Full Name: Avery Drayke Melton (Goes by Drayke)
Phone: 1 (971) 612 2582
Other Phone: 1 (503) 446 4892
Address: (Grandma's house) 1063 SW Maple Street Dallas, Oregon 97338
DOB: June 28th 2003 (18 years old)

Mom: Mikki
Mom's Phone: 1 (503) 420 6729

Grandma's Phone: 1 (503) 623 9542

Dad: Dennis Ray Melton


Usually seen with an anime profile picture. Often Mythra or Pyra.

1. Very into incest. He is attracted to his female cousin, even sets up hidden cams to get creepy nudes of her. (I have seen them but wont post for her sake)
2. Christian. Also claims to be a prophet. On multiple accounts said God was personally showing him the future. May have been a manipulation tactic, may have been that he is truly delusional.
3. High levels of autism. Claims high-functioning, but there is nothing functional about him. Lives in a dirty room, personal hygiene is neglected, uncabable of getting his high school diploma, a drivers license, a job, or real friends.
4. Obese. He stress eats and is too lazy to lose weight. Last time we spoke he was 5'7" and over 200lbs. Spends most of his time doing a whole lot of nothing.

I tried to help this man lose weight, get his diploma, find God, take care of himself, etc. Unfortunately all my efforts were for nothing. When he still had no desire to put any real effort into getting his life in order and having a future, I finally left him. My intention at that point was to leave him be and never speak again. After 2 months of not hearing about him, out of nowhere he attempted to bring chaos to my real life and real-world relationships.
Don't act like you didn't deserve this.
