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                                                            EW:        ,ft .                      ,Wt            i             EW:        ,ft
                                                            E##;       t#E Ef.                   i#D.           LE             E##;       t#E
                                                            E###t      t#E E#Wi                 f#f            L#E  :KW,      LE###t      t#E
                                                            E#fE#f     t#E E#K#D:             .D#i            G#W.   ,#W:   ,KGE#fE#f     t#E
                                                            E#t D#G    t#E E#t,E#f.          :KW,            D#K.     ;#W. jWi E#t D#G    t#E
                                                            E#t  f#E.  t#E E#WEE##Wt         t#f            E#K.       i#KED.  E#t  f#E.  t#E
                                                            E#t   t#K: t#E E##Ei;;;;.         ;#G         .E#E.         L#W.   E#t   t#K: t#E
                                                            E#t    ;#W,t#E E#DWWt              :KE.      .K#E         .GKj#K.  E#t    ;#W,t#E
                                                            E#t     :K#D#E E#t f#K;             .DW:    .K#D         iWf  i#K. E#t     :K#D#E
                                                            E#t      .E##E E#Dfff##E,             L#,  .W#G         LK:    t#E E#t      .E##E
                                                            ..      Kawata jLLLLLLLLL;             jt :W##########Wti       tDj..         G#E
                                                                        fE                            :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.                      fE
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                                                                %*-:::........       :-==-:                .-=+++=:                  -#%
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                                                     #*=      .....   .:==+++****++- -+****+-. .              :   .+##%@@@%%%%%%%%@%%%%##**+: =*#%%
                                                     %*+.   .-==++*****###%%%%%%%%%##%%%%%%#*+- :.            :.:+*#%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%#:*#%%
                                                     %#*=   =+*#%%%%%%  		    %%#*:--.          :-+#%
                                                     %%#*-.##%				      %%#**+-. ..     :=*#%
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                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                            ⛧                  ⛧ 0x01 Basic Information             ⛧
                                                                            ⛧                  ⛧ 0x02 Social Media                  ⛧
                                                                            ⛧                  ⛧ 0x03 Family Information            ⛧
                                                                            ⛧                  ⛧ 0x04 School Information            ⛧
                                                                            ⛧                  ⛧ 0x05 Ip Information                ⛧ 
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                         Info by: Kawata, killmeakk, hardline

                                                                                        Reason for doxxing: a hypocritical person 
                                                                             who talks a lot of shit about his people behind their backs,
                                                                             a pedophile who raped a girl and distributed a video of the rape itself 
                                                                                and also beat his underage niece half to death while drunk.
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ 
                                                                            ⛧                   0x01 Basic Information	             ⛧
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧    
                                                                                           ✫ Nicknames > Alterogen, Aikhan, Killfago
                                                                                           ✫ Fullname: > Gasanov Aikhan Sakhavatovich
                                                                                           ✫ gender: > male
                                                                                           ✫ height > 180cm
                                                                                           ✫ weight: > 69kg
                                                                                           ✫ AGE > 14.03.2008
                                                                                           ✫ PHONE NUMBER > +79992572657
                                                                                           ✫ PAST PHONE NUMBERS > +79028511175
                                                                                           ✫ Virtual Number > +19513321895 (virtual) 
                                                                                           ✫ Virtual Number > +79218598813 (virtual) 
                                                                                           ✫ Virtual Number > +6281362831629 (virtual)
                                                                                           ✫ address: > Nizhnevartovsk, Mendeleyeva St, 26-A, apt. 55
                                                                                           ✫ address: > 628600, Russian Federation, Tyumen Oblast, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk, Dzerzhinsky St., 17A
                                                                                           ✫ ip: > (Russia, Nizhnevartovsk)
                                                                                           ✫ card: > 2200150999354704
                                                                                           ✫ card: > 2202208081118912 | 04/34
                                                                                           ✫ card: > 2202207309423138 | 04/34 | 225
                                                                                           ✫ Emails > ayhanpups@gmail.com
                                                                                             ✫ PHOTOS >                                                                                                          
                                                                                           ✫ card photos: > https://imgur.com/a/cDgNDLN
                                                                                           ✫ cringe: > https://imgur.com/a/Tz14Ukg 
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ 
                                                                            ⛧                   0x02 Social Media                    ⛧
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧  
                                                                                        ✫ SOCIAL MEDIAS >
                                                                                         ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/gpro2003 <id448390203>  
                                                                                         ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/danil.gasanov1 <id654335065>  
                                                                                         ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/id711468565  
                                                                                         ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/id663067293
                                                                                         ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/id801104259  
                                                                                         ✫ Tg: > id6202178182  
                                                                                         ✫ Tg: > id6505685748 
                                                                                         ✫ Tg: > id7429444111 
                                                                                         ✫ discord: > alterogen.cult (Discord id: 1249991573492469780)
                                                                                         ✫ discord: > qh3a (Discord id: 1228359939261468709)
                                                                                         ✫ discord: > thanks.for.all (Discord id: 776361761829027871)  
                                                                                         ✫ discord: > alterogen_aixan (Discord id: 1134395482144264312)  
                                                                                         ✫ discord: > ALTEROGEN (Discord id: 1114856922600976394)  
                                                                                         ✫ doxbin: > https://doxbin.org/user/KillFago  
                                                                                         ✫ biolink: > https://bio.link/124123  
                                                                                         ✫ tiktok: > https://www.tiktok.com/@killfago  
                                                                                         ✫steam: > https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051147593
                                                                                         ✫ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION >	     

                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ 
                                                                            ⛧                   0x03 Family Information              ⛧
                                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧        
                                                                                        ✫ Sister: >
                                                                                          ✫ Fullname: > Gasanova (Mamedova) Sevda Sakhavat Kyzy 
                                                                                          ✫ Date of birth: > 18.09.1994
                                                                                          ✫ phone: > +79227713211 
                                                                                          ✫ snils: > 15781123773
                                                                                          ✫ passport: > 6719821878 
                                                                                          ✫ Card: > 4584432844083817 
                                                                                          ✫ Card: > 4790042489718252
                                                                                          ✫ Card: > 5559472407946719
                                                                                          ✫ Card: > 4790042488276757 
                                                                                          ✫ email: > sevda.hesenli00@mail.ru 
                                                                                          ✫ email: > trueuppervert@yahoo.com
                                                                                          ✫ VK: > https://vk.com/id583049811 
                                                                                          ✫ Instagram: > https://instagram.com/_.sevda.hesenova._
                                                                                          ✫ tg: > 839648300
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Nizhnevartovsk Mendeleev 26A 55
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Moscow, Novoyasenevsky Prospect, Bldg. 19, K. 1, Apt. 96
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Moscow, Intracity Territory Settlement Sosenskoye, Settlement Kommunarka, Sosensky Stan Street, Bldg. 11, Apt. 69
                                                                                          Passport info:
                                                                                          ✫ Passport number: > 67 19 821878 was issued in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2019.
                                                                                          ✫ Ministry of Internal Affairs GUVD UVD: > 861-001
                                                                                          ✫ OVD: > 862-001-862-020
                                                                                          ✫ police departments: > 863-001-863-021
                                                                                        ✫ Mother: >  
                                                                                          ✫ Fullname: > Asfandiyarova Gulnara Gurban Kyzy
                                                                                          ✫ Date of birth: > 17.06.1975
                                                                                          ✫ passport: > 6704466561
                                                                                          ✫ snils: > 147-411-730 49
                                                                                          ✫ Policy: > 8601975061700410
                                                                                          ✫ PSRNSP: > 306860326500055
                                                                                          ✫ OKPO: > 0152522697 
                                                                                          ✫ inn: > 860320189588
                                                                                          ✫ ep number: > 695947/23/86010-EP
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Nizhnevartovsk Mendeleev 26A 55
                                                                                          ✫ Documents photos: > https://imgur.com/a/amYJDty
                                                                                         Passport info:
                                                                                         ✫ Passport number: > 67 04 466561 was issued in the subject of the Russian Federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2004. 
                                                                                         ✫ Ministry of Internal Affairs GUVD UVD: > 861-001
                                                                                         ✫ OVD: > 862-001-862-020 
                                                                                         ✫ police departments: > 863-001-863-021
                                                                                        ✫ Father: > 
                                                                                          ✫ Fullname: > Gasanov Sakhavat Ibragim Ogly
                                                                                          ✫ Date of birth: > 04.07.1965
                                                                                          ✫ phone: > +79028555634 
                                                                                          ✫ phone: > +79636279464
                                                                                          ✫ passport: > 6710034077
                                                                                          ✫ passport: > 6700237109
                                                                                          ✫ snils: > 147-411-738 57 
                                                                                          ✫ inn: > 860306011458
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Nizhnevartovsk Mendeleev 26A 55
                                                                                          ✫ PSRNSP: > 1138603010776 
                                                                                          ✫ OKPO: > 31443211
                                                                                          ✫ Ep documents: > https://imgur.com/a/KtpN4z5
                                                                                         Passport info:
                                                                                          ✫ Passport number: > 67 10 034077 was issued in the subject of the Russian Federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2010.
                                                                                          ✫ Ministry of Internal Affairs GUVD UVD: > 861-001
                                                                                          ✫ OVD: > 862-001-862-020
                                                                                          ✫ police departments: > 863-001-863-021
                                                                                          ✫ passport number: > 67 00 237109 was issued in the subject of the Russian Federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2000.
                                                                                          ✫ Ministry of Internal Affairs GUVD UVD: > 861-001
                                                                                          ✫ OVD: > 862-001-862-020
                                                                                          ✫ police departments: > 863-001-863-021
                                                                                        ✫ Brother: >  
                                                                                          ✫ Fullname: > Gasanov Asim Sakhavat Ogly
                                                                                          ✫ Date of birth: > 01.04.1996
                                                                                          ✫ phone: > +79324332652
                                                                                          ✫ card: > 4584432810901968 
                                                                                          ✫ card: > 4790043161696873
                                                                                          ✫ passport: > 6716547165
                                                                                          ✫ inn: > 860332101404
                                                                                          ✫ snils: > 15775967233
                                                                                          ✫ Email: > gasanov-asim@mail.ru
                                                                                          ✫ address: > Nizhnevartovsk Mendeleev 26A 55
                                                                                          Passport info:
                                                                                          ✫ Passport number: > 67 16 547165 was issued in the subject of the Russian Federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2016
                                                                                          ✫ Ministry of Internal Affairs GUVD UVD: > 861-001
                                                                                          ✫ OVD: > 862-001-862-020
                                                                                          ✫ police departments: > 863-001-863-021