Discord dox posted at 21:00 
Target : AlDuelz
Fucked by Justice Brander#1337
Reason : Being a nerd on discord and dare telling me I suck at doxing lol

============================Online Info============================

Aliases: AlDuelz, wildim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zIeuDIA (lol nice try to hide your username)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alduelz.bnks.7
Discord: AlDuelz#0001
Discord ID: 283698907433664512
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Am5EC83mrf go drop him a visit :]]]]]]
Youtube: He has reset his Youtube account lol it was https://youtube.com/AlDuelz 

Email addresses : AlDuelz@gmail.com and AlDuelz@outlook.fr

============================Personal Info============================

Name: Raphaël Goman
Age: 21 (26_07_1999)
Race: White
Country of residence : France 
His address: 5 rue Jules Ferry, Saint-Jacques-De-La Lande, 35000 Rennes
Scholarship : Student at Rennes 2 in business administration for small and medium-sized enterprises (such an idiot ffs)
College address : https://www.univ-rennes2.fr/ | Place Recteur Henri le Moal, 35000 Rennes 

============================Family Info=============================

Mother: Marine Prevost
Father: Jean-Emmanuel Goman
Brother : William Goman (He is dead btw)

For some reason they don't have facebook lmao <3

============================Other Shit/Closing=============================

He seems to be very smart though it was kinda tough to dox him as i have all the reasons to think he is working with french CNIL and GDRP
