__ \                               |      |                  |   |           |                                         |            _)           |   
  |   |    _ \   \ \  /    _ \    _` |      __ \    |   |      |   |   __ \    |  /   __ \     _ \   \ \  \   /    __|   |  /    __|   |   __ \    __| 
  |   |   (   |   `  <     __/   (   |      |   |   |   |      |   |   |   |     <    |   |   (   |   \ \  \ /   \__ \     <    |      |   |   |   |   
 ____/   \___/    _/\_\  \___|  \__,_|     _.__/   \__, |     \___/   _|  _|  _|\_\  _|  _|  \___/     \_/\_/    ____/  _|\_\  _|     _|   .__/   \__| 
                                                   ____/                                                                                  _|           

Doxed by Unknowskript
Reason: insults, threats to minors to obtain nudes

Last Name: Pezon 
First Name: Alexandre
Brother/Sister: 1 Brother, 1 Sister
Age: 17yo 
Status: Relationship with Florye Brunet
city: Appoigny , 89380, France
Sport: Football, FE Appoigny
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100072991105620&locale=fr_FR
Instagram: alexandrepez_88900
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196869544732545024/image.png?ex=65b932a0&is=65a6bda0&hm=562a2e8a9aecffc967674d85939cc99b71e66b2bb669ca14140050e21da990a1&


Last Name: Pezon
First Name: Thierry 
City: Auxerre, 89000, France
Status: Married
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thierry.pezon.1?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoxMjM4MDU3MzMzODEyMzExXzcyNTAzMzkyOTE2MDMxMQ%3D%3D&locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196869959435952288/image.png?ex=65b93303&is=65a6be03&hm=094b69e1422a85a8cc10327b84bc91db5eebcb8398af5c5c22a4e2d1549c6eaf&

Last Name: Pezon
First Name: Christelle
City: Auxerre, 89000, France
Status: Married
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christelle.pezon.9?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196870919268880534/image.png?ex=65b933e7&is=65a6bee7&hm=c028ccfc813f72f1dced5114905e343753fa7041acec789ecba11f7f531a0d95&

Last Name: Pezon
First Name: Charlotte 
City: Auxerre, 89000, France
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196870411074416730/image.png?ex=65b9336e&is=65a6be6e&hm=9d6b74db4146eb6192fe7247bee1362dcf2ca04d68b88be96063130499387f3a&


Last Name: Pezon
First Name: Corentin
City: AUxerre, 89000, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corentin.pzn?locale=fr_FR
Instagram: corentinpzn
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196871086520926278/image.png?ex=65b9340f&is=65a6bf0f&hm=fa44ff1eb7e9e72a88fae6ded8e7f0edf8b5db20c7823dcd6a50a0da060aab21&

Probably a second brother:

Last Name: Pezon
First Name: Nicolas
City: Le Mans, 72000, France
Passion: Football
Children: 1 boy 
          Name: Basile
          Dob: 08/08/2022
From: Auxerre, 89000, France
Status: in a relationship with Margaux Brd