@YandereDev, stop being a soft, exploitive, pussy and become a competent developer

 _____ _              _____          _      _____  __ 
|_   _| |            |  ___|        | |    |  _  |/ _|
  | | | |__   ___    | |__ _ __   __| |    | | | | |_ 
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  | | | | | |  __/   | |__| | | | (_| |    \ \_/ / |  
  \_/ |_| |_|\___|   \____/_| |_|\__,_|     \___/|_|  
 __   __                     _                             ___                   
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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Introduction...................................║
║ →     0x02 Reason.........................................║
║ →     0x03 Personal Information...........................║
║ →     0x04 Social Media Platforms.........................║
║ →     0x05 Location Information...........................║
║ →     0x06 Internet Protocol Information..................║
║ →     0x07 Additional Information.........................║
║ →     0x08 Family.........................................║
║ →     0x09 Contact Information............................║
║ →     0x10 Credits........................................║

-+-                 0x01 Introduction                   -+-

Alexander "YandereDev" Mahan is a incompetent developer
that has been developing the same shit game for 6 years,
(still not even close to finished). Doesn't admit he is
shit at what he does.

-+-                    0x02 Reason                      -+-

Alex exploits his fanbase and other (competent) game devs
to get what he wants. Which includes: Suicide threats,
Threatening to expose, etc.

-+-             0x03 Personal Information               -+-

Current Alias: YandereDev
Full Name: Alexander Stuart Mahan
Age: 32
DOB: 6/30/1988
IRL(s): https://anonfiles.com/v0K717Ico4/yanderedev_jpg

- mahan.alex@yahoo.com
- yanderedev@mail.com
- evaxephon@yahoo.com
- eva_xep_hon@yahoo.com
- ilydtc@hotmail.com
- lozplayer@hotmail.com
- ganster222568@hotmail.com

- YandereDev
- EvaXephon

Known Passwords:
- ozzy99
- misato1
- igothacked
- Hello81
- pp343434
- buttnuttz
- 9128jam

-+-            0x04 Social Media Platforms              -+-


-+-              0x05 Location Information              -+-

Full Address: 44035 Via Horca, Temecula, CA 92590

Address Line 1: 44035 Via Horca
City: Temecula
State: California
Postal Code: 92590
Country: United States

-+-           0x06 Internet Protocol Information        -+-

Router Type: Dynamic
IP: (changed) (reassigned)
ISP: DTC Cable
ASN: AS33176

Open Ports:
- 80
- 22

-+-            0x07 Additional Information              -+-

- yanderedev@mail.com:ozzy99
- eva_xep_hon@yahoo.com:misato1

- ya********@m***.*** (Twitter - @YandereDev)

-+-                  0x08 Family                        -+-

- Full Name: Theresa Lee Mahan
- Age: 63
- DOB: 4/3/1957
- Address: 44035 Via Horca, Temecula, CA 92590
- Mobile: +1 (310) 670-2330

- Full Name: Mark Paul Mahan
- Age: 64
- DOB: 12/7/1955
- Address: 44035 Via Horca, Temecula, CA 92590
- Mobile: +1 (310) 617-6998
- Email: N/A
- Occupation: Unknown

-+-               0x09 Contact Information              -+-

Mobile: +1 (310) 617-7023

-+-                  0x10 Credits                       -+-

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P.S. This document was made to be viewed in "Raw" mode.