_           _                 _____               _____                   
 | |         | |               |  __ \             / ____|                  
 | |    _   _| | ___ __ _   _  | |  | | _____  __ | |     _ __ _____      __
 | |   | | | | |/ / '__| | | | | |  | |/ _ \ \/ / | |    | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / /
 | |___| |_| |   <| |  | |_| | | |__| | (_) >  <  | |____| | |  __/\ V  V / 
 |______\__,_|_|\_\_|   \__,_| |_____/ \___/_/\_\  \_____|_|  \___| \_/\_/  

Well, You've all been fooled by a mysterious person on Habboon Hotel. Someone by the name of Alessandra A Rivera has been going around boon
faking her identity to people, calling herself different names such as .cum, cum, gwaperella, paradisekaay, .bon, .alejandra, BonitaBoriqua04
and today. Myself Lukru and my crew are here to end this madness. Have fun for a read.

Gwaperella (Alessandra A Rivera's "sister")
Boon Email: (https://prnt.sc/t3lcx0) Now, unless i'm mistaken Gwaperella is older than Alessandra, but they use the same email, and password?

Paradisekaay (Alessandra A Rivera's "Friend")
Boon Email: https://prnt.sc/t3ldav

Last but not least. .alejandra (Alessandra A Rivera)
Boon Email: alirivera717@yahoo.com
What she looks like: https://prnt.sc/t3leax
Discord: alejandra#7267
Snapchat: Bonitaboriqua03
Nudes: https://imgur.com/a/cEmMTKw (Obviously Fake)
Last known address:
GETTYSBURG, PA, 17325-1173
United States