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                                                         "8ggg8P"       smoke a pack on his bitch ass

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Alvin, a 15 year old BITCH, bullied many and mentally ruined many for years. hes a pussy, and he acts tuff to hide that he has 4 inches.
he needs this, to teach him a lesson. DONT FUCK WITH ME!!!

Alvin Franklin Cruz Jr
Bloomingdale Senior Highschool
March 10th is his biirthday
11141 Rising Mist Boulv, Riverview, FL 33578-6128

Alvin jrs dad:
Alvin Frankie Cruz
Age 43
(813) 484-5220
11141 Rising Mist Boulv, Riverview, FL 33578-6128
*he a piggy policeman*
data breach passwords;
He was born on 12.06.78.

Alvin Jrs Mom:
Christina Marie Cruz
11141 Rising Mist Boulv, Riverview, FL 33578-6128
(813) 248-4954 -- (813) 321-9650
Christina will celebrate 40th birthday on September 18.

I genuinly hope you die a painful slow death. enjoy getting the pizzas and your shit hacked.

die <3
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