The Alfa Bank user base is on sale for $2,000. 55.390 lines. If interested write in telegram: @kardinalls Here are some of those lines. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIO - Akhmedova Aigun Eyvazovna Employer - OJSC BANK "OTKRITIE" Work phone - 15-8825 Mobile phone - 8 (952) 282-93-58 Home phone - 8 (812) 431-24-53 email - The actual address - 197374, Russia, St. Petersburg, Yakhtennaya street, house 3, building 2, apartment 86 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIO - Shmornev Viktor Valentinovich Employer - LLC "VYBORG REAL ESTATE AGENCY" Work phone - 8 (813) 783-09-70 Mobile phone - 8 (921) 939-81-09 Home phone - 8 (813) 783-11-05 Email - The actual address - 188800, Russia, St. Peterburg, Vyborgsky, Leningradskaya. Vyborg, Primorskoe, house 4, apartment 6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @@kardinalls - telegram