|                       //: [ALEXANDERGRAHAMBELL | PERSONAL INFORMATION] :\                      |

| Attribute           | Details                                           |
| Full Name           | Alexander Graham Bell                            |
| Alias               | "Alec", "Father of the Telephone"                |
| Age                 | 75 (at death)                                    |
| Gender              | Male                                              |
| Date of Birth       | 1847/03/03                                        |
| Country             | Scotland (Born), USA/Canada (Lived)              |
| City                | Edinburgh (Born), Baddeck (Died)                 |
| County              | Edinburgh (Born), Nova Scotia (Died)             |
| Previous Address    | 35 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, Scotland         |
| Geolocation         | 55.9521° N, 3.1965° W (Edinburgh, Scotland)      |
| Nationality         | Scottish-American                                |
| Relationship Status | Married                                           |
| Sexual Orientation  | Heterosexual                                     |
| Socials             | None                                             |


|                       //: [ALEXANDERGRAHAMBELL | FAMILY INFORMATION] :\                        |

| Relation                | Details                                |
| Father's Legal Name     | Alexander Melville Bell               |
| Father's Occupation     | Phonetician, Elocutionist             |
| Mother's Legal Name     | Eliza Grace Symonds                   |
| Mother's Background     | Skilled Pianist, Hearing Impaired     |
| Spouse's Legal Name     | Mabel Gardiner Hubbard                |
| Spouse's Background     | Advocate for Deaf Education           |
| Child's Legal Name      | Elsie May Bell                        |
| Child's Legal Name      | Marian Hubbard Bell                   |

[1] --> [SPOUSE]

| Attribute               | Details                            |
| Full Name               | Mabel Gardiner Hubbard             |
| Country                 | United States                      |
| Relationship            | Married                            |
| Taken Since             | July 11, 1877                      |
| Nationality             | American                           |

[2] --> [FATHER]

| Attribute               | Details                                           |
| Full Name               | Alexander Melville Bell                          |
| Occupation              | Phonetician, Elocutionist                        |
| Nationality             | Scottish                                         |

[3] --> [MOTHER]

| Attribute               | Details                                           |
| Full Name               | Eliza Grace Symonds                              |
| Notability              | Skilled Pianist, Hearing Impaired                |