' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '    ⠀ ⠀                 
Me while making the paste:                                     '            01010111   01100101   01100001   01110010   01100101   01101111   01101110   01100101            '              
                                                               ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '       
 "Why the fuck do people think they the shit with              '                                                                                                             '     *⠀  ⠀      ⠀✦⠀   
  3 lines of info..."                                          '              8888888888 8888888888 888b     d888            8888888b.   .d88888b.  Y88b   d88P              '     Sakuran lowkey  
                                                               '              888        888        8888b   d8888            888  "Y88b d88P" "Y88b  Y88b d88P               '          .    .                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                               '              888        888        88888b.d88888            888    888 888     888   Y88o88P                '     ✦   cute  ✦
                *5 minutes in* "I'm bored"                     '              8888888    8888888    888Y88888P888            888    888 888     888    Y888P                 '        .     
                                                               '              888        888        888 Y888P 888            888    888 888     888    d888b                 '      .    . 
      *Looks at a dox with overused ASCII                      '              888        888        888  Y8P  888            888    888 888     888   d88888b                '
      and no info about the victim*                            '              888        888        888   "   888            888  .d88P Y88b. .d88P  d88P Y88b               '   ✦⠀ ᴵ ˡᶦᵉᵈ *⠀ 
      "legend."                                                '              888        8888888888 888       888            8888888P"   "Y88888P"  d88P   Y88b              '    
                                                               ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '                                                             
                                                               ' 01010111 01100101 01100001 01110010 01100101 01010011 01100001 01101011 01110101 01110010 01100001 01101110 '   
*Plays Minecraft for 4 hours*                                  ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '       
                                                               '       ____     ___   __  __  ____    ___   _   _      ____    _____      _      ____     ___    _   _       '
                                                               '      |  _ \   / _ \  \ \/ / | __ )  |_ _| | \ | |    |  _ \  | ____|    / \    / ___|   / _ \  | \ | |      '  
     *Dies and secretly turns into creative to gain what       '      | | | | | | | |  \  /  |  _ \   | |  |  \| |    | |_) | |  _|     / _ \   \___ \  | | | | |  \| |      '
      I spent 4 hours on*                                      '      | |_| | | |_| |  /  \  | |_) |  | |  | |\  |    |  _ <  | |___   / ___ \   ___) | | |_| | | |\  |      '  
                                                               '      |____/   \___/  /_/\_\ |____/  |___| |_| \_|    |_| \_\ |_____| /_/   \_\ |____/   \___/  |_| \_|      '                                                                                                                                                    
 *Gets back on the paste*                                      ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                               '    Possession of CP including with distributing it around Discord groups and DMs, Stolen credit card        ' 
                                                               '     claimed she wanted to be a Blackhat and "steal peoples money for fun", she was deadass since she was    '
                                                               '   contacting everyone who apparently were "Blackhats", I honestly showed up and started laughing, lol also  '
                *Finishes 3 lines and gets bored*              '                                        didn't repent while being cocky.                                     '                 
                                                               '                       (???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????????????)                  '                                                                                       
         "I'm horny"                                           ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '                                                            
                                                               '                                                INFORMATION                                                  ' 
                                                               '   Name: Amya M. Phillips                                                                                    '                    
                "bro this bitch has a nutaku account"          '   Age: Claims to be 15                                                                                      '                  
                                                               '   IP:                                                                                           '
  *plays random natuku games for 10 minutes*                   '   State: Alabama                                                                                            '
                                                               '   City: Birmingham                                                                                          '
             *gets into her paypal*                            '   Address: (Different Address from her mom, I had it and forgot to save it, too bad too sad cry about it)   '
                                                               '   Zip: (Read Address)                                                                                       '
 Paypal: "connect your wallet!"                                '   Coordinates: (Read Address)                                                                               '
                                                               '   Number: +1 (205) 567-3635                                                                                 '
            Me: "bro."                                         '   Devices: (Jai’me’s iPhone XR, LAPTOP-JL5ULRSD(IP=,                                           '
                                                               '             Amya’s iphone????(IP =                                                             '
                                                               '   Platform found sending and possession of the contents: Discord                                            '                                                                 
     *Gets into her gallery*                                   ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '
                                                               '                                                                                                             ' 
             "wtf..."                                          '  888888ba   88888888b  .d888888  888888ba                                                                   '
                                                               '  88    `8b  88        d8'    88  88    `8b                                                                  '  
    *Cracks her snapchat and other socials*                    '  a88aaaa8P' a88aaaa   88aaaaa88a 88     88                                                                  '
                                                               '  88   `8b.  88        88     88  88     88                                                                  '
                           "Noice"                             '  88     88  88        88     88  88    .8P                                                                  '
                                                               '  dP     dP  88888888P 88     88  8888888P  888888ba   88888888b dP        dP         .88888.  dP   dP   dP  '
       *Feels bad*                                             '  ----------------------------------------- 88    `8b  88        88        88        d8'   `8b 88   88   88  '
                                                               '                                            a88aaaa8P' a88aaaa   88        88        88     88 88  .8P  .8P  '
                   "Eh I'll leave some of her socials."        '                                            88   `8b.  88        88        88        88     88 88  d8'  d8'  '
                                                               '                                            88    .88  88        88        88        Y8.   .8P 88.d8P8.d8P   '
                                                               '                                            88888888P  88888888P 88888888P 88888888P  `8888P'  8888' Y88'    '
                                                               '                                            ---------------------------------------------------------------  ' 
    "Damn writing down these thoughts are gonna take a bit"    ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ' 
                                                               '   This is why: In general, I've got a hatred towards pedophiles, I've got a hatred in those who lie about   '
             *Checks random dox*                               '   the fact they are one, not saying this person is one since in they aren't above the legal age, but the    '
                                                               '   fact that they themselves are going around in possession of the things people are forced to do, including '
                                                               '   killings, gore, parents forcing kids to commit and participate in sexual acts with them, it just gives me '
  *Sees cool ASCII*                                            '   a thrill and motivation to do what I've loved to do.                                                      '
                                                               ' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ '  
                                                               '   For any other notices, all this information was gained by Sakuran, my techniques, Sakuran will            '
                    "GET YOUR ASCII COPIED SKIDDD"             '   not be held accountable for anything, since the main reason why she's being posted, is for something      '
                                                               '   worse than being posted in doxbin.                                                                        '
                                                               | ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |                                         
                                                               '                                          SOCAIL MEDIAS/LOGINS                                               '
*places ASCII on the bottom of the dox with some wierd stars*  '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Main Instagram: yoassisgrass7                                                                             '
                                                               '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '
      "i don't like it"                                        '   Pass: Welovesakurandon'twe,hegetshardwhenpeoplesaythatlol33                                               '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Alt Instagram: yoassisgrass7                                                                              '
                      "rethinks"                               '   Email: amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                           '
                                                               '   Pass: lolamya                                                                                             '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
          "eh i'll leave it"                                   '   Snapchat: amya_sofine                                                                                     '
                                                               '   Email: amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                           '
                                                               '   Pass: ohwowlookit'sanewpassword,whatasurprizesakuranholyshit                                              '
                                                               '   My eyes only(MEO): (Not this time boys, nothing saucy either way)                                         '
  "Bro typing these shits take so long i need a shortcut"      '   (UPDATE): SNAPCHAT IS BEING A BITCH AND PROBABLY FOR THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE BEING HACKED THEY'RE            '
                                                               '   NOT ALLOWING PASSWORD RESETS OR EMAIL CHANGE, SHE CHANGED HER PASSWORD MEANWHILE I WAS                    '
                                                               '   MAKING THIS DOX AND SADLY LOST ACCESS TO THE ACCOUNT,                                                     '
                                                               '   if i get it back i'll update the dox, your welcome.                                                       '
      *Sees snapchat password was changed*                     '  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    '
                                                               '   """"" (PASS WORD OBTAINED MFS) New Pass: NewPassAndSheTHoughtLmfaoooooo02834 """""                        '
                                                               '   """"" (EMAIL CHANGED MFSSS) New Email: amyap43@gmail.com """""                                            '
                                                               '  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                     '
          "damn"                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Main Roblox: XxQUEENKAITLYNX                                                                              '
                                                               '   Email: (I honestly idfk i don't play roblox no more but i took my time getting this one)                  '   
                 *tries to get it back*                        '   Pass: Amyalol09                                                                                           '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Bonus Roblox: LiahLiah0427                                                                                '
         Snapchat: "We can not proceed with this request"      '   Email: (Like on top, idfk, idfc)                                                                          '
                                                               '   Pass: beamazing13                                                                                         '
                                                               '   (This account is probably her friends or siblings,                                                        '
                                                               '   i've got another of his brother but he's chill so i let em slide,                                         '
                  *Sad Sakuran : ( *                           '   either way he didn't have nothing to do with what she did)                                                '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   YouTube: Underrated Amya                                                                                  '
                        "SIKE"                                 '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '
                                                               '   Pass: (NULL: safe keeping)                                                                                '
         *Gets it back and changes every info to secure it*    '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Alt YouTube: Amya Phillips                                                                                '
                                                               '   Email: amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                           '
                                                               '   Pass: (NULL: safe keeping)                                                                                '
        "Noice"                                                '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   IMVU: amyaphillips0909@email.com                                                                          '
                                                               '   Pass: (Felt nice, let her keep it)                                                                        '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
          "Bro i'm not putting anything in the other side"     '   HULU: scottshanta09@gmail.com                                                                             '
                                                               '   Pass: Amyaphillips09                                                                                      '
                                                               '   (ACCOUNT BLOCKED)                                                                                         '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
       "fml bro it looks fugly"                                '   Nutaku: hngf                                                                                              '
                                                               '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '
                                                               '   Pass: WPM5aJ@P!rEX76W                                                                                     '
                    "I like horny obsessed bitches"            '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Funimation: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                             '
                                                               '   Pass: Thebitchresetallherpasswordscauseilether,i'msuchaniceperson3                                        '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
     NOTE: Any horny obsessed bitches HML discord (لا錯乱#2591) '   Paypal:amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                           '
                                                               '   Pass: apperantlyit'sonly20                                                                                '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
           "Damn almost done with the thoughts in one side"    '   TikTok: amp12k                                                                                            '
                                                               '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '
                                                               '   Pass: (NULL: safe keeping)                                                                                '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
"Doxbin need to add a collab setting in their shit"            '   Forever 21: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                             '
                                                               '   Pass: ShewontfindthisemailanywaysbcshesretardedanywaysDontpostcpkids1                                     '
                                                               '                                                                                                             ' 
                                                               '   Microsoft: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                              '
                "that shit would be NEAT"                      '   Pass: Shegotfuckedbyskuranlmfaowerunthisaccountnow01010                                                   '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Spotify: Ämyâ????✨                                                                                        '
    Someone: "Thoughts about African Americans"                '   Email: amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                           '
                                                               '   Pass: dontfuckwithsakuranwerunyouamya                                                                     '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Soundcloud: Underrated Amya                                                                               '
                    "Hard question"                            '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '  
                                                               '   Pass: sakuranontopdontpostcporthisshithappens                                                             '                                                         
 *opens google translator to spell bored in diff languages*    '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Facebook: 2055673635                                                                                      '
"Bored"                                                        '   Pass: c9rLL7Du!wBC8ZG                                                                                     '
"Aburrido"                                                     '                                                                                                             '
"Ennuyé"                                                       '   Discord: Feminezi#6666                                                                                    '
"退屈した"                                                      '   Email: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                  '
"የሰለቸኝ"                                                        '   Pass: (NULL: safe keeping)                                                                                '
                                                               | ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
                                                               '                                          OTHER SOCIAL MEDIAS/LOGINS                                         '
                                                               '            (For others I have not checked if they work or not, you'll have to find out yourselves)          '    
"ok i'm just tired at this point"                              '                    (If some passwords don't work, try mixing them up, use some with others)                 '
                                                               '                           (FYI 2009 is not her YOB, it's her siblings year of birth)                        '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Gmail: s66133@bhm.k12.al.us                                                                               '
                                                               '   Pass: Ch@rgers51705                                                                                       '
  "Alr i'm gonna stop wasting time with this thoughts"         '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Gmail: lolamya@gmail.com                                                                                  '
                                                               '   Pass: (Don't know, try mixing some up idk)                                                                '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Discord: ᴬᴹᴾ12ᴷ                                                                                           '
    "Done"                                                     '   Email: (idfk)                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Pass: Amyaphillips09                                                                                      '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Discord: (IDK the name but here's the email and possibly the pass)                                        '
                                                               '   Email: lolamya@gmail.com                                                                                  '
                                                               '   Pass: Amyaphillips2009                                                                                    '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Wattpad: aaffffffx                                                                                        '
                                                               '   Pass: amyalove                                                                                            '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Wattpad: amyap43@gmail.com                                                                                '
                                                               '   Pass: amyalove                                                                                            '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Wattpad: dailypose                                                                                        '
                                                               '   Pass: amyalove                                                                                            '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Wattpad: pussymeat                                                                                        '
                                                               '   Pass: amyalove                                                                                            '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Crunchyroll: amyaphillips09@gmail.com                                                                     '
                                                               '   Pass: amyaphillips09                                                                                      '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Clever: S66133                                                                                            '
                                                               '   Pass: Ch@rgers51705                                                                                       '
                                                               | ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |                                                                                                                                                ⠀  
                                                               '                                               MOMS INFO/RELATIVES                                           '                                                                               
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '   Moms name: Shanta Scott                                                                                   '
                                                               '   Moms Address: 1766 6th Pl NW, Center Point, AL 35215                                                      '
                                                               '   Moms Age: 39                                                                                              '
                                                               '   Moms Email: scottshanta09@gmail.com                                                                       '
                                                               '   Moms Device: Shanta’s iPhone SE (2nd generation |IP =                                        '
                                                               '   Moms SSN: (Not posting, not fucking her up that bad)                                                      '
                                                               '   Relative Phone numbers: 2058365246, 2057470835                                                            '
                                                               '   Relatives: Gladys Pearl Scott, Tiara Scott, Phillis Homles                                                '
                                                               '   Ages: 1st = 60s, 2nd = 20s, 3rd = 40s                                                                     '
                                                               '   Address: 1st = 221 Meadowdale Ave, Birmingham, AL 35215                                                   '
                                                               '                                                                                                             '
                                                               '          (Not posting her moms number since she doesn't need any more torment than she already has)         '
                                                               '              (got more info but it's so much at a point that there's no reason posting it lol)              '
                                                               | ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
                                                                          ######         ###        ##    ##     ##     ##     ########         ###        ##    ##           
                                                                         ##    ##       ## ##       ##   ##      ##     ##     ##     ##       ## ##       ###   ## 
                                                                         ##            ##   ##      ##  ##       ##     ##     ##     ##      ##   ##      ####  ## 
                                                                          ######      ##     ##     #####        ##     ##     ########      ##     ##     ## ## ## 
                                                                               ##     #########     ##  ##       ##     ##     ##   ##       #########     ##  #### 
                                                                         ##    ##     ##     ##     ##   ##      ##     ##     ##    ##      ##     ##     ##   ### 
                                                                          ######      ##     ##     ##    ##      #######      ##     ##     ##     ##     ##    ## 

                                                                                               -=====-                         -=====-
                                                                                                _..._                           _..._
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                                                                                     ,_     /          }                   {          \     _,
                                                                                     ,_\'--, \   _.'`~~/                     \~~`'._   / ,--'/_,
                                                                                       \'--,_`{_,}    -                       -    {,_}`_,--'/
                                                                                       '.`-.`\;--,___.'_                     _'.___,--;/`.-`.'
                                                                                         '._`/    |_ _{@}                   {@}_ _|    \`_.'
                                                                                            /     ` |-';/           _       \;'-| `     \
                                                                                           /   \    /  |       _   {@}_      |  \    /   \
                                                                                          /     '--;_       _ {@}  _Y{@}        _;--'     \
                                                                                         _\          `\    {@}\Y/_{@} Y/      /`          /_
                                                                                        / |`-.___.    /    \Y/\|{@}Y/\|//     \    .___,-'| \

                                                                                              *⠀  ⠀      ⠀✦⠀              .
                                                                                                              *⠀  ⠀      ⠀✦⠀ 

                                                                                            .       ⠀  .   ⠀
                                                                                                             .   ⠀

                                                                                                       ˚        ゚     .
                                                                             .⠀         ゚     ⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀,
                                                                                                                                                   *  ⠀.

                                                                                         .          ⠀✦

                                                                                                             ˚              *
                                                                        .⠀                     .        .

                                                                         ✦⠀       ,        ⠀  

                                                                                                .        ⠀   .
                                                                                                                                                   ˚   ⠀ ⠀  

All her current contacts <3 
???????????? ???????????? ????????????????
Contact details
+1 205-955-0702

Contact details
(205) 771-7246

Contact details
+1 205-760-2804

ᒪIᒪ Ⓖ︎Ⓞ︎Ⓓ︎????????????????????:star_struck::innocent:
Contact details
+1 205-420-2684

Contact details
+1 205-955-2387

Contact details
(205) 760-0824

???????????????? ????????????????????????✯
Contact details
(205) 566-4998

Aunt Phyllis
Contact details
(205) 914-5777

Aunt Phyllis
Contact details
(205) 914-5777

Aunt Tanya
Contact details
+1 205-881-6542

Auntie Shon(Second Fav)
Contact details
(205) 482-3932

B Mack
Contact details
+1 205-901-6553

Contact details
+1 205-208-3679

Contact details
(205) 722-3771

Chanyce white_check_mark
Contact details
+1 205-519-2437

Contact details

Christiana :sparkling_heart::blue_heart:
Contact details
+1 205-401-4698

Contact details
+1 205-848-1857

Cj On Dad Side
Contact details
(205) 382-4002

Contact details
+1 205-522-5866

Crackhead Twin :women_with_bunny_ears_partying:
Contact details
+1 205-901-7717

Contact details
(205) 381-2761

???????????????????? ????????????????ℎ
Contact details
(205) 650-5675

Contact details
+1 205-612-5777

Contact details
+1 205-317-8984

ǝᴉʇsǝq ????ꫝꫀ????ꪶꪗꪀꪀ
Contact details
+1 205-567-1331

ǝᴉʇsǝq ꪑ????ᥴꫝꫀꪶꪶꫀ
Contact details
+1 205-447-2434

Fake Mom
Contact details
+1 205-545-1667

Contact details
+1 205-335-9636

Contact details
(205) 401-1129

Contact details
+1 205-675-8975

Contact details
+1 205-540-1385

Contact details
+1 205-531-4722

G̶o̶d̶????????????????????✯♥︎ :zany_face::innocent:
Contact details
+1 205-383-9252

Contact details
(205) 346-9689

Contact details
(205) 601-7179  • Mobile
(205) 853-9179 and home

Contact details

Contact details
+1 205-569-7570

Jordyn Mom
Contact details
(205) 617-3740

Contact details
(205) 747-6166

Contact details
+1 205-315-5632

Contact details
+1 205-706-1160

Contact details
+1 205-396-7419

Contact details
+1 205-587-7205

Contact details
+1 205-902-2429

Contact details
+1 205-383-5580

Contact details
+1 205-760-2804

McKenzie :checkered_flag:
Contact details
+1 205-209-0006

Contact details

Contact details
+1 256-321-2398

Contact details
+1 205-569-7494

Mom (Title)
Contact details
+1 205-427-0626

Contact details
(205) 706-2027

Police      <----------- lol 
Contact details    

Pooh Pooh
Contact details
+1 205-413-7811

Contact details
(205) 613-9111

Contact details
+1 205-382-4432

Contact details
+1 205-734-8011

Contact details
(205) 821-5815

Contact details
+1 205-831-3150

Contact details
+1 205-834-7724

Contact details
(205) 585-4574

Uncle Rod
Contact details
+1 205-966-8080

Contact details
+1 205-585-9642

Contact details
+1 205-955-2387


