Ewhoring is a horrible community to involve yourself in. You continue to attempt earning simps attention and making a fool of yourself.
I'm no incel but sometimes a small brained slut needs to learn a lession. Sorry love. But I hope your family loves pizza!

Name: Alexa Parrish
July 27 2000
Address: 11221 Central Valley Rd NE Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone number: (360) 698-7893
School: Washington State University/Carson College of Education
sc: alexdancer27
insta: alexkillsdinosaurs
ticktock: @alexakillsdinosaurs
Facebooks: https://www.facebook.com/alexa.parrish.9
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexa-parrish

Small information:
Car accident in Whitman county, Driver Madison Tufts
Madi Tufts facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madi.tufts.7?fref=profile_friend_list&hc_location=friends_tab

Typical ewhore. Asks for shit involving money with an offer of a picture of her body. [fat slut]



Father: Kevin Duane Parrish
Birth Date: 08/05/1964
Mother Heather Parrish
Address: 11221 Central Valley Rd NE Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone number: (360) 698-7893
Birth Date: 08/05/1964
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.parrish.5

Small information grabbed by the The packet sniffer himself.