BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB                     lllllll lllllll                              tttt                           
B::::::::::::::::B                    l:::::l l:::::l                           ttt:::t                           
B::::::BBBBBB:::::B                   l:::::l l:::::l                           t:::::t                           
BB:::::B     B:::::B                  l:::::l l:::::l                           t:::::t                           
  B::::B     B:::::Buuuuuu    uuuuuu   l::::l  l::::l     eeeeeeeeeeee    ttttttt:::::ttttttt        ssssssssss   
  B::::B     B:::::Bu::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l   ee::::::::::::ee  t:::::::::::::::::t      ss::::::::::s  
  B::::BBBBBB:::::B u::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l  e::::::eeeee:::::eet:::::::::::::::::t    ss:::::::::::::s 
  B:::::::::::::BB  u::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l e::::::e     e:::::etttttt:::::::tttttt    s::::::ssss:::::s
  B::::BBBBBB:::::B u::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::e      t:::::t           s:::::s  ssssss 
  B::::B     B:::::Bu::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e       t:::::t             s::::::s      
  B::::B     B:::::Bu::::u    u::::u   l::::l  l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee        t:::::t                s::::::s   
  B::::B     B:::::Bu:::::uuuu:::::u   l::::l  l::::l e:::::::e                 t:::::t    ttttttssssss   s:::::s 
BB:::::BBBBBB::::::Bu:::::::::::::::uul::::::ll::::::le::::::::e                t::::::tttt:::::ts:::::ssss::::::s
B:::::::::::::::::B  u:::::::::::::::ul::::::ll::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee        tt::::::::::::::ts::::::::::::::s 
B::::::::::::::::B    uu::::::::uu:::ul::::::ll::::::l  ee:::::::::::::e          tt:::::::::::tt s:::::::::::ss  
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB       uuuuuuuu  uuuullllllllllllllll    eeeeeeeeeeeeee            ttttttttttt    sssssssssss

Reason: For the past 2-4 weeks, this girl has been cheating on her boyfriend for a while now
and it was obvious because the guy she cheated with was flexing all his cash and kept saying he 
knows how to pack when he cant. When he packs someone he repeats the same words over and over
and when he says he's going "roast mode" he starts talking gibberish and says some words that don't 
even make sense. Not just that, the girl lied about being abused and broke up with her boyfriend multiple times
just to hide the fact that she is cheating.

Face Pics:

State/country: United States Utica, NY
Address: 10082 Davis Rd E, Utica, NY 13502
Latitude: 43.17579429428171
Longitude: -75.16009453001531 
Discord: ;alex#8888
Tiktok alt: xo4lex
Tiktok main: tbha1ex
Name: Alexandria
 The person she cheated with (his dox)
discord: Vyuk#3412
address: 1290 E 95th St Brooklyn, NY 11236