     |
|Account Type: Open Account														     |
|Loan Type: COLLECTION															     |
|AGENCY/ATTORNEY															     |
|Balance: $0																     |
|Date Updated: 05/02/2013														     |
|Last Payment Made: 04/23/2013														     |
|Original Amount: $5,920														     |
|Original Creditor: COURTESY OIL INC													     |
|(Oil Company)																     |
|Pay Status: >Account Paid in Full; was													     |
|a Collection<																     |
|Date Closed: 04/23/2013														     |
|Date Paid: 04/23/2013															     |
|Remarks: >PAID COLLECTION<														     |
|Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 06/2018									     |
|																	     |
|SPIRIT OF AMERICA NTL BK #600466941375****												     |
|1103 ALLEN DR																     |
|MILFORD, OH 45150															     |
|(800) 767-1309																     |
|Date Opened: 05/15/2006														     |
|Responsibility: Individual Account													     |
|Account Type: Revolving Account													     |
|Loan Type: CREDIT CARD															     |
|Balance: $0																     |
|Date Updated: 01/25/2010														     |
|Payment Received: $0															     |
|Last Payment Made: 05/03/2007														     |
|High Balance: $144															     |
|Credit Limit: $100															     |
|Pay Status: Current; Paid or Paying as													     |
|Agreed																	     |
|Date Closed: 09/08/2006														     |
|																	     |
|  19 :: Grandma's IRS Transcripts 													     |
|																	     |
|					Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!CMdUUJID!3Ed-gMclFZ1CrpZvREPEewmMEOc_-jndBrwFy-K_TpQ		     |
|	 																     |
|                                    |\                                                                          			     |
|                                    | \        /|                                                               			     |
|       Contents:                    |  \____  / |           THE FINAL WORD ON ANAL SEX!!!                       			     |
|   Account_2006.pdf                /|__/AMMA\/  |           WOMEN DO NOT ENJOY IT, IT FEELS LIKE HAVING         			     |
|   Account_2008.pdf               /AMMMMMMMMMMM\_|           TO TAKE A CRAP EXCEPT MORE HURTY AND DEMEANING      			     |
|   Account_2009.pdf           ___/AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA                                                               			     |
|   Account_2010.pdf           \   |MVKMMM/ .\MMMMM\                                                              			     |
|   Account_2011.pdf            \__/MMMMMM\  /MMMMMM---                                                           			     |
|   Account_2012.pdf            |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM|  /       IN PORN THEY SAY THEY ENJOY IT BECAUSE THEY ARE     			     |
|   Account_2013.pdf            |MMMM/. \MM.--MMMMMM\/        GETTING PAID                                        			     |
|   Record_Of_Account_2011.pdf  /\MMM\  /MM\  |MMMMMM   ___                                                       			     |
|   Record_Of_Account_2012.pdf /  |MMMMMMMMM\ |MMMMMM--/   \-.     IN REAL LIFE WOMEN SAY THEY ENJOY IT           	 		     |
|   Tax_Return_2011.pdf       /___/MMMMMMMMMM\|MM--M/___/_|   \    BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID                        			     |
|   Tax_Return_2012.pdf          \VMM/\MMMMMMM\  |      /\ \/    AND YOUR DICK IS SMALL                          			     |
|   Wage_And_Income_2012.pdf      \V/  \MMMMMMM\ |     /_  /                                                     			     |
|                                   |  /MMMV'   \|    |/ _/                                                     			     |
|                                   | /              _/  /    AND THEN THEY GUILT YOU INTO BUYING THEM PRESENTS 			     |
|                                   |/              /| \'    BUT YOU CAN HIT THEM WITH THIS HANDY MACE INSTEAD  			     |
|                                                  /_  /                                                        			     |
|                                                  /  /                                                      				     |
|  20 :: Bonus Level															     |
|																	     |
|	Angel, you always recommend to people that they should kill themselves, but you fail to provide a guide on how to do it. 	     |
|	Below is a guide I've composed of on how to "Kill yourself": 									     |
| 																	     |
|				1) FIREARMS 												     |
|				      Firearms are the cause of death for more than 60% of male suicide 				     |
|				deaths each year. They are often thought to be the most sure way of commiting 				     |
|				suicide, and the easiest. This is also the messiest way, and the most diff- 			   	     |
|				icult for family members to cope with. It may not neccisarily be the most 				     |
|				error free form of suicide, either. If you are planning to use a firearm, be 				     |
|				sure it is at LEAST a .38 or .357 caliber, as anything smaller may not cause 				     |
|				death, and then you're stuck a veggie. Also, the preferred way to blow you 				     |
|				brains out is by putting the barrel of the gun in your mouth, pointed up at 			             |
|				the base of your brain. You could also do a Cobain and use a shotgun. That is 				     |
|				just as effective :) 											     |
| 																	     |
|				2) SLASHING WRISTS 											     |
|				        This is actually not as painful as one might think. As long as you 				     |
|				use a sharp blade, it can be quite effective. First, get a large pan or bowl 				     |
|				and fill it with VERY cold water and ice cubes. LOTS of ice. Sit your fore- 				     |
|				arm in it for about 1 hour, or until your arm is COMPLETELY numb. Now, get a 				     |
|				sharp knife, such as a ginsu or your mom's best carving blade, if you don't 				     |
|				have a suitable one. Otherwise use one of those razor util knives, and extend 				     |
|				the blade to full length. Make three cuts. 								     |
|				                a) At the transition of your wrist into your hand, right 				     |
|				                   across. 										     |
|				                b) At a 45ø angle starting from the left point of the first 				     |
|				                   cut. Go from upper-left to lower-right (if it's your left) 				     |
|				                c) From close to the center of the wrist, cut straight down 				     |
|				                   your arm, as far as possible without causing yourself pain 				     |
| 																	     |
|				This has the effect of severing the many arteries in your arm, with no hope 				     |
|				of a blood clot or similar effect. You probably have about 6-10 minutes after 				     |
|				doing this, so do it during the Simpsons or something so you can laugh for the 				     |
|				final 10 minutes of your life. 										     |
| 																	     |
|				3) CYANIDE 												     |
|				        Cyanide is a very controverial substance. According to different acc- 				     |
|				ounts, death by cyanide ingestion can be quick and painless (12 sec.) or long 				     |
|				drawn out and unbearably painful (4 or 5 days of writhing pain). It is essent- 				     |
|				ially unpredicatble, but death is almost certain in any situation. Cyanide 				     |
|				can be obtained from peach pits, although I am unsure of the exact process 				     |
|				right now (look for an upcoming CH HPA)                                                                      |
|				        Here are directions for one form of cyanide: 							     |
|				        1. Take a small glass of cold TAP WATER (it has the proper pH) 					     |
|				        2. Stir 1.0 to 1.5 g KCN (potassium cyanide) into the water 					     |
|				        3. After about 5 minutes, the KCN is dissolved and ready to drink 				     |
|				        4. After drinking, you will lose consiuosness in about 1 minute 				     |
|				        5. Death will follow the coma in 15 to 45 minutes. 						     |
| 																	     |
|				4) INJECTION 												     |
|				        The key to injecting anything is being able to use a seringe. I will 				     |
|				assume you know how to do this. It is important that all substances I will 				     |
|				describe here be injected into a VEIN, not an ARTERY. This way they will be 				     |
|				re-distributed thru the heart when the blood reaches the heart. 					     |
|				        A) AIR 												     |
|				                Injection of a LARGE amount of air into the blood stream will 				     |
|				                cause cardiac arrest in the victim. The only problem is the				     |
|				                amount of air that's needed. Close to 40 CC's is required. 				     |
|				                Death is fairly painless, and reasonably fast. 						     |
| 																	     |
|				        B) DISTILLED WATER 										     |
|				                I believe this will work, although I am not positive. You 				     |
|				                would probably have to inject the better part of a whole 				     |
|				                bottle of water, like Evian. I don't know about the death. 				     |
| 																	     |
|				        C) IODINE 											     |
|				                This is used in China to kill newborn babies. You can use 				     |
|				                either Iodine or Rubbing Alchohol. 20 to 40 CC's should 				     |
|						ensure rapid death. 									     |
|																	     |
|				        D) NICOTINE 											     |
|						Since a few drops ingested will cause swift death, I would 				     |
|			                        think that 2-3 CC's directly injected should make quick work  				     |
|						of you. Be aware that once it is injected you will be stoned 				     |
|						out of your mind for the few (5-10?) minutes before death. 				     |
| 																	     |
|				5) PLASTIC BAG 												     |
|				        This is usually used as extra insurence, and should be used with any 				     |
|				        method that involves OD'ing on anything, because this is a failproof 				     |
|				        way to commit suicide. Take a mid sized plastic bag. Not one small 				     | 
|				        enough that you'd choke on it, cause that just sucks. Use one that 				     |
|				        is fairly large, but not one that would take forever to fill. Maybe 				     |
|				        a shopping bag or something. Put it on your head and take 2 rubber 				     |
|				        bands and secure it around your neck. The effect is simple. You will				     |
|				        eventually (1-2 hrs) use up all the Oxygen in the bag. As you run 				     |
|				        low, you will just get sleepy, and fall asleep, and never wake up. 				     |
| 																	     |
|				Drug List: 												     |
|				        The following table shows some of the most popular prescription drugs				     |
|				        and the requirments to kill yourself. All of the pills should be 				     |
| 				        taken with alchohol, as this increases the intensity of the drugs.				     |
| 																	     |
| 																	     |
|				Generic Name          Trade Name           Lethal Dose         #/tablets 				     |
|				------------------------------------------------------------------------- 				     |
|				Flurazepam              Dalamane                3g              100*30mg 				     |
|				Chloral Hydrate         Noctec                  10g             20*500mg 				     |
|				Meprobamate             Miltown, Equanil        45g             112*400mg 				     |
|				Meperidine              Demerol                 3.6g            72*50mg 				     |
|				Morphine                ---                     200mg           14*15mg 				     |
|				Secobarbital            Seconal (sleep agent)   4.5g            45*100mg  				     |
|				Propoxyphene            Darvon (NOT DARVOCET)   2.0g            30*65mg 				     |
| 																	     |
|				The best way to take these is to grind up about 3/4 of them and put them in				     |
|				a yogurt or pudding. Sweeten it with suger to offset the taste. First take 				     |
|				the other 1/4 of them with a glass of wine. Then eat the yogurt with a fair 				     |
|				amount of speed. Then wash it all down with some scotch, wiskey, or other 				     |
|				hard liquor. 												     |
| 																	     |
| 																	     |
|				Fatal Liquids: 												     |
|																	     |
|				This mixture will work well and be fatal with extreme speed (several					     |
|				minutes) 												     |
|																	     |
|				Pentobarbital sodium    9g 										     |
|				Alcohol                 20ml										     |
|				Purified Water          15ml										     |
|				Propylene glycol        10ml										     |
|				Orange Syrup            50ml										     |
|																	     |
|				(Secobarbital sodium can be substituted for the Pentobarbital sodium if					     |
|				neccesary)												     |
|																	     |
|				    (   )                                                              					     |
|				  ) _   )    EVERYWHERE !!!!! KEEP UP THE HARD WORK "RESTING IN  					     |
|				 _(_\ \)__                                                              				     |
|				(____\___))  TO ANGEL HUFFINES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR AS ANGEL WOULD SAY:					     |
|								"KILL YOURSELF".						             |
|																	     |