by kt (Admin)

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 Ali "OmegonKaddin"" Hedi Khader is a future pedophile and bully, who is part of the 'Kaddin' family on ROBLOX. The Kaddin Imperium are notorious for welcoming for Scammers, pedophiles, ddossers, doxxers, bullies, harassment, assaultnent.
 Several of their members have been already exposed for their true natures aka Scamming, ddossing other people as The "Kaddin Imperium" are known for racial stuff such as racism.

 Ali's brain seems to lack basic function as he tends to pick on children younger, as well as encourage them to indulge in sexual activities such as looking at younger girl pictures over Discord Text's.
 Some of his fellow ROBLOXIAN 'comrades' have attempted to teach him a lesson by getting him banned on Discord however, that did work, and he has continued to bully others as well as entertain ideas of having younger girls on discord showing their private stuff.
                                     -+-                                             [Personal Information]                                          -+-         

                                       Legal Name: 
                                                ‣ First Name: Ali Hedi
                                                ‣ Last Name: Khader
                                                ‣ Pseudonyms: OmegonKaddin, TyrantMydrek, KruhlKaddin

                                       Personal Descriptors:
                                                ‣ Race: White
                                                ‣ Height: 6'1
                                                ‣ Weight: 90 kilograms 
                                                ‣ Hair Color: Black
                                                ‣ Eye Color: Brown/Black

                                              Age Information:  
                                                ‣ Age: 19
                                                ‣ Date of Birth: N/A
                                                ‣ Zodiac Sign: Retarded
                                                ‣ Birth Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

                                      -+-                                           0x03 [Social Media Platforms]                                   -+-

                                               Discord: Omegon#9267 | ID: 1012463583390601238                                                                         
                                     -+-                                          [Childhood Information]                                            -+-

                                                 High School Information:
                                                ‣ High School Name: Leeds City College
                                                ‣ High School Address: Park Ln, Woodhouse, Leeds LS3 1AA, United Kingdom
                                                ‣ Phone: +44 113 386 1997

                                     -+-                                              [Pictures]                                                     -+-       


                Supporting a gay person: 

                Doing Illegal Stuff on Discord:

                                     -+-                                              [Credits]                                                     -+-
                                          Hope u enjoy a irl court case

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