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« Content: 0x01 - Anakin | 0x02 - Girlfriend and her relatives »
» Why:
  » 1. Trying to contact his ex when she's not single and he's already with another girl
  » 2. Doesn't understand what "fuck off" means
  » 3. Tries to go through his ex' brother to contact her, literal low-level loser

» Will update with more information later.

» Name: Anakin-Viggo Köppe
» Age: 18 (2004-03-08)
» Gender: Male
» Race: White
» Current Address: Affärsvägen 4 G, 95531 Råneå | Lives with his girlfriend, Frida
» Relationship Status: Together with Frida Norlin
» Father: Marcel Sebastian Köppe
  » Age: 45 (1977-07-16)
  » Address: Järnvägsgatan 1 D lgh 1302, 94231 Älvsbyn
  » Previous Address:
    » 2022-09-09: Bäckgatan 8, 94233 Älvsbyn
  » Race: White
  » Website: https://www.marcelkoeppe.se/
  » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/photographer_marcelk/?hl=en
  » YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@marcelkoppe
  » Vogue: https://www.vogue.com/photovogue/photographers/241391
  » Phone Number: +46730756325

» Father's brother, son or whatever:
  » Name: Svjan-Tristan Köppe
  » Age: 22 (2000-08-19)
  » Race: White
  » Address: Apelgatan 3 A lgh 1302, 94232 Älvsbyn
  » Previous Addresses:
    » 2020-08-05: Lövgatan 10 lgh 1201, 94232 Älvsbyn
    » 2018-08-21: Bäckgatan 8, 94233 Älvsbyn

» Previous Addresses:
  » 2022-03-08: Bäckgatan 8, 94233 Älvsbyn
  » 2022-10-20: Järnvägsgatan 1 D lgh 1302, 94231 Älvsbyn

» Socials + Misc Links:
  » Yepstr: https://www.yepstr.com/se/yeppar/a/anakin-viggo_koppe_Ttl3WqbLFh
    » Profile Picture: https://res.cloudinary.com/yepstr/image/upload/w_150,h_150,dpr_1.0/user_avatars/cp2itbknl2j6zz0ym0ke.jpg
  » Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/anakinkoeppe/
  » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anakinkoeppe/
  » Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/anakinkoeppe
  » Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/compactgirl04-se
  » Loudly: https://www.loudly.com/community/profiles/anakinviggokoppe
  » News Article: https://pt.se/bli-prenumerant/artikel/jpppyxmj/pt-2m2kr_s_22
  » Old Blog which mentions his family: https://budbararen07.blogspot.com/2011/06/alvsbybor-byggde-varldens-storsta.html
» Aliases:
  » compactgirl04-se
  » anakin04
  » anakin
  » anakinkoeppe
  » anakinviggokoppe
» Girlfriends Name: Frida Erika Norlin
» Age: 18 (2004-08-04)
» Current Address: Same as Anakin
» Relationship Status: Together with Anakin-Viggo Köppe
» Previous Address:
  » 2022-08-04: Klockarvägen 10, 95531 Råneå
» Father: Kjell Tomas Norlin
  » Age: 47 (1975-07-22)
  » Address: Klockarvägen 10, 95531 Råneå
» Mother: Erika Magdalena Norlin 
  » Age: 48 (1974-09-19)
  » Address: Klockarvägen 10, 95531 Råneå
  » Phone Number: +46730654493