ANDY VLADMUR + RAMONSOCIETY DOWNFALL +made by r3bvy3+ 0_o !THIS IS THE FIRST DOX I POST IN MY LIFE, RATE IT! REASONS: -extorters -fake doxxers -flex he use xworm (he doesnt) -rude -high ego ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +RAMON SOCIETY DOWNFALL+ (get doxxed in over a week) Introduction: he got mad over me after i rejected him (i have a boyfriend), trying to blackmail me/ stalk me with his friends ending up failing without a cent and stoled roblox accounts. NAME: andy vladmur Born: 2008 Country: Romania Timezone: Europe/Bucharest City: Targu Seculesc IP: Zip: 525400 heigh : 183cm / 6 foot Face: Phone number: +40 724 268 151 Paypal accont + password: IloveRamon1@ Card number: 4244040008668207 main email: (dude use this email for everything 💀) Roblox Account: (not stoled yet) -BlackAmaryllis Active Discord Id: 1292315006788177920 Token: MTIyNDAyMTkxMTYzMDI1NDE2NQ.Ghzz_z.0r8CuVG-ea_wjhuHRgtd-vAFknNMSPP2rzZRBw Internet Service: AS12302 Vodafone Romania S.A , organization Upcro Wifi: UPC1576560 -!i wont add everything but you can add me on discord for more infos!- RAMONSOCIETY = based on roblox condom games and extort -------------------------------------------------- i will update you if i get more infos about this guy friends all i know for now are: theyr discord, one of his friend tik tok old account:skull: , and one of his friend ip "huge !extorter!" they said, add r3bvy3 on discord for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------