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Alireza Azizi, a 26 year old male who holds an obesssion with children from the area of Wrexham. 
He does competitions on Instagram daily allowing viewers to vote on which child looks best
He also has a separate account for sending, specifically children pornography and other fucked up relics
He has admitted to having sex with a ''random girl'' who is 15-16. So he says
He does daily lives on Instagram allowing the 'piggies' from Wrexham to join his live as guest/viewer and interact with him
he sings songs about bumming them, their ass, tight pussy etc
Alireza is active 24/7 on his accounts and does not give it a rest
He has posted CP a few times, and posts CP onto his Telegram GC
He tugs, while on the lives
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Name: Alireza Azizi
Date of birth: 08/03/1998 (26 years)
Location: Qom, Iran
Phone number : 0098 935 251 6040
Sex: Bisexual
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 ___  ___   ___ _  __ _| |___ 
/ __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __|
\__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | \__ \
|___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|___/
Instagram 1: wxmhubby
Instagram 2: 7bluesky7717
Snapchat: wxmhubby2024
Telegram 1: siralireza2024
Telegram 2: alirezazizi171276

i cant be bothered finishing this off, light work for some of you 

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