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Fragency, FragencyYT, $pook DOX


Victim: Alfie James
Email Address: Fragency123@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFeXqZW54LB9nS4gpvWZfDA
Snapchat: alfie_james15
Twitter: sp00kk

Dad: John James
Occupation: Bus Driver @ Strode Park, Herne Bay, Kent
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.james.71271
7 Cecil Ct, HERNE BAY, Kent
Mum: Julie S James
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julie.james.9028
80 Pier Avenue, HERNE BAY, Kent


Brothers - Carl A James, Daniel A James

Both Carl + Daniel seem to be living at this address (POSSIBLE)
7 Links Close, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7EU

Daniel A James (POSSIBLE ADDY, 2016-2019) :
2 Colmanton Grove, Deal, Kent, CT14 0FF

Nicholas A James
Oak House, 29A, Brittains Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 2JW
Pam James (P James)
29 The Crescent, Dover, Kent, CT15 4JP
The Old Stables, Canterbury Road, Dover, Kent, CT15 7EP
Pamela J James
8 Joyes Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 3LR
OTHER OCCUPANTS : Christopher James


Extra Information:
Claims he's a big $p00ky Hax0r yet always asks for other people to do his dirty work, scared to beef anyone without people alongside him & is extremely fucking annoying, fuck you Alfie :)