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¦ Reason For DOX:Saying he's gonna murder and rape Cryptic's GF, Spreading info, threatning murder, Fucked with the wrong people :) ¦ 

¦*Personal Information:                  ¦

Full Name: Mark winston
Picture: https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/44115326_10214899045764398_2182560246474473472_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-1.fna&oh=3b60c71b689c2368f21ddfc0a5d9ee73&oe=5C9FD51E (Boy.)
Phone Number: 201-626-7766
DOB: 6/30/1961
Age: 57
Birth Sign:N/A
Email 1: N/A
Alias: "Lily Storm" , 
Passwords: N\A , 
SSN: ***-**-6103 (Censored for legal reasons)

¦*School information:                    ¦

School Name: Ketchikan High School
2610 4th Ave
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ketchikan-High-School/107402095956498?eid=ARDDlucckZmnrejlAZ2F4cSXQ-XJ5YH7lB1aEXpJPzZDe5eONChjQUY4IVVepMgkJEZ8pUYSR_w2yejY

¦*Location information:                  ¦

Address: 225 Brookridge Dr
Area Code:8904
Zip: 27518
City: Cary
State: North Carolina
Country: United States
Continent: North America
Time Zone: EST , Eastern Standard 
IDD: +1

¦*Family information:                    ¦

Mom: Shirley Winstion 

Dad: Proly in hell where mark belong's. 

¦*Miscellaneous:                         ¦

Relationship Status: Single because nobody wants him.
Sexuality: Straight. (Pedo.) 
Time Zone: MST
Phone Carrier: N/A
Voicemail: N/A
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Hair Color: White
Voice (Deep)
Timezone GMT offset: -7

Phone: ***-*23-9022
School: Ketchikan High School

¦*Property Information:    ¦ 

Year Trailer was made: 1993
Color of trailer: Brown
How many Stories: 1
Number of Bedrooms: 2
Number of Bathrooms: 1 
Value of Trailer: $408–$952
Year appartment was Purchased: 1995
Land Lord Phone Number: ***-*23-9022

¦ Dox Posted: 11/25/18     ¦

¦*Doxed By: Advicee / Discord: Advicee#0001 