by @zero123
Personal Information
First Name: Alina
Last Name: Engelke
Age: 15 (2020)
Birthday: 12 March, 2005
School: Some Cheap Government School
Family: Sister, Mom, Dad
Contact Information
Phone Number: +49 176 43589052 (Type: Mobile
Carrier: Telefónica Germany Gmbh & Co. Ohg)
Email: alina.egk1@gmail.com:Emianiengel3, alinatng87@gmail.com:alinaengemi
discord: alina#6666
snapchat: ae_unicorn
instagram: alina.ysl and alina_und_nina (sharing account)
Adderess: 11 Tulpenweg Holle, 31188 Holle Germany
Google Earth Location: https://earth.google.com/web/search/11+Tulpenweg+Holle/@52.08475541,10.16542931,121.62117915a,370.74197243d,35y,321.36529689h,0t,0r/data=CigiJgokCYZVCpW-hDRAEYZVCpW-hDTAGb0NY9B0i0lAIbsNY9B0i0nA
Hostname: x5f7431e1.dyn.telefonica.de
ASN: 6805
ISP: O2 Deutschland
Assignment:Likely Dynamic IP
Nudes: https://i.imgur.com/aSqpl4x.png 
Pictures: https://i.imgur.com/J77nPFB.png
Main reason of this dox was because she is a ewhore who cheated. Shes dated a lot of boys and is a alcoholic teenager with depression and is sucidal. S
She had to be dealt with according and is now leaked. The contact and details are 100% accurate so if you want to swat it or call the number it works.