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                                    doesnt mean im harmless skid                 *
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Name : Lascells Smalling
DOB : 2007
Location : 2777 Riders Ridge Way                                  
Images : https://prnt.sc/tbsqzl  
Insta : 4k.lj_                                                             
Phone # :1 678-433-8396
Tax Info :
Documents :
Reason For Dox : Thinking that im harmless and cant do nothing 
i should swat your ass but waiting until u talk more shit
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\_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_|\__, |                                                    *
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Mother : Shelly Smalling
Father : Lascells Smalling
Siblings : 
Secondary Family : Cousin: Chris Manhertz (NFL PLAYER BUT HES ASS)