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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⡞⠁⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸                    [!] Alex Zabicki.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠟⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀                   [!] Doxed by ToxicLTC.

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     F""""*8888888F    u.    u.      .88       .u    .          u.   '88bu.         x.    .                  .88      %8P          u.      u.    u.   
    *      `"*88*"   x@88k u@88c.   :888ooo  .d88B :@8c   ...ue888b  '*88888bu    .@88k  z88u         .     :888ooo    .     ...ue888b   x@88k u@88c. 
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        "*8Nu.z*"                                                        ""                        "P'                 ""                             
  Hello My Fellow Doxxers, This is an Update on Alex Zabicki Dox, While Looking through His Discord Account etc, He been Known for Being a Discord
  Extorter and Skid Scripter on Roblox. This is a No Go in the Community so Im Making This Dox to Show Not to Mess With People and Hopefully He Can
  Learn from his Action and Know He is Wrong For What He Done. He Shouldnt Be Allowed to Get Away with What He has Been Doing to People SO GGS.
                                Anyways Here is His Newly Updated Dox to Teach Him, He a Fraud and A Werido! <3 <3 <3
                                                                 ToxicLTC Owns You Alex.

                  ....      ..                                .x+=:.                                               .. 
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              '88888 8888X   "88x:   ud8888.  ="8888f8888r  .@^%8888"   888R Y888r ^"8888""8888"    us888u.    888R   
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                 `*` 8888X '88888X d888 '88%"   4888> '    8888N=*8888  888R I888>   8888  888R  9888  9888    888R   
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                 x8888888X.   `%8" 8888L       .d888L .+     @8Wou 9%  u8888cJ888    8888  888R  9888  9888    888R   
                 '%"*8888888h.   "  '8888c. .+  ^"8888*"    .888888P`    "*888*P"    "*88*" 8888" 9888  9888   .888B . 
                ~    888888888!`    "88888%       "Y"      `   ^"F        'Y"         ""   'Y"   "888*""888"  ^*888%  
                  X888^"""         "YP'                                                        ^Y"   ^Y'     "%    

                                                                   Name » Alex Zabicki 
                                                                   Discord » A1ex#8380
                                                                 ID » 800233290287153162                                                                       
                                                  Addy » 1344 Parke Drive, Crown Point, Indiana, 46307                                            
                                                                   IP »  

                                                  Average Neighbourhood Statistics for Crown Point, IN:

                                                                    HOUSEHOLD INCOME AVG.
                                          Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $65,968.00.

                                                                    PROPERTY VALUE AVG.
                                              Our property data indicates the average home value is $173,100.00.

                                                                        41 Years
                                                                     AVERAGE OF AGE
                                                            The average resident's age is 41.


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             8X.  ?8888X  8888f                 .u    .                 u.    u.      .88         .   <k 
            '888x  8888X  8888~        u      .d88B :@8c       .u     x@88k u@88c.   :888ooo    .@8Ned8" 
            '88888 8888X   "88x:    us888u.  ="8888f8888r   ud8888.  ^"8888""8888" -*8888888  .@^%8888"  
             `8888 8888X  X88x.  .@88 "8888"   4888>'88"  :888'8888.   8888  888R    8888    x88:  `)8b. 
               `*` 8888X '88888X 9888  9888    4888> '    d888 '88%"   8888  888R    8888    8888N=*8888 
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              '%"*8888888h.   "  9888  9888   ^"8888*"    '8888c. .+  "*88*" 8888"  ^%888*   .888888P`   
              ~    888888888!`   "888*""888"     "Y"       "88888%      ""   'Y"      'Y"    `   ^"F     
                   X888^"""       ^Y"   ^Y'                  "YP'                                        


                                                                   Robert J Bartoszak
                                                                       Age » 67
                                                      Aka » Robert T Bartoszak•Robert G Bartoszak
                                                      Details » Male » Married » Born June 1956
                                               Address » 9335 Landings Ln, Unit 401, Des Plaines, IL 60016
                                                Phone & Email » (847) 803-3578 » malypl@ameritech.net
                                            Other Emails » mikebartoszak@gmail.com » ebartoszak62@gmail.com
                                   Other Numbers » (773) 316-7458 » (847) 207-0838 » (708) 583-0208 » (847) 363-4205 

                                                                     Ewa R Bartoszak
                                                               Details » Female » Married
                                               Addresses » 8161 Enger Ln, River Grove, IL 60171•+1 more
                                               Phone & Email » (708) 583-0208 » ebartoszak62@gmail.com
                 $154,943 Property Est. Value » $8.44K (+6%) » Ewa bought a condominium at 9335 Landings Ln, Unit 401, Des Plaines, IL for $146,500.


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 "888X 8888X:xnHH(`` :888'8888.   888R   .@88 "8888"   8888    ''888E`   8888  8888 :888'8888. x88:  `)8b.     888R I888>  u888888>    
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 -~`   8888> X8888   8888.+"      888R   9888  9888    8888      888E    8888  8888 8888.+"     %8"    R88     888R I888>   8888P      
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 48"` '8*~   `8888!`  "88888%    ^*888%  "888*""888"    'Y"      R888"     `Y"       "88888%   `   ^"F           'Y"        '888       
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  '%"*8888888h.   "  9888  9888   ^"8888*"    '8888c. .+  "*88*" 8888"  ^%888*   .888888P`                                             
  ~    888888888!`   "888*""888"     "Y"       "88888%      ""   'Y"      'Y"    `   ^"F                                               
       X888^"""       ^Y"   ^Y'                  "YP'                                                                                  


                                                                       Relative 1:
                                                                     Mike Bartoszak
                                               Address » 8340 Oconnor Dr, Apt 1W, River Grove, IL 60171
                                                               Email » rob1956pl@aol.com

                                                                       Relative 2:
                                                                  Agnieszka K Bartoszak
                                                                        Age » 42
                                           Addresses » 916 Cypress Point Dr, Apt A21, Crown Point, IN 46307
                                               Phone & Email » (773) 240-0554 » dagusia137@yahoo.com
                       Other Numbers » (708) 583-0208 » (847) 803-3578 » (847) 312-1673 » (847) 363-4205 » (773) 316-7458
                                                           Other Email » zlotko777@aol.com


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URL: https://discord.com/login
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: AlexIsTheMan18

URL: https://ipstress.in/register.php
Username: ExoGhost
Password: ExoGhost

URL: https://www.zleague.gg/warzone
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://login.nvgs.nvidia.com/v1/create-account
Username: AlexBartoszak
Password: Bartoszak0218

URL: https://us.battle.net/login/en/
Password: Bartoszak0218

URL: https://store.steampowered.com/login/
Username: alusiu2008
Password: #zabka#2008

URL: https://www.epicgames.com/id/link/xbl/new
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2008

URL: https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth/identifier
Username: abartoszak@gmail
Password: SubToMyOLIFans

URL: https://www.roblox.com/
Username: ExoGhost2008
Password: ALex2018

URL: https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin
Username: Abartoszak@gmail.com
Password: B@buni@7

URL: https://app.sonorancad.com/
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://www.myteamspeak.com/register
Username: ExoGhost
Password: AlexIsTheMan18

URL: https://www.myteamspeak.com/login
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2008

URL: https://activeoathrp.com/index.php
Username: ExoGhost
Password: AlexIsTheMan18

URL: https://www.twitch.tv/login
Username: exoghost2008
Password: AlexIsTheMan1818

URL: https://discord.com/login
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: abartoszak@gmail.com

URL: https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://play.hbomax.com/page/urn:hbo:page:home
Username: abartoszak@gmail.com
Password: B@buni@7

URL: https://login.gaijin.net/en/sso/login/procedure/
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2008

URL: https://steamcommunity.com/login/home/
Username: Alusiu2008
Password: #zabka#2008

URL: https://www.linespolice-cad.com/signup-police
Username: ExoGhost
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://www.linespolice-cad.com/login-police
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://mega.nz/register
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://www.stressthem.to/register
Username: ExoGod
Password: d87Nm!S3_Yp.KjB

URL: https://www.stressthem.to/register
Username: ExoGhost
Password: d87Nm!S3_Yp.KjB

URL: https://www.stressthem.to/register
Username: GetBooted
Password: d87Nm!S3_Yp.KjB

URL: https://instant-stresser.com/register
Username: ExoGhost
Password: Alex2018

URL: https://www.messenger.com/
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: alex2008

URL: https://dashboard.twitch.tv/u/exoghost2008/home
Username: exoghost2008
Password: AlexIsTheMan1818

URL: https://placeit.net/c/videos/stages/twitch-stream-ended-screen-video-maker-featuring-a-graffiti-aesthetic-2655a-3191
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: AlexIsTheMan18

URL: https://enlisted.net/en/play4free/
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: D7!Qj256dTXe.9Y

URL: https://connect.ubisoft.com/link
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2008

URL: https://account.ubisoft.com/en-US/login/change-password
Username: alexbartoszak@gmail.com
Password: Alex2008

URL: https://us.battle.net/login/en/
Username: abartoszak@gmail.com
Password: B@buni@7

URL: https://us.account.battle.net/creation/flow/patch
Username: abartoszak@gmail.com
Password: B@buni@7


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