# Doxxed by IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs :)
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   ___  _______  ________  _  _____   __     _____  __________ 
  / _ \/ __/ _ \/ __/ __ \/ |/ / _ | / /    /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / ___/ _// , _/\ \/ /_/ /    / __ |/ /__  _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/  /___/_/|_/___/\____/_/|_/_/ |_/____/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

⛧ Full Name: Amit Portal | עמית פורטל
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 21.2 (06/08/2001)
⛧ Phone Number #: 050-565-6535
⛧ New Address: Shoham 5/4 St, Ashdod | שוהם 5/4, אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Korchak Yanush 6/9, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 6/9, אשדוד
⛧ Pictures: https://prnt.sc/WcVZqoc5pNCR, https://prnt.sc/8pPfmOafU-yE, https://prnt.sc/jRa4b1oqFgIA, https://prnt.sc/66BOpDoFy4lk, https://prnt.sc/bXsIwLoi8yid
⛧ Identity Card: 323020958

   _______   __  ___________  __  _____  __________ 
  / __/ _ | /  |/  /  _/ /\ \/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / _// __ |/ /|_/ // // /__\  / _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/ /_/ |_/_/  /_/___/____//_/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

         - Daddy -
⛧ Full Name: Eyal Portal | אייל פורטל
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 50.9 (06/12/1971)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Shoham 5/4 St, Ashdod | שוהם 5/4, אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Korchak Yanush 6/9, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 6/9, אשדוד
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Identity Card: 028960433  

         - Mommy -
⛧ Full Name: Nicole Itchah Portal | ניקול איצ'ה פורטל
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 50.9 (17/11/1971)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Shoham 5/4 St, Ashdod | שוהם 5/4, אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Korchak Yanush 6/9, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 6/9, אשדוד
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Identity Card: 028827251 

           [ Mother Side ] 
         - Grandmother -
⛧ Full Name: Raquel Rachel Itchah | רקל רחל איצ'ה
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 72.9 (24/11/1949)
⛧ Phone Number #: 050-794-3513
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Korchak Yanush 5/2 St, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 5/2 ,אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address:  Korchak Yanush 6/9, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 6/9, אשדוד
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Job: Ashdod Port
⛧ Education: High School - Makif A
⛧ Identity Card: 026762112

         - Grandfather -
⛧ Full Name: Jean-Pierre Jacob Itchah | זאן פייר יעקב איצ'ה
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 79.9 (07/03/1943)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Korchak Yanush 5/2 St, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 5/2 ,אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address:  Korchak Yanush 6/9, Ashdod | קורצ'ק יאנוש 6/9, אשדוד
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Identity Card: 067491217

           [ Father Side ] 
         - Grandmother -
⛧ Full Name: Hanna Portal | חנה פורטל
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 76 (00/00/1946)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Tzohar 75 St, Tzohar | צוחר 75, צוחר -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Tzohar 75 St, Tzohar | צוחר 75, צוחר
⛧ Pictures:
⛧ Identity Card: 063619837

         - Grandfather -
⛧ Full Name: Avraham Portal | אברהם פורטל
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 86 (00/00/1936)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: N/A
⛧ Old Address: Ha'nassi 1/225 St, Ofakim | הנשיא 1/225, אופקים
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Identity Card: 078733615  

                          Family Pictures:
                    - https://prnt.sc/QRVhsHDvVObA -

   __ ______  __  __________  ____      _____________  __   ____  ________ ______________  _  __  _____  __________ 
  / // / __ \/ / / / __/ __/ / __/___  / ___/ __/ __ \/ /  / __ \/ ___/ _ /_  __/  _/ __ \/ |/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / _  / /_/ / /_/ /\ \/ _/   > _/_ _/ / (_ / _// /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /__/ __ |/ / _/ // /_/ /    / _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_//_/\____/\____/___/___/  |_____/   \___/___/\____/____/\____/\___/_/ |_/_/ /___/\____/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ HOUSE INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ 3D House Pictures -
; Eyebird - https://prnt.sc/H9KyuVL73Mlo
; Building - https://prnt.sc/AWUlkJUK5n_3, https://prnt.sc/e46n5AMCaABV
⛧ House Pictures -
; Front - https://prnt.sc/02C9MPgY8JmQ, https://prnt.sc/hDKBfc7GHbER, https://prnt.sc/Vk_BpG8pIXJ8
; Back - https://prnt.sc/N6_oJDM9029b, https://prnt.sc/lsg4eJd1XGTg
; Sideways - https://prnt.sc/Ew53sZoOalHC, https://prnt.sc/ThncwLONMxOx, https://prnt.sc/xkS-lj_OalZ_
; Map - i was lazy for that
⛧ Price: 11,333 New Shekels (₪) To meter [680K Shekels (₪) Sum] (Confirmed to 26.10.2021)
⛧ House Width - 196.1 Ft. (60 Meters)
⛧ Rooms: 3 & Floors - 3
⛧ Build In: 1970
⛧ Area: 60

    ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ GEOLOCATION INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ Google Maps Link - https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7666456,34.6305091,3a,56.3y,2.6h,110.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr_6NUJlQR7-Z45GHhdtReg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
⛧ Country: Israel | ישראל
⛧ Location / Address: Shoham 5/4 St, Ashdod | שוהם 5/4, אשדוד -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ State: HaDarom | הדרום
⛧ Postal Code: 7776105
⛧ Lat & Lon - 31.766953, 34.630625 - ⛧ GPS Coordinates: 31° 46' 1.0308'' N, 34° 37' 50.25'' E

   ________  ____________   __     __  __________  _______     ___  ______________
  / __/ __ \/ ___/  _/ _ | / /    /  |/  / __/ _ \/  _/ _ |   / _ |/ ___/ ___/ __/
 _\ \/ /_/ / /___/ // __ |/ /__  / /|_/ / _// // // // __ |  / __ / /__/ /___\ \  
/___/\____/\___/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/  /_/___/____/___/_/ |_| /_/ |_\___/\___/___/  
⛧ Instagram: amit.portal[https://instagram.com/amit.portal]
⛧ Facebook: עמית פורטל [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003789081131]
⛧ TikTok: amit.portal [https://www.tiktok.com/@amit.portal]
⛧ YouTube: AMIT PORTAL [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKYOQReBk6R3_MDYbw3whKA/featured]
⛧ Twitter: Amit portal | AmitPortal [https://twitter.com/AmitPortal]
⛧ Discord Server: #TeamPortal [https://discord.gg/Y2Kbs9SSYA]
⛧ Discord Account: Amit portal#9294, 999734527943524562

   ___  _______   ________  _  __  ____      __   ___   __________  _      ______  ___  ___  ____
  / _ \/ __/ _ | / __/ __ \/ |/ / / __/___  / /  / _ | / __/_  __/ | | /| / / __ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __/
 / , _/ _// __ |_\ \/ /_/ /    /  > _/_ _/ / /__/ __ |_\ \  / /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / , _/ // /\ \  
/_/|_/___/_/ |_/___/\____/_/|_/  |_____/  /____/_/ |_/___/ /_/     |__/|__/\____/_/|_/____/___/  
             Amit Portal the nigga, wassup? how are you? i think you are badly now but dont worry im here with dildo to make you happy, mother fucker, i must should tell you, why you being doxxed now, sooooooo....
             you are a fucking npc nigga that fucking make some seroius videos about fitness when you eat 10 pizzas, faggot fat dumbass! i was bored so i drop some information, but dont worry this is a common dox.
  with some little information, make sure that i am can get more info but im bored, and the disclaimer take his brother's phone number to call him and ask for a sex lol (050-826-2020), get your burgers back my little black dick.
                                                                           Hang out, Love from IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs   

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