_      _                                  ____                  _                
    / \    | |  _   _   ___   ___    __ _     / ___|   ___    _ __  | |_    ___   ____
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  / ___ \  | | | |_| | \__ \ \__ \ | (_| |   | |___  | (_) | | |    | |_  |  __/  / / 
 /_/   \_\ |_|  \__, | |___/ |___/  \__,_|    \____|  \___/  |_|     \__|  \___| /___|

Doxed By: vestupordie and unworthyskillz

Reason for dox: trying to dox me, mad because I broke up with her, shit talking, getting fake hackers to try to dox me

Alyssa was also taped by her dad or dad friend so idk wtf is her problem, I tried being nice 

Address: 7786 Tahiti ST NW Massillon, OH 44646

Addresses: 7786 Tahiti St Massillon, OH
           3217 Delray Ave Massillon, OH

First name: Alyssa
Middle: Marie
Last: Cortez

Age: 17
Dob: 01-02-2003
Ssn: (soon)

Social media’s: Instagram, Facebook, Snap

Instagram: https://Instagram.com/alvzzaa

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMB2003m

Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/lilxlyss

Phone Number: +1 (330) 806-3192‬

Emails: ambraucher0102@gmail.com

Mother: Angela Marie Braucher / Angela Schmidt

Mother’s age: 48

Mothers SSN: 330-(soon)-8717

Mother’s Banking Info: (SOON)

Property Value: $102,400.00
Land Value: $31,100.00
Taxes: $1,930.00

1 Job: Standard Plumbing and Heating Company
2 Job: ASC Industries Inc: Purchasing Assistance/buyer
3 Job: PT Tech LLC: Buyer/ Scheduler
4 Job: Retain Loyalty: Loyalty Solutions

State Civil Records: 

1. Case Number: 11-63519-RK, Bankruptcy, 2011
Address: 4319 Bellwood Dr Nw
Location: Canton, OH
Defendant: Angela Marie Braucher
Filling Date: Nov 4, 2011
Court Code: 65
Attorney: Gina Marie Pischera

Criminal Records: 

Date: 12/17/2019

1 offense: 43/25 Speed, Case Number: 1997 TRD 05016 Charge Class: Minor Misdemeanor...

2 offense: FURN/ALC/MINOR, Case Number: 1993 CRB 00943, Charge Class: Misdemeanor First De

3 offense: 44/25 speed, Case Number 1994 TRD 02045, Charge Class: Minor Misdemeanor


2nd Charge: Theft, Case Number: 1994 CRB 00526, Charge Class: Misdemeanor First De

3rd Charge: Speeding 76/60, Charge Class: Minor Misdemeanor, Fine Amount: $3.00, Case Number: 2012 TRD 06779, Initial Plea: Guilty, Disposition: Guilty

Traffic Control Device, Charge Class: Minor Misdemeanor, Fine Amount: $3.00, Case Number: 2012 TRD 07866, Initial Plea: Guilty, Disposition: Guilty 

Dad: Aaron Jay Braucher
Age: 44 
Address: 8008 Wales AVE NW Canton, OH

Phone: 330-494-8717

More soon...


Pictures of Alyssa: https://www.flickr.com/photos/188773602@N05/?