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                                     Andrei Tanase ( FelixAndrei10 ) Just Got Doxed

Name: Andrei Tanase
Nickname: Squider / Felix / AndreiHD
Age: 18+
Birthday Date: 6 August
Email: andreitanase10@gmail.com
Pass: andreipula1234.
Postal Code: 137010
ISP: RCS & RDS Residential CGN
Country: Romania
State/Region: Dambovita
City: Targoviste
Latitude: 44.9214 (44° 55′ 17.12″ N)
Longitude: 25.4558 (25° 27′ 20.70″ E)
1 img with him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1253642351432175641/1253799185313173647/IMG_6433.png?ex=6677d3bc&is=6676823c&hm=5801e8c2a2cabc6fb828cc823564a7ce548d526a43ea7442b420758ea0ac1bf5&
2 img with him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1253642351432175641/1253998482105040996/image.png?ex=6677e498&is=66769318&hm=55af706b250cb75c8104fbb89b1ee3b853a694a269f6fdaed4427fb7dc25c967&
Youtube Account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_WAUQ6S5Mvpi9B8u2nRZA
TikTok Account: https://www.tiktok.com/@aanddreeii_?lang=en
Instagram Account: N/A
Discord Account: shy110
Minecraft Account: FelixAndrei10
His mom salary: 2800 ron ( 601 dollars )
His dad salary: Hunter ( aprox 3000 ron )
Mom name: Mariana Tanase
Dad name: N/A ( he left andrei when he was young )
Roblox Account: SquiderCraftHD
Aternos Account: SquiderYTXD
Brother: Damian Tanase ( he beats andrei when he stay too much on his laptop )
Alt Youtube Account: https://www.youtube.com/@FreeFireSquiderHR