➤ Name: Alfie Havard
➤ Appearance: Blonde Dark hair Wears glasses last seen wearing baggy blue jeans north face coat
➤ School: Richard Challoner School Xavier Centre Catholic
➤ School: Richard Challoner School is an all-boys secondary school with a mixed sixth form that is federated with Holy Cross School, New Malden.
 It has academy status and is in Kingston upon Thames, southwest London, England. The school is named after Bishop Richard Challoner.
➤ School Address: School House Richard Challoner, Manor Dr N, New Malden KT3 5PA
➤ School Information: Catholic Founded 1959 School types Academy, Day school Opens 8.15am-4pm Motto Keep Faith School Song Non Nobis Domine Founder Richard Challoner
➤ School Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richardchallonerschool/
➤ School Phone Number: 020 8330 5947
➤ Snapchat: Alfie_Havard
➤ TiKTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alfiehavard/video/6765493585640033542?is_from_webapp=1&web_id=7323366092523800096
➤ Instragram: Alfiehavard21
➤ Country: United Kingdom England
➤ City: Kingston Upon Thames
➤ Timezone: Europe/London GMT+1
➤ Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/1466433117/profile
➤ Discord: Alfiedespair
➤ Roblox Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/15356653/ABA-British-Army#!/about
➤ Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/XvFUkFGXEd
➤ Age: 16 Years Old
➤ Face: https://ibb.co/qRvQ5G9
➤ Proof: His Facebook https://ibb.co/pXnNS2C His Snapchat https://ibb.co/Xz04D5K His instagram https://ibb.co/F77kgGk His Tiktok https://ibb.co/z5B1by9
 This all leads to his face a white kid with blonde hair kid with glasses
➤ Birth Of Date: 21st November 2008
➤ Zodiac sign: Scorpio