
Credits to: Nerv and End

Reason for dox: Said he has my addy and said he leaked my nudes, larped everything he had on me and posted it on dbin, all out sad larp 

First and last name: Ahmad Grimes

Age: 16

Current Number: (916) 641-1991

Current home address: 812 Carro Dr, Unit 4 Sacramento CA 95825 ( https://www.google.com/maps?ll=38.580177,-121.405229&z=15&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&q=812+Carro+Dr+%234+Sacramento,+CA+95825 )

Family: Ahmad Grimes in Sacramento, CA. Gabrielle Grimes • Anthony Grimes • Ashley Grimes • Adoness Teter • April Grimes • Aretha Peters • Artimus Holmes • Ashley Grant • Barbara Smith • Barbara Smith • Bianca Smith • Charles Grimes • Cole Peterson • Deadrick Grant


 First and last name:Mylea Grimes.


Emails - animals_2003@icloud.com Email name Relatives -- name - Anthony J Grimes Address - 5018 Hackberry Ln Sacramento, CA 95841 Number - (916) 344-4552 Email report for animals_2003@icloud.com name one - Gabrielle Grimes

Alice McMillin Name Three - Anthony Grimes Address one - 5018 Hackberry Ln. Sacramento, CA 95841 Land Lord Name - Brian Bennett Possible school - https://www.sanjuan.edu/miraloma ( in mile from his house ) https://horizon.agilixbuzz.com/ ( https://www.bing.com/search?q=horizon+charter+school+sacramento+ca&cvid=b00aa746214a48aea4f7094f8d58cd0a&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.5326j0j1&pglt=43&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=NMTS ) ( https://www.horizoncharterschools.org/?obj=ClickThru&Clear=Yes&XRef=519FB88D06DCF685ED905C8FD3A9459490A77AA4AFA1819FBB0CBC7FD8538AD0924FA9D8010EE38B8A981FA1B1A18A88B255369154B40DA1D1B89396792031979A1DBE7A9E54945A87CA8DA895894A1FDDAF1FCCBD089D9DBB955DB46791494615CD089F ) FULL PDF OF GABRIELLA ( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1036782845160587315/1036827323787399188/Gabrielle_J_Grimes-488a79a9b4a8c0f.pdf )