If any of the photos becomes unavailable, please copy and paste the link into a Discord chat to be able to see them again.

Full legal name: Alin Leuca Marian

Known alias: Aiden, Aidenn_Gamess, Max Payne, aidenngamess, elite_gamess
City: Botosani, Romania
Birthdate: 15/3/2009
Institution: Strada Primăverii
Gender: Male
His email: leuca.alin@yahoo.com
His facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alin.leuca
Dad's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.leuca.33

Full doxx and pictures below.

!!DISCLAIMER!! I'm not promoting violence towards him or his family, 
I just took the time to expose him and teach him a lesson, you shouldn't attack his family or harm him, 
but at the end the choice is yours, I am not responsible towards any further exposure and harm to Alin and his family.

Alin's other social medias:

Main discord account: aidenn_gamess
Main ID: 1121425164731699291
Alt discord account: aidenngamess (now named elite_gamess)
Alt ID: 897926167292678225
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@aidenngamess
Twitter: https://x.com/aidenngamess
Roblox: As far as I know he used to have an account but got banned.
Steam account 1: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199140195895
Steam account 2: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199636193113

About the doxx:

The history about all of this is pretty long, but I will try to cover it as best as I can
(I apologize if my English isn't perfect, I am German and English isn't my main language.)

So one day, (Around May 2024) I was just messing around in Doxbin when I stumbled across a post where Alin (under a nickname I don't want to reveal) 
went on to doxx his ex-boyfriend and expose him for whatever reason (I won't reveal the victims name nor share their doxx) 
but by reading the info and comments I came to the conclusion he got mad over the fact his ex began to date someone else. 
In this post, Alin goes over very personal stuff about the victim, such as how their early relationships were, their "size"???,
 nude photos, their struggles with self harm (with photo proof), and also let's everyone see how much of an hypocrite he is. 
And as far as I know, he broke two of the rules about Doxbin posts;
"Third party links to underage explicit images" (The victim was 15 at the time.) 
and "Explicit imagery/videos of children under the age of 18 (child porn & self-harm/gore)"

Proof of the stuff he talked about:

Him showing the nudes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1322954265656037396/image.png?ex=6772c0ac&is=67716f2c&hm=1f265e47d0c3c359241a973102020f41408fabfd36c37cb18201d112205ee6dc& 
<- In case you're wondering, yes, he is the "ex-boyfriend" that has "not done anything wrong" 
(He basically talked about himself in 3rd person to not get caught and try to look like the hero here)

Oddly specific info: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1322954293350760448/image.png?ex=6772c0b2&is=67716f32&hm=bb2e6348850696f5bfeb2032e69dcbef72e2c1ad68f46a897527c916d780bf91&

Private info: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1322954309759143987/image.png?ex=6772c0b6&is=67716f36&hm=d8ef24d5b1129979bd96b3c80f8ed7a04593b46275a5e166663fbd8cb031e072&


Him being a hypocrite: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1322954796235358342/image.png?ex=6772c12a&is=67716faa&hm=635bddd219869aa60ffbd00f97cf396a08475d573d9ed13bda276da9d6c7be42&

So after finding this doxx i couldn't help but feel bad for the victim, and this stuck on my mind for a long time, 
I also read the comments in this post (which helped me the most in my research) and found out most of the stuff I know 
(His real identity, the victim's identity, and the boyfriend of the victim), 
I tried contacting the victim and their partner several times but sadly they never responded.
Now this might sound like a miracle (and it was) but one of my friends sent me one of those memes 
where its basically a text bubble over a picture of someone saying really wild stuff, and guess who was the one saying the wild stuff? 
It was Aiden, after my friend sent me that i immediately asked him where he got the meme from after explaining him the whole situation, 
this led to us asking a lot of people, and we finally got to someone who knew a friend of someone close to Aiden 
(I am unsure about this since they told me some people made a group chat where they made fun of Aiden making these kind of memes 
and apparently most of the stuff made there got leaked and sent to other people, such as myself). 
The search for content went on from June 2024 all the way until a couple days ago.

Thanks to this material and a lot of search in different discord servers and facebook pages, 
I was able to construct a pretty solid doxx exposing the true colors of this person, I am not willing to talk to him, 
but if he wants me to consider taking this post down, I advise he deletes the doxxes he made (because I know you doxxed more people besides your ex).

TLDR: I found the info and pics about him thanks to an intense search through all his social medias and memes made about him, he is a hyopcrite, 
likes gore, is also a bisexual furry and manipulated and extorted several people.

Photos of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1240036579028766772/image.png?ex=6772584f&is=677106cf&hm=ad090eca7bd9ed9a4736685e76c301d9a48aa1947e693310341da12c6bda422d&


Him being weird: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1240043005742678096/image.png?ex=67725e4b&is=67710ccb&hm=396b3c0c34a2cf49b31a62e255da59cf2005925bf2d1f55d37c42a1a4221b916&



This is the only proof i had about him sending gore: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1240048994080788500/image.png?ex=677263df&is=6771125f&hm=0766ad4564318fa3c692c2324ea7d0a527abc04e9d65f52d5df790de18cdabb8& 
<- The video shows a man shooting himself in the head.

Cheating?: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1240036166879805521/1240058342559449128/image.png?ex=67726c94&is=67711b14&hm=696af7472dc5b1d8dbf37ad14bf34238cd2cce3b3be946ed0381e9c157bb287a&