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>>>>>>	Victim info:		Alf Jondahl
>>>>>>	Full name:		Alf Arne Mannsåker Jondahl
>>>>>>	DOB:			May 3rd 1976
>>>>>>	Current address:	Betzy Kjelsbergs vei 270, 3028 Drammen, Norway
>>>>>>	Phone number:		(+47) 905 84 769
>>>>>>	WhatsApp:		https://wa.me/+4790584769
>>>>>>	Email address:		alf.jondahl@gmail.com
>>>>>>	Work email:		alf@floyd.no
>>>>>>	Employer:		Floyd -> https://www.floyd.no/

>>>>>>	Reason for doxxing: Cheating on his wife and being a bad father to his sons. Acting creepy towards very young girls.

>>>>>>	Wifes info:		Wenche Jondahl (born Wenche Pettersen)
>>>>>>	Current address:	Betzy Kjelsbergs vei 270, 3028 Drammen, Norway
>>>>>>	Phone number:		(+47) 959 04 100
>>>>>>	Work email:		wejon8924@oslomet.no
>>>>>>	Face pic:		https://files.offshore.cat/zCx4T6Ui.jpg

>>>>>>	Son # 1:		Lukas Jondahl
>>>>>>	DOB:			July 8th 2007

>>>>>>	Son # 2:		William Jondahl
>>>>>>	DOB:			May 31st 2004

	So... this is Alf's face pics:


>>>>>>	Alf Jondahl exposing his naked body:


>>>>>>	More to come! Chats ++