+- Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| You're a real cunt. You don't know when to stop because                                |
| you just want money. Maybe now people will see.                                        |
|                                                                                        |
| You don't know how to stop. Maybe now you will get the hint.                           |
|                                                                                        |
+- Basic Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Full Name: ALEX BYRD                                                                   |
| Address: 8 Nightingale Pl, Dayton OH 45420                                             |
| Emails: docean1337@gmail.com, pookusus667@gmail.com,                                   |
|   docean1338@gmail.com, poopwater666@gmail.com,                                        |
|   alexander.byrd@kcsstudents.org, joejoejay273@gmail.com                               |
| IP Address:                                                             |
| ISP: AT&T Internet Services                                                            |
| Most Common Password: Whythecat1                                                       |
| Visa: •••• 7967                                                                        |
| MM/YY: 04/2022                                                                         |
| School: Kettering Fairmont High School                                                 |
| School Drive: https://anonfiles.com/B5e279L6o0/drive-download-20200810T023750Z-001_zip |
+- JSON Report (SMALL) ------------------------------------------------------------------+
| {                                                                                      |
|     "name": "Alex Byrd",                                                               |
|     "address": "8 Nightingale Pl, Dayton OH 45420",                                    |
|     "phoneNumbers": {                                                                  |
|         "(937) 254-4153": {                                                            |
|             "CNAM": "BYRD,JUDY",                                                       |
|             "carrier": "SBC IP/1",                                                     |
|             "type": "voip"                                                             |
|         }                                                                              |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "relatives": [                                                                     |
|         "Alex Byrd",                                                                   |
|         "Judy Byrd",                                                                   |
|         "Angela Hild",                                                                 |
|         "Asheley Byrd",                                                                |
|         "Ashley Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Brian Hild",                                                                  |
|         "Chelsea Prether",                                                             |
|         "David Hild",                                                                  |
|         "Eloise Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Keith Byrd",                                                                  |
|         "Linda Hild",                                                                  |
|         "Mark Hamilton",                                                               |
|         "Michael Byrd",                                                                |
|         "Michael Hild",                                                                |
|         "Michael Hild",                                                                |
|         "Rita Shealey",                                                                |
|         "Robert Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Robin Byrd",                                                                  |
|         "Sharon Jones",                                                                |
|         "Shirley Byrd",                                                                |
|         "Stephanie Hamilton"                                                           |
|     ]                                                                                  |
| }                                                                                      |
+- Mother JSON Report (SMALL) -----------------------------------------------------------+
| {                                                                                      |
|     "name": "Ms Judy Kay Byrd",                                                        |
|     "address": "8 Nightingale Pl, Kettering OH 45420",                                 |
|     "phoneNumbers": {                                                                  |
|         "(937) 254-4153": {                                                            |
|             "CNAM": "BYRD,JUDY",                                                       |
|             "carrier": "SBC IP/1",                                                     |
|             "type": "voip"                                                             |
|         },                                                                             |
|         "(937) 844-1271": {                                                            |
|             "CNAM": "SCARLETT,DAVID",                                                  |
|             "carrier": "SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P.",                                         |
|             "type": "mobile"                                                           |
|         },                                                                             |
|         "(513) 254-4153": {                                                            |
|             "CNAM": "HOLBROOK ANGELA",                                                 |
|             "carrier": "Cingular Wireless/2",                                          |
|             "type": "mobile"                                                           |
|         }                                                                              |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "emails": [                                                                        |
|         "judy.byrd@iwon.com"                                                           |
|     ],                                                                                 |
|     "relatives": [                                                                     |
|         "Alex Byrd",                                                                   |
|         "Alex Byrd",                                                                   |
|         "Angela Hild",                                                                 |
|         "Michael Hild",                                                                |
|         "Stephanie Hamilton",                                                          |
|         "Alieyah Adams",                                                               |
|         "Allen Martincavage",                                                          |
|         "Allen Martincavage",                                                          |
|         "Amanda Martincavage",                                                         |
|         "Andrew Byrd",                                                                 |
|         "Angela Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Asheley Byrd",                                                                |
|         "Asheley Hamilton",                                                            |
|         "Ashley Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Brian Hild",                                                                  |
|         "Cathy Rice",                                                                  |
|         "Christopher Martincavage",                                                    |
|         "David Hild",                                                                  |
|         "Donald Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Donald Hamilton",                                                             |
|         "Geoffrey Byrd"                                                                |
|     ]                                                                                  |
| }                                                                                      |
+- Chrome Passwords ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
| {                                                                                      |
|     "https://dexa.im/": {                                                              |
|         "username": "alex-8137",                                                       |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/password/empty": {                |
|         "username": "jkbyrd1951@gmail.com",                                            |
|         "password": "1957tuttle"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://accounts.google.com/": {                                                  |
|         "username": "legosiforcracked",                                                |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
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|         "username": "pookusus667@gmail.com",                                           |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
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|         "username": "docean1339@gmail.com",                                            |
|         "password": "GucciGang666"                                                     |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://www.netflix.com/login": {                                                 |
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|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
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|         "username": "docean1337@gmail.com",                                            |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://discord.com/login": {                                                     |
|         "username": "docean1337@hotmail.com",                                          |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://adfoc.us/session/create": {                                               |
|         "username": "pookusus667@gmail.com",                                           |
|         "password": "Whythecat1"                                                       |
|     },                                                                                 |
|     "https://www.paypal.com/signin": {                                                 |
|         "username": "docean1330@gmail.com",                                            |
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|         "username": "pookusus667@gmail.com",                                           |
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|         "username": "",                                                                |
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|         "username": "pookusus667@gmail.com",                                           |
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|     },                                                                                 |
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|         "username": "",                                                                |
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|     "https://hitleap.com/authentication": {                                            |
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|         "username": "docean1338@gmail.com",                                            |
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