
Verification of the objectivity of information regarding an individual: Алқамбек Талғата Серікұлы
Materials that served as the basis for compiling the dossier: https://vk.com/wall-137583731_1170448

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Full name: Алқамбек Талғат Серікұлы
Date of birth : 14.05.1993 (31 год)
Address: Казахстан, Мангистауская область, Актау, 12 микрорайон, 15 дом, 22 квартира.
Phone number: +77756666904

hlr request data:
Country: Kazakhstan
Net:	GSM Kazakhstan Ltd (K'cell)
mcc:	401
mnc:	02
imsi:	401023000301828
msc:	77756600000
Status: Available (is online)

E-mail: nakw1995@mail.ru

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INN: 930514300850
Foreign passport number: 034228044/N034228044
Passport issue date: 14.11.2012

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